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call heapify() in order to re-sort the heapq after a node is removed,…
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… and allow to optionally use sortedcontainers instead if available
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Julien Rialland committed Apr 7, 2023
1 parent f11311b commit 71bd3c7
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218 changes: 165 additions & 53 deletions astar/
@@ -1,43 +1,141 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" generic A-Star path searching algorithm """

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from typing import Iterable, Union, TypeVar, Generic

# infinity as a constant
Infinite = float("inf")
from heapq import heapify, heappush, heappop
from typing import Type, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Union, TypeVar, Generic
from math import inf as infinity

# introduce generic type
T = TypeVar("T")

class AStar(ABC, Generic[T]):

__slots__ = ()
class SearchNode(Generic[T]):
"""Representation of a search node"""

__slots__ = ("data", "gscore", "fscore", "closed", "came_from", "in_openset")

def __init__(
self, data: T, gscore: float = infinity, fscore: float = infinity
) -> None: = data
self.gscore = gscore
self.fscore = fscore
self.closed = False
self.in_openset = False
self.came_from: Union[None, SearchNode[T]] = None

def __lt__(self, b: "SearchNode[T]") -> bool:
"""Natural order is based on the fscore value & is used by heapq operations"""
return self.fscore < b.fscore

class SearchNodeDict(Dict[T, SearchNode[T]]):
"""A dict that returns a new SearchNode when a key is missing"""

class SearchNode:
"""Representation of a search node"""
def __missing__(self, k) -> SearchNode[T]:
v = SearchNode(k)
self.__setitem__(k, v)
return v

__slots__ = ("data", "gscore", "fscore", "closed", "came_from", "out_openset")

def __init__(
self, data: T, gscore: float = Infinite, fscore: float = Infinite
) -> None: = data
self.gscore = gscore
self.fscore = fscore
self.closed = False
self.out_openset = True
self.came_from = None
SNType = TypeVar("SNType", bound=SearchNode)

def __lt__(self, b: "AStar.SearchNode") -> bool:
return self.fscore < b.fscore

class SearchNodeDict(dict):
def __missing__(self, k):
v = AStar.SearchNode(k)
self.__setitem__(k, v)
return v
class OpenSet(ABC, Generic[SNType]):
"""As we may have performance issues with the heapq module when an item is
re-inserted, we may use other implementations for this feature.
- By default the HeapQOpenSet class just relies on the heapq module, it does not need any external dependency.
- The SortedContainersOpenSet class uses the sortedcointainers module. As
this module is optional, it will be used only if your own project
depends on it.

def push(self, item: SNType) -> None:
"""Add an item to the queue"""
raise NotImplementedError

def pop(self) -> SNType:
"""Remove and return the smallest item from the queue"""
raise NotImplementedError

def remove(self, item: SNType) -> None:
"""remove an item from the queue, ensuring that the queue is still valid afterwards"""
raise NotImplementedError

class HeapQOpenSet(OpenSet[SNType], Generic[SNType]):
"""just a wrapper around heapq operations"""

def __init__(self):
self.heap = []

def push(self, item: SNType) -> None:
"""Add an item to the queue"""
item.in_openset = True
heappush(self.heap, item)

def pop(self) -> SNType:
"""Remove and return the smallest item from the queue"""
item = heappop(self.heap)
item.in_openset = False
return item

def remove(self, item: SNType):
) # costly operation but necessary as remove operation destroy the structure of the heap
item.in_openset = False

OpenSetImpl: Type[OpenSet] = HeapQOpenSet

import sortedcontainers

class SortedContainersOpenSet(OpenSet[SNType], Generic[SNType]):
def __init__(self):
self.sortedlist = sortedcontainers.SortedList(key=lambda x: x.fscore)

def push(self, item: SNType) -> None:
item.in_openset = True

def pop(self) -> SNType:
item = self.sortedlist.pop(0)
item.in_openset = False
return item

def remove(self, item: SNType):
item.in_openset = False

OpenSetImpl = SortedContainersOpenSet"using sortedcontainers for heap operations")

except Exception as e:"sortedcontainers module not loaded, using the default heapq module")


class AStar(ABC, Generic[T]):
__slots__ = ()

def heuristic_cost_estimate(self, current: T, goal: T) -> float:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,64 +188,78 @@ def astar(
) -> Union[Iterable[T], None]:
if self.is_goal_reached(start, goal):
return [start]
searchNodes = AStar.SearchNodeDict()
startNode = searchNodes[start] = AStar.SearchNode(

openSet: OpenSet[SearchNode[T]] = OpenSetImpl()
searchNodes: SearchNodeDict[T] = SearchNodeDict()
startNode = searchNodes[start] = SearchNode(
start, gscore=0.0, fscore=self.heuristic_cost_estimate(start, goal)
openSet: list = []
heappush(openSet, startNode)

while openSet:
current = heappop(openSet)
current = openSet.pop()

if self.is_goal_reached(, goal):
return self.reconstruct_path(current, reversePath)
current.out_openset = True

current.closed = True

for neighbor in map(lambda n: searchNodes[n], self.neighbors(
if neighbor.closed:

tentative_gscore = current.gscore + self.distance_between(,

if tentative_gscore >= neighbor.gscore:

neighbor_from_openset = neighbor.in_openset

if neighbor_from_openset:
# we have to remove the item from the heap, as its score has changed

# update the node
neighbor.came_from = current
neighbor.gscore = tentative_gscore
neighbor.fscore = tentative_gscore + self.heuristic_cost_estimate(, goal
if neighbor.out_openset:
neighbor.out_openset = False
heappush(openSet, neighbor)
# re-add the node in order to re-sort the heap
heappush(openSet, neighbor)


return None

U = TypeVar("U")

def find_path(
start: T,
goal: T,
start: U,
goal: U,
neighbors_fnct: Callable[[U], Iterable[U]],
heuristic_cost_estimate_fnct=lambda a, b: Infinite,
distance_between_fnct=lambda a, b: 1.0,
is_goal_reached_fnct=lambda a, b: a == b,
) -> Union[Iterable[T], None]:
heuristic_cost_estimate_fnct: Callable[[U, U], float] = lambda a, b: infinity,
distance_between_fnct: Callable[[U, U], float] = lambda a, b: 1.0,
is_goal_reached_fnct: Callable[[U, U], bool] = lambda a, b: a == b,
) -> Union[Iterable[U], None]:
"""A non-class version of the path finding algorithm"""

class FindPath(AStar):
def heuristic_cost_estimate(self, current, goal):
return heuristic_cost_estimate_fnct(current, goal)
def heuristic_cost_estimate(self, current: U, goal: U) -> float:
return heuristic_cost_estimate_fnct(current, goal) # type: ignore

def distance_between(self, n1, n2):
def distance_between(self, n1: U, n2: U) -> float:
return distance_between_fnct(n1, n2)

def neighbors(self, node):
return neighbors_fnct(node)
def neighbors(self, node) -> Iterable[U]:
return neighbors_fnct(node) # type: ignore

def is_goal_reached(self, current, goal):
return is_goal_reached_fnct(current, goal)
def is_goal_reached(self, current, goal) -> bool:
return is_goal_reached_fnct(current, goal) # type: ignore

return FindPath().astar(start, goal, reversePath)

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