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Launch with Docker

Richard Osmar Leon Ingaruca edited this page Nov 9, 2020 · 1 revision

Option 1: Quickly launch with Docker compose

coming soon

Option 2: Run public image

  • Step 0: Does not forgot the database inicialization before the startup of application

  • Step 1: Using your own database configuration, execute:

docker run -d \
--name configurator \
-p 2708:2708 \
-e "API_KEY=changeme" \
-i -t jrichardsz/configurator:1.0.0

note the use of a public docker image: jrichardsz/configurator:1.0.0

Option 3: Build and run your own image

  • Just clone the repository and execute:
docker build --rm -t configurator:1.0.0 .
  • Run you local image exact as # Option 2 step but instead jrichardsz/configurator:1.0.0 use configurator:1.0.0