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Python implementation of the separability metric.

Python implementation of the Multiscale Separability metric as shown in [1]. The original paper from which the implementation was based of can be found here.

After using this package consider citing the paper from which the implementation was based of:

[1] TORRES, R. da S.; FALCAO, Alexandre X.; COSTA, L. da F. A graph-based approach for multiscale shape analysis. Pattern Recognition, v. 37, n. 6, p. 1163-1174, 2004.

Table of Contents

Multiscale Separability

The separability of a descriptor indicates it's discriminatory capabilities among individuals of the same class. It measures the effectiveness of a descriptor by showing how far data is from that descriptor.


Method 1 - PIP

Just run: pip install SePYrability

Method 2 - Manual Installation

First, clone the directory, by running:

git clone

The package requires the following dependencies:

  • numpy
  • matplotlib

You can install those dependencies by running the following command in the package directory: pip install -r requirements.txt

After that you can run the following command in the package directory to install the package: pip install -e .


You can import the package by using: import sepyrability.separability as sep

The default distance metrics already implemented, can be imported by: import sepyrability.distance as dis

The types of distance currently implemented are:

  1. euclidian - Euclidian distance
  2. cosine - Cosine distance

To access the distances you can use: dis.<chosen distance>.

After properly importing the package you can compute the multiscale separability with the following attributes:

sep.calculate_separability(data, labels, distfun = dis.euclidian, dx = 0.02, start= 0.01, show_graph = True):
    n is the number of instances
    and f is the dimensionality of the features
    data {numpy Matrix [n x f]} -- The data on which separability is going to be calculated
    labels {np.array[n]} -- label information for each piece of data
    distfun {function} -- function used to calculate distance: euclidian
    dx {float} -- step size for distance calculation
    start {float} -- starting point for the steps
    show_graph {bool} -- Boolean to show or not the multiscale separability graph

    multiscale_separability {dictionary} -- dictionary containing:
        - 'multiscale_separability' [array of floats] -- multiscale_separability for a specific radius
        - 'distance' [array of floats] -- corresponding radius distance for multiscale_separability
    auc -- area under the curve of the separability graph
    --plots graph if 'show_graph' is True

You can easily obtain the multiscale seprability data using sep.calculate_separability(data, labels). If you want, you can also specify a different distance function from euclidian, by passing the function as an argument of distfun, including your own, as shown in the next session.

Custom Distance Function

You have the option to implement your own distance function and pass it as an argument of distfun. This can be done by creating a custom function that receives a reference point 'ref' and a data point 'X' as arguments, and returns the distance between these two points.

NOTE: The distance should be normalized between 0 and 1.

An example can be seen below:

def custom_euclidian(ref, X):
    #returns normalized euclidian distance from the reference point
    dist = X - ref
    dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(dist, 2), axis = 1))
    dist = dist/np.max(dist)
    return dist

#this can be called below by using:
ms, auc = sep.calculate_separability(Xt, Yt, distfun=dis.custom_euclidian)


import sepyrability.separability as sep
import as sio
import numpy as np

D = loadmat(<some .mat dataset location>)
X = D['X']
Y = D['Y']
ms, auc = sep.calculate_separability(X, Y)


Python implementation of the separability metric.







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