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This is a monorepo managed with yarn and lerna. Each lambda will be independantly versioned and deployed but with the benifits of all the code in a single repository.


Packages (lambda functions) should be in folders named the same as the serverless service name.

Packages ending with "endpoint" are HTTP endpoints and avaliable via API Gateway. Packages ending with "handler" are event driven and called when some event in the bucket happens (ex. file uploaded). See each .severless file for details.

AWS Lambda best practice dictates that we should only be deploying functions within VPC if the function depends on resources within the VPC (i.e. data). If the Lambda is a pure function with no side effects or internal resource access it should not be housed within the VPC. This helps to reduce cold start times for the function as well as reducing AWS resource usage.


yarn start-db: Run once if DB_URI isn't on. yarn dev: Runs all serverless endpoints locally. yarn dev --printConfig: for debugging local serverless offline configs.

This project utilizes serverless-offline and serverless-bundle.

Serverless offline allows for mocking Lambda infrastructure locally.

Serverless bundle uses webpack to bunlde each lambda with latest best configs.

Development DB_URI

brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community@4.4
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf &

Development Config (VSCODE)

The following helper extensions will keep you sane (me too).

ESLint Prettier StandardJS

The following config in your workspace json.

  "editor.formatOnSave": false,
  "standard.enable": true,
  "standard.autoFixOnSave": true,
  "": "onType",
  "javascript.updateImportsOnFileMove.enabled": "always",

How It Works

The directory structure like:


This repo is split into 3 directories. Each with a different purpose:

  • packages

    These are internal packages that are used in our services. Each contains a package.json and can be optionally published to NPM. Any changes to a package should only deploy the service that depends on it.

  • services

    These are Serverless services that are deployed. Has a package.json and serverless.yml.

  • libs

    Any common code that you might not want to maintain as a package. Does NOT have a package.json. Any changes here should redeploy all our services.

The packages/ and services/ directories are Yarn Workspaces.


Install an NPM package inside a service.

yarn add some-npm-package

Run a function locally.

serverless invoke local -f get

Run tests in a service.

yarn test

Deploy the service.

serverless deploy

Deploy a single function.

serverless deploy function -f get

To add a new service.

cd services/
serverless install --url --name new-service
cd new-service


Since each package has its own package.json, you can manage it just like you would any other NPM package.

To add a new package.

mkdir packages/new-package
yarn init

Packages can also be optionally published to NPM.


If you need to add any other common code in your repo that won't be maintained as a package, add it to the libs/ directory. It does not contain a package.json. This means that you'll need to install any NPM packages as dependencies in the root.

To install an NPM package at the root.

yarn add -W some-npm-package


We want to ensure that only the services that have been updated get deployed. This means that, if a change is made to:

  • services

    Only the service that has been changed should be deployed. For ex, if you change any code in service1, then service2 should not be deployed.

  • packages

    If a package is changed, then only the service that depends on this package should be deployed. For ex, if sample-package is changed, then service1 should be deployed.

  • libs

    If any of the libs are changed, then all services will get deployed.

Deployment Algorithm

To implement the above, use the following algorithm in your CI:

  1. Run lerna ls --since ${prevCommitSHA} -all to list all packages that have changed since the last successful deployment. If this list includes one of the services, then deploy it.
  2. Run git diff --name-only ${prevCommitSHA} ${currentCommitSHA} to get a list of all the updated files. If they don't belong to any of your Lerna packages (lerna ls -all), deploy all the services.
  3. Otherwise skip the deployment.

Based on Lerna + Yarn

Package Configs

We can share config information from the root into each serverless.yml file.

Example: services/service1/serverless.yml

  name: aws
  stage: prod
  runtime: nodejs12.x
    securityGroupIds: ${file(../../root.yml):securityGroupIds}
    subnetIds: ${file(../../root.yml):subnetIds}

  environment: ${file(../../root.yml):environment}


  - 'sg-xxxxx'
  - 'subnet-xxxxx1'
  - 'subnet-xxxxx2'
  - 'subnet-xxxxx3'
  KEY1: value1
  KEY2: value2

Please note we utilize serverless-dotenv-plugin which will auto populate environment variables when there is a .env file present. We will lean on this in our CI/CD pipeline probably. It also may not work well in our current setup, so we will see....

Further considerations and findings

During CI/CD setup I played with several options that I'll outline.

Current Approach: Each folder in services is it's own API GW + lambda. This allows for fine grained release process, but means there is a lot of URLS instead of one url with /facebook-feed or /messenger-messages. I took this path because we want individual deploys only when they update. To make this work we need each serverless.yml to have a different service name otherwise it overwrites each time and yucky. Having different service names means we can deploy in parralel too, yay!

Approach 1: One service folder for social-ingress with multiple lambas exposed. I really liked this b/c it was less cruft, however... packaging individually wasn't enough for AWS/Lerna to know (without some cli fuckery, which i may attempt still) what needed updated so it deployed ALL of them which is a non starter and makes this whole thing pointless.

Approach 2: Multiple service folders but serverless.yml pointing to social-ingress for the service. This breaks because it overwrites each time with new service deffinition, lameo...


[hardsource:e7bf5834] Could not freeze... Blow away your .webpack module not found... if it's a local file relying on a local package make sure you put the local package into package.json for whatever you're working on, then from top level run yarn so it'll wire up.


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