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Basic Project Q&A

Justin Nelson edited this page Jul 30, 2020 · 1 revision

Basic Project Q&A (7/30/20)

  • Q: Can I buy this now?
  • A: No, this is a prototype, a first draft, and I would feel bad selling it as is right now. That said, if you're adept or adventurous, you could build your own by end of the weekend. And I will be working to get it in the hands of certain community members for feedback.

  • Q: So can I buy it later? If so, how?
  • A: Most likely yes. DIY electronics and coding is not for everyone, but this project also shouldn't be just for "the nerds" to enjoy. As a more developed version comes along, we can give more details about how to get one pre-built. The software is always free and the hardware open.

  • Q: How does this work, high level?
  • A: The idea behind this is really no different than a universal remote for your TV. The Spark is programmed to react a certain way when it receives a particular wireless message from a connected device. So this pedal utilizes that behavior.

  • Q: Do I have to open my Spark or flash "custom" firmware for it to work?
  • A: No.

  • Q: How does PG feel about this pedal? Why can't they just use the one THEY made?
  • A: I only know that Eric Sands seems to like it, beyond that, 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Q: Why are you making this hardware and software open source and not keeping the sauce secret?
  • A: I mostly followed 101 Python guides to code this with little previous experience in the language. I have no doubt others can do the same. And the Raspberry Pi demo Hat I made is simple enough it could be an intro STEM project. I also just love Linux and open source, and the sharing of ideas it can create. It seems like something the Spark community could use right now.

  • Q: Well what can I do to help you right now?
  • A: Keep up the encouragement and ideas, and sit tight for more details. I'd love to start a Kickstarter tonight, but there is more research to be done before asking for funding.

  • Q: Will this pedal work at the same time as the App? Don't they both use BT?
  • A: I can't fully answer this yet (I have some questions of my own to answer). But here's what I know. As it is coded, you cannot use both at the same time in terms of control. I did not design it to do so, but it would be nice if that could be achieved. I envisioned the use of this being more after you've made some tones you like and you've saved them. More advanced practice and light performer you could say.

  • Q: Well that's dumb, if I can't use the app what's the point?
  • A: As many of you know, some Spark app features like the Auto-Chords work whether or not you are connected to the amp. That hasn't changed. Using Aux or a BT receiver plugged into Aux, you can still use many forms of backing tracks and apps in tandem with the Spark amp and this foot pedal. it also works while recording in a DAW.

  • Q: What's the range like for connecting?
  • A: Early testing has worked at 25 ft in my apartment.

  • Q: How responsive is the pedal with tone changing?
  • A: The Spark takes roughtly 0.1 secs to switch tones, even by hand.

  • Q: Why aren't you using X language/ Y dev board / Z operating system or firmware? Will it have a case or a battery? Can the screen be larger or the buttons laid out differently?
  • A: Because this was an exploratory first draft that I kept somewhat simple in case it didn't work. Now a lot more possibilities exist for moving forward.

  • Q: Didn't you know punk is dead?
  • A: Nope, what a curious phrase, never heard it before.

  • Q: Does Bill Tong get one?
  • A: Oh yes.

  • Q: But I still have more questions!!!
  • A: Excellent statement, so do I! Let's figure it out together 😉
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