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Lots of test refactoring (#1042)
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
* make behave slightly less verbose for use with behave --format progress2
* standardize behave tests
* move tests around to be more behavior driven
* clean up txt file after tests
* add more tests, add more functionality to behave for calling mock editor
* move around behave tests, get rid of regression files
* clean up some code around keyrings
* add more placeholder test scenarios (marked with @todo)
  You can run just these tests with `behave --no-skipped --tags=todo`
* fix "missing_directory" test
  This test was missing the config file it was trying to use. So, it was
  really a very useless, broken test that we absolutely should not have
  approved the PR (#963) for.
* add write tests for each journal type
* update version tests, add new regex match behave step
* add config test outlines
* add journal types to some search tests
* change "basic" config reference to "simple"
* update configs
* add more journal types in search
* fix basic folder journal reference
* add flush output steps to behave, update delete flag tests
* fix failing test with a flush
* update more delete flag tests to include other journal types
* fix file cleanup after failed test with no debug on
* fix password test
* fix DayOne tag sample data, move search/format tag tests, and run them on multiple jrnl types
* added ability to auto-prompt for password for encrypted journals
  Only uses password when prompted, and doesn't get in the way of other
  input prompts. This allows us to run the same scenarios on both
  encrypted journals and other journal types.
* fold encrypted scenarios into the rest of the scenarios where possible
* remove apostrophe that is breaking tests on CI
* add more journal type tests to import feature
* standardize whitespace in behave tests, take out duplicate test
* update handling of cache directories in test suite (easier syntax)
* skip failing YAML exporter emoji test on Windows
* added @todo tags for things that need follow-up

Co-authored-by: Micah Jerome Ellison <>
  • Loading branch information
wren and micahellison committed Oct 17, 2020
1 parent b76a1c4 commit 758d913
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Showing 48 changed files with 2,367 additions and 1,167 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions features/build.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Feature: Build process

Scenario: Version numbers should stay in sync
Given we use the config "simple.yaml"
When we run "jrnl --version"
Then we should get no error
And the output should contain pyproject.toml version
29 changes: 0 additions & 29 deletions features/contains.feature

This file was deleted.

200 changes: 10 additions & 190 deletions features/core.feature
@@ -1,201 +1,21 @@
Feature: Basic reading and writing to a journal
Feature: Functionality of jrnl outside of actually handling journals

Scenario: Loading a sample journal
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl -n 2"
Then we should get no error
and the output should be
2013-06-09 15:39 My first entry.
| Everything is alright
2013-06-10 15:40 Life is good.
| But I'm better.

Scenario: Printing a journal that has multiline entries
Given we use the config "multiline.yaml"
When we run "jrnl -n 1"
Then we should get no error
and the output should be
2013-06-09 15:39 Multiple line entry.
| This is the first line.
| This line doesn't have any ending punctuation
| There is a blank line above this.

Scenario: Multiline entry with punctuation
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl This is. the title\\n This is the second line"
and we run "jrnl -n 1"
Then the output should contain "This is. the title"

Scenario: Single line entry with punctuation
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl This is. the title"
and we run "jrnl -n 1"
Then the output should contain "| the title"

Scenario: Writing an entry from command line
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl 23 july 2013: A cold and stormy day. I ate crisps on the sofa."
Then we should see the message "Entry added"
When we run "jrnl -n 1"
Then the output should contain "2013-07-23 09:00 A cold and stormy day."

Scenario: Writing an empty entry from the editor
Given we use the config "editor.yaml"
When we open the editor and enter nothing
Then we should see the message "[Nothing saved to file]"

Scenario: Sending an argument with spaces to the editor should work
Given we use the config "editor-args.yaml"
When we open the editor and enter "lorem ipsum"
Then the editor should have been called with 5 arguments
And one editor argument should be "vim"
And one editor argument should be "-f"
And one editor argument should be "-c"
And one editor argument should match "'?setf markdown'?"

Scenario: Writing an empty entry from the command line
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl" and enter nothing
Then the output should be

Scenario: Filtering for dates
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl -on 2013-06-10 --short"
Then the output should be "2013-06-10 15:40 Life is good."
When we run "jrnl -on 'june 6 2013' --short"
Then the output should be "2013-06-10 15:40 Life is good."

Scenario: Emoji support
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl 23 july 2013: 🌞 sunny day. Saw an 🐘"
Then we should see the message "Entry added"
When we run "jrnl -n 1"
Then the output should contain "🌞"
and the output should contain "🐘"

Scenario: Writing an entry at the prompt
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl" and enter "25 jul 2013: I saw Elvis. He's alive."
Scenario: Displaying the version number
Given we use the config "simple.yaml"
When we run "jrnl --version"
Then we should get no error
and the journal should contain "[2013-07-25 09:00] I saw Elvis."
and the journal should contain "He's alive."
Then the output should match "^jrnl version v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-(alpha|beta))?$"

Scenario: Displaying the version number
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
Given we use the config "simple.yaml"
When we run "jrnl -v"
Then we should get no error
Then the output should contain "version"

Scenario: --short displays the short version of entries (only the title)
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl -on 2013-06-10 --short"
Then the output should be "2013-06-10 15:40 Life is good."

Scenario: -s displays the short version of entries (only the title)
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl -on 2013-06-10 -s"
Then the output should be "2013-06-10 15:40 Life is good."

Scenario: Invalid color configuration
Given we use the config "invalid_color.yaml"
When we run "jrnl -on 2013-06-10 -s"
Then the output should be
2013-06-10 15:40 Life is good.
And we should get no error

Scenario: Journal directory does not exist
Given we use the config "missing_directory.yaml"
When we run "jrnl Life is good"
and we run "jrnl -n 1"
Then the output should contain "Life is good"

Scenario: Installation with relative journal and referencing from another folder
Given we use the config "missingconfig"
When we run "jrnl hello world" and enter
and we change directory to "features"
and we run "jrnl -n 1"
Then the output should contain "hello world"
Then the output should match "^jrnl version v\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-(alpha|beta))?$"

Scenario: --diagnostic runs without exceptions
Scenario: Running the diagnostic command
When we run "jrnl --diagnostic"
Then the output should contain "jrnl"
And the output should contain "Python"

Scenario: --import allows new entry from stdin
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl --import" and pipe "[2020-07-05 15:00] Observe and import."
And we run "jrnl -1"
Then the journal should contain "[2020-07-05 15:00] Observe and import."
And the output should contain "Observe and import"

Scenario: --import allows new large entry from stdin
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl --import" and pipe
[2020-07-05 15:00] Observe and import.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent malesuada quis
est ac dignissim. Aliquam dignissim rutrum pretium. Phasellus pellentesque augue
et venenatis facilisis. Suspendisse potenti. Sed dignissim sed nisl eu consequat.
Aenean ante ex, elementum ut interdum et, mattis eget lacus. In commodo nulla nec
tellus placerat, sed ultricies metus bibendum. Duis eget venenatis erat. In at
dolor dui end of entry.
And we run "jrnl -1"
Then the journal should contain "[2020-07-05 15:00] Observe and import."
And the output should contain "Observe and import"
And the output should contain "Lorem ipsum"
And the output should contain "end of entry."

Scenario: --import allows multiple new entries from stdin
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
When we run "jrnl --import" and pipe
[2020-07-05 15:00] Observe and import.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
[2020-07-05 15:01] Twice as nice.
Sed dignissim sed nisl eu consequat.
Then the journal should contain "[2020-07-05 15:00] Observe and import."
Then the journal should contain "[2020-07-05 15:01] Twice as nice."

Scenario: --import allows import new entries from file
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
Then the journal should contain "My first entry."
And the journal should contain "Life is good."
But the journal should not contain "I have an @idea"
And the journal should not contain "I met with"
When we run "jrnl --import --file features/journals/tags.journal"
Then the journal should contain "My first entry."
And the journal should contain "Life is good."
And the journal should contain "PROFIT!"

Scenario: --import doesn't get confused with piping and file
Given we use the config "basic.yaml"
Then the journal should contain "My first entry."
And the journal should contain "Life is good."
But the journal should not contain "I have an @idea"
And the journal should not contain "I met with"
When we run "jrnl --import --file features/journals/tags.journal" and pipe
[2020-07-05 15:00] I should not exist!
Then the journal should contain "My first entry."
And the journal should contain "PROFIT!"
But the journal should not contain "I should not exist!"

Scenario: Listing available journals
35 changes: 0 additions & 35 deletions features/custom_dates.feature

This file was deleted.

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions features/data/configs/basic_dayone.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
date: none
title: none
body: none
tags: none
default_hour: 9
default_minute: 0
editor: noop
encrypt: false
highlight: true
default: features/journals/basic_dayone.dayone
linewrap: 80
tagsymbols: "@"
template: false
timeformat: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
indent_character: "|"
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions features/data/configs/basic_encrypted.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
date: none
title: none
body: none
tags: none
default_hour: 9
default_minute: 0
editor: noop
encrypt: true
highlight: true
default: features/journals/basic_encrypted.journal
linewrap: 80
tagsymbols: "@"
template: false
timeformat: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
indent_character: "|"
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions features/data/configs/basic_folder.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
date: none
title: none
body: none
tags: none
default_hour: 9
default_minute: 0
editor: noop
encrypt: false
highlight: true
default: features/journals/basic_folder
linewrap: 80
tagsymbols: "@"
template: false
timeformat: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
indent_character: "|"
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions features/data/configs/basic_onefile.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
date: none
title: none
body: none
tags: none
default_hour: 9
default_minute: 0
editor: noop
encrypt: false
highlight: true
default: features/journals/basic_onefile.journal
linewrap: 80
tagsymbols: "@"
template: false
timeformat: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"
indent_character: "|"
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions features/data/configs/dayone_empty.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
default_hour: 9
default_minute: 0
editor: noop
template: false
encrypt: false
highlight: true
default: features/journals/dayone_empty.dayone
linewrap: 80
tagsymbols: '@'
timeformat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
indent_character: "|"
date: none
title: none
body: none
tags: none
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions features/data/configs/editor_empty_folder.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
default_hour: 9
default_minute: 0
editor: 'vim'
template: false
encrypt: false
highlight: true
default: features/journals/empty_folder
linewrap: 80
tagsymbols: '@'
timeformat: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
indent_character: "|"

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