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Hello there, I'm jross365.


Cloud Computing 💗 Automation 💬 Artificial Intelligence ⛰️ Machine Learning 👏 Automation 🌱 Big Data 🤔

A Statement

Synergistically transform 🦋 our technological future 📱 through sophisticated prediction 🔮 and behavior analysis 💻

How I'm Doing So Far

✔️ Fashionable Industry Keywords

✔️ Vaguely Idealistic Aspirations

✔️ Gratuitous Use of Emojis

❌ Programming Language/Brand/Project Badges

If you haven't gathered by now, I'm being cheeky

While searching around for examples of GitHub profile templates, I noticed most are a strange mix of resume-type content, personal interest content and absurd quantities of emojis.

To each their own 🤷

About Me, For Real This Time

I am an IT infrastructure professional with more than 15 years of very broad and eclectic experience. However, I am not a programmer or data or computer scientist, nor do I aspire to be one.

So, why have a GitHub?

Like most IT professionals, there have been innumerable cases where I've had one of two options:

  • Do repetitive tasks manually, frequently and slowly; or

  • Figure out how to script and automate those tasks.

As a inwardly lazy person, I opted for the latter. By front-loading the time and effort into a scripting language, I've turned a 70-hour/week job into a 40-hour/week job.

The result is that I've become reasonably proficient in Powershell. In that proficiency, I've come to enjoy solving novel problems with the language, and creating new tools and toys to explore its capabilities.

It's one thing to solve a problem or do something novel for oneself, but it's all the better if the product of that effort is useful to someone else.

What are you working on?

As of May 2022, I have a couple very useful and very neat tools I'm actively building.

  • Get-ExtendedAttributes (Powershell)

Provides functionality akin to Get-ChildItem but returns data such as photo EXIF data, video encoding/quality/size data, ecetera.

06/2022 Update: I've released the first public version of this module! You can check it out here

  • Invoke-7ZIP (Powershell)

Extends 7-Zip functionality to Powershell via well-integrated wrapper modules. This module is a prerequisite to a Steam Backup/Restore tool that I plan on writing.

02/2023 Update: I finished this module a month ago, but forgot to update my profile readme. You can check it out here

  • Steam Game Files Backup/Restore Tool (Powershell)

Steam's backup/restore functionality is terrible. It's single-threaded and compresses poorly. There is a much better way to back up and restore games, and I'm building it.

Ahem, Emojis...

Alright, fine. I'll drop in the customary template, copied and pasted into files everywhere for time immemorial.

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on: An extended attributes enumerator function and a Steam game files backup/restore tool
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning: Microsoft Azure, Terraform Enterprise and Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL)
  • 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on: Anything where my skills and knowledge might be useful. Contact me if you think I can help you.
  • 🤔 I’m looking for help with: If you're volunteering, I always have laundry and dishes to do.
  • 💬 Ask me about: Powershell, infrastructure integration and management, and the IT industry in general.
  • 📫 How to reach me: Send me an email and I'll get back to you.
  • Fun fact: Flamingos are born white when they hatch and turn pink from their diet. Also, flamingos are omnivorous filter feeders. Flamingos are awesome!

Thank you for listening to my TED Talk

If you made it this far, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this little bit of self indulgence. I hope that something I've built can be of use or of interest to you. Have a wonderful day!


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