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Jonathan Dexter's config files

Prior art:

What's in here?

This is my setup for a bunch of things. It includes:

  • Windows Manager setup (awesome)
  • Neovim
  • zsh
  • A lot of other tools: rg, fuck, ncmpcpp, mopidy, kitty, cava, git [COMMANDS], and more

Awesome WM configuration

First of all, update configuration located at ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua. The vast majority of settings are included there.


  • Copy a profile picture to ~/profile.png
  • Install required items below
  • Type {Superkey}+? to view hotkey options
    • On windows, the superkey is the windows button

Other tools

Other tools can be found under bin/. These tools should be executable, and allow for some things I find helpful, for example sound switching and network switching via rofi.

Dependancies (required)

Supporting Libraries

  • lub-pam-git (allows usage of lock screen passwords, provided is in path - eg. in /usr/lib)

Default Programs from rc.lua Note: You do not need to select these, but if you do not, you will have to change default programs in rc.lua

Dashboard Support

Name Description Notes
gh Github Command line access Run gh auth login after install
gcalcli Google Calendar Agenda Update .gcalclirc with appropriate client ID + secret
fortune Random fortunes
redshift Shift monitor to red colors at night
jq JQ quick command line parsing

Dependencies (optional)

Window Compositor Note: This will make things look better

  • picom

System Tools

  • htop
  • ranger
  • nsxiv
  • maim
  • xrandr
    • arandr
    • autorandr


  • Neovim
  • JetBrains
    • Rider
    • DataGrip
    • WebStorm

Music + Audio

  • pulseaudio
    • pavucontrol
  • mopidy
    • mopidy-mpd
    • mopidy-spotify
  • ncmpcpp
  • cava


  • yewtube
  • mpv

Apps Note: Many apps have hotkeys. Check out apps.lua and keys.lua to learn more

  • Gimp
  • Inkscape
  • Steam (via proton)
  • Lutris
  • Notion
  • Chrome
  • Onepassword / opp command line


Name Description Notes
acpid Battery info Will need to enable the acpid service
light Light control
screenkey Show others what you're typing
screenruler Measure objects on your screen
galculator Calculate things

Usage: Link files via ln -s to target locations. Repo directory mirrors /home/[user] directory format.


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