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JSCAD Performance Suite

There are performance suites for these versions of the JSCAD CSG module.

  • CSG V1
  • Modeling V2

The suites must be run manually, and require a extended period of time to complete.


Just clone this repository, and run the following command.

node install

This will install the required modules, including the last V1 version of the CSG library (@jscad/csg).

The V2 version of the CSG library (@jscad/modeling) is now part of the project.

cd node_modules/@jscad/
ln -s ../../../ modeling
cd ../..


If you are ready then use these commands to initiate the performance suites.

node --expose_gc --always_compact ./performanceV1.js

node --expose_gc --always_compact ./performanceV2.js

As always, performance is RELATIVE, so all suites need to be executed on the SAME MACHINE. It would be wise to complete these suites when there is little or no load as well.


The list of tests is controlled by the index.js found in testsV1 and testV2 directory.

In addition, each functional area has a set of tests exported. For example, see the exports at the end of circles.js


There are two scripts to load and convert the performace statistics. The statistics are loaded into a sqlite3 database by; jscad.stats.db The statistics are converted into reports (html) by; index.html

The database can be accessed using sqlite3 as well.

sqlite3 jscad.stats.db

The database tables are:

CREATE TABLE daily (date TEXT, name TEXT, weight INTEGER, interations INTEGER, average NUMERIC, allocation INTEGER);
CREATE TABLE environment (date TEXT, hostname TEXT, hardware TEXT, os TEXT, node TEXT);


The MIT License (MIT)