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Self-Supervised Learning for Image Super-Resolution and Deblurring

The implementation of "Self-Supervised Learning for Image Super-Resolution and Deblurring" by Jérémy Scanvic, Mike Davies, Patrice Abry, and Julián Tachella

A diagram showing an overview of the method


Sample reconstructions for Gaussian deblurring with different standard deviations, using the proposed self-supervised method, a supervised method, and another self-supervised method (CSS)

Comparison of our self-supervised method with a supervised method and another self-supervised method (CSS) on Gaussian deblurring for different standard deviations $R_{text{blur}}$

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
cd Scale-Equivariant-Imaging
  1. Install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

Training a model

You can train a model using one of the methods used in the paper, i.e. the proposed, supervised, and CSS methods, and equivariant imaging methods using shifts and rotations. The resulting weights are written to disk and can be tested as explained in the testing section. Additionally, the training state (i.e. model weights, optimizer state, etc.) is saved at different epochs to allow for resuming training. A sample usage of the training script is written below, along with an explanation of each flag.

python demo/ --device cuda:0 \
 --method proposed \
 --task deblurring \
 --kernel kernels/ \
 --noise_level 5 --out_dir ./results \
Flag Explanation
--method Training method, i.e. proposed, sup, css, ei-shift or ei-rotate
--task Task, i.e. deblurring or sr
--sr_factor Super-resolution factor, i.e. 2 or 4 (optional)
--kernel Path to the blurring kernel (optional)
--noise_level Noise level, e.g. 5
--out_dir Directory where weights and checkpoints should be written
--device PyTorch device, e.g. cpu (default) or cuda:0
--download Download the dataset

Testing a model

You can test a model with precomputed weights used in the paper, which we made available on Hugging Face 🤗, or with weights you obtained by training a model. The resulting PSNR and SSIM are written to the standard output. A sample usage of the testing script is written below, along with an explanation of each flag.

python demo/ --device cuda:0 --task deblurring \
 --kernel kernels/ --noise_level 5 \
 --split val --weights Deblurring_Gaussian_R2_Noise5_Proposed \
Flag Explanation
--task Task, i.e. deblurring or sr
--sr_factor Super-resolution factor, i.e. 2 or 4 (optional)
--kernel Path to the blurring kernel (optional)
--noise_level Noise level, e.g. 5
--weights Path to the weights or name of a pretrained model, e.g. Deblurring_Gaussian_R2_Noise5_Proposed (See Hugging Face 🤗)
--split Dataset split, i.e. train or val
--device PyTorch device, e.g. cpu (default) or cuda:0
--download Download the dataset


	title={Self-Supervised Learning for Image Super-Resolution and Deblurring},
	author={Jérémy Scanvic and Mike Davies and Patrice Abry and Julián Tachella},


The implementation of "Self-Supervised Learning for Image Super-Resolution and Deblurring" by Jérémy Scanvic, Mike Davies, Patrice Abry, and Julián Tachella




