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jscparker committed Dec 8, 2018
1 parent 2082c53 commit 60ec64c
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Showing 21 changed files with 14,982 additions and 0 deletions.
87 changes: 87 additions & 0 deletions arbitrary/README.arbitrary
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
-- directory Arbitrary contains
-- A collection of arbitrary precision floating-point routines:
-- arithmetic, elementary functions, IO, and demos.
-- package Extended_Real provides:
-- An arbitrary precision floating-point data type: e_Real.
-- Lower limit is 28 decimals, no upper limit is enforced.
-- All internal arithmetic is done on 64-bit Integers, so its most
-- efficient on 64-bit CPU's. The package is Pure.
-- Floating point attributes (Ada 95) are implemented as function calls.
-- The package exports standard floating point operators:
-- "*", "+", "/", "**", "Abs", "<", ">", "<=" , ">=", etc.
-- The standard operators make it easy to modify existing code to use
-- extended precision arithmetic. Procedure calls Mult(X,Y) and Square(X)
-- are also provided. They do multiplication "in-place", (overwrite
-- X with the result) and are somewhat faster than the equivalent X := X*Y,
-- and X := X*X.
-- package Extended_Real.Elementary_Functions provides:
-- Sin, Cos, Sqrt, Arcsin, Arccos, Arctan, Log, Exp, Reciprocal (1/x),
-- Reciprocal_Nth_Root (x to the power of -1/N), Divide, and "**" for
-- extended arguments and exponents. Routines are Ada 95'ish.
-- package Extended_Real.IO provides:
-- Text to extended-precision e_Real translation routines, and
-- e_Real to Text translation routines.
-- package e_Derivs provides:
-- Extended precision routines for taking high order derivatives of
-- functions. Functions constructed from "*", "+", "/", "**", Sin,
-- Cos, Sqrt, Arcsin, Arccos, Arctan, Log, Exp, Compose = f(g(x)),
-- and Reciprocal can be differentiated to order specified by user.
-- package Extended_Real.Rand provides:
-- a basic Random Number Generator.
-- procedure e_real_demo_1.adb is:
-- an introductory routine that demonstrates use of Extended_Real.
-- procedure e_function_demo_1.adb is:
-- an introductory routine that demonstrates use of
-- Extended_Real.Elementary_Functions.
-- procedure e_jacobi_eigen_demo_1.adb demonstrates:
-- extended-precision eigen-decomposition on Hilbert's matrix using
-- package e_Jacobi_Eigen.
-- package e_Jacobi_Eigen is:
-- a Jabobi iterative eigen-decomposition routine.
-- (Demonstrates how easy it is to upgrade a floating point routine
-- to extended precision.) e_Jacobi_Eigen uses Extended_Real.
-- A decent optimization on gcc/GNAT is usually provided by:
-- gnatmake -gnatnp -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops xxx.adb
-- Always do a preliminary run which exercises Assertions, and other Checks:
-- gnatmake -Wall -gnatwa -gnatVa -gnata -gnato -fstack-check -gnateE xxx.adb
-- Because precision is arbitrary, Extended_Real is not specially
-- optimized for any particular precision. The present design works best
-- in the limit of 100's of decimal digits.
-- Common applications:
-- 0. Estimation of error in lower precision floating-point calculations.
-- 1. Evaluation of constants for math routines and Table-driven algorithms.
-- 2. Evaluation of series solutions of special function, especially when
-- the terms are constructed of large factorials and exponentials.
-- 3. Evaluation of recurrance relations for special functions.
-- Generics greatly reduce the work you have to do in modifying programs
-- to use extended floating point:
-- 1. place generic formal declarations
-- of the required extended arithmetic functions at the the top of the
-- package or subprogram to be modified.
-- 2. use the unary "-" and "+" routines that convert Real to Extended:
-- so that declarations
-- Number : Generic_Formal_Type := +1.234;
-- and statements like
-- Z := (+4.567834E+012) * X;
-- will be acceptible to both Real and Extended types.

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