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Prepare for version 2.1.1
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markelog committed Aug 26, 2015
1 parent 502497d commit 17ebc26
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 0 deletions.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,88 @@
## Version [2.1.1](

### Overview

This release consists mostly of bug-fixes. Check them out – there are a lot of them!

##### Fix regarding global jscs installs and plugins

One of the biggest issues fixed: a **global** jscs install can finally load **local** extensions (à la gulp style) like error-filters, plugins, additional rules, and presets.

This will fix issues with using a custom preset with something like [SublimeLinter]( which uses the global jscs install.

- To make a custom preset, you just need to publish a npm package with a jscs config file
- We recommend the package/repo name starts with `jscs-preset-` or with `jscs-config-` to help with searching for presets on npm and defining it in your config
- This would allow you to specify your preset more succinctly: `”preset”: “awesome”` instead of `”preset”: “jscs-preset-awesome”`
- You can also share multiple presets in one package with `”preset”: “awesome/super-awesome”`, provided that you have `super-awesome.{json, js}` in your package root directory
- Create a `jscs.json` file to store your jscs config
- In your `package.json`, set the `main` field to `jscs.json`

// example package.json in `jscs-config-awesome`
“name”: “jscs-config-awesome”,

// example .jscsrc using a custom preset
// assuming the preset package name is `jscs-config-awesome`
“preset”: “awesome”,
“disallowEmptyBlocks”: false // example of disabling a preset rule with false

We will add more comprehensive documentation for this feature a bit later, so stay tuned.

##### Disable a rule with `false` or `null`

You can use `false` (instead of only `null`) to disable a rule (such as in a preset). This was a point of confusion for newer users. To disable a rule you can do:

“preset”: “airbnb”,
“disallowEmptyBlocks”: null // disabling a rule with null
“disallowSpacesInCallExpression”: false // disabling a rule with false

We also managed to squeeze two new rules ([requireSpacesInsideParenthesizedExpression]( and [disallowSpacesInsideParenthesizedExpression](, increase performance, and improve ES6 support!

### New Rules
* New Rule: SpacesInsideParenthesizedExpression (Richard Gibson)

### Enhancements
* Configuration: disable any rule if its value equals to "false” (Oleg Gaidarenko)

### Bug Fixes
* requireDollarBeforejQueryAssignment: Ignore destructuring assignment (Simen Bekkhus)
* validateIdentation: fix on empty switch blocks (Henry Zhu)
* disallowQuotedKeysInObjects: fix allowing quoted non-reserved keys (Alexej Yaroshevich)
* disallowParenthesesAroundArrowParam: allow destructuring of param (Henry Zhu)
* requireTrailingComma: correct error message (monk-time)
* requirePaddingNewLinesAfterBlocks: do not report arrow fn chaining (Oleg Gaidarenko)
* safeContextKeyword: miss destructuring assignment (Oleg Gaidarenko)
* disallowNodeTypes: correct configure error (Alexander Zeilmann)
* requireDollarBeforejQueryAssignment: Ignore destructuring assignment (Simen Bekkhus)
* paddingNewlinesInBlocks: add exceptions and open/close options (Kai Cataldo)
* requireSpacesInAnonymousFunctionExpression: add allExcept option (Ken Sheedlo)
* curlyBraces: support `for..of` statements (regseb)

### Misc
* Configuration: allow load of external entities from external preset (Oleg Gaidarenko)
* CLI:Configuration: load local jscs modules if present (Oleg Gaidarenko)
* JsFile: Improve getNodeByRange performance (Richard Gibson)
* disallowQuotedKeysInObjects: rework tests and deprecate allButReserved value (Alexej Yaroshevich)

### Docs
* Docs: update examples on how to disable (Oleg Gaidarenko)
* Docs: improve documentation for various rules (oredi)
* Docs: fix typos in examples for disallowSpaceAfterObjectKeys (Yoni Medoff)
* Docs: improve documentation for various rules (oredi)
* Docs: small changelog corrections (Oleg Gaidarenko)
* Docs: make it clearer node_modules is excluded, and ! can be used to include (Henry Zhu)

## Version [2.1.0](

### Overview
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