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This RFC proposes an opt-in mechanism to relax some of the restrictions of the orphan rule, while maintaining the soundness of implementation coherence. It also proposes a minimal Cargo extension to allow this feature to be exercised. With this, the crate structure (and thus build system dependency graph) can be decoupled from the actual implementations.


Rust requires implementation coherence - that is, there's at most one implementation of a trait for a type. This is required to:

  • avoid any ambiguity about which implementation to use when compiling, and
  • make sure that adding a new implementation does not change the meaning of existing code.

To do this, Rust implements the orphan rule, which requires that at least one of the trait or the type are defined in the same crate as the implementation (ie is a "local" definition). The "other" definition must be in a crate which is a dependency, and as the dependency graph is acyclic, that "other" crate can't possibly have a conflicting implementation because it can't have both definitions in scope.

The effect of this rule imposes some very hard constraints on how a developer can factor their code into crates. For example it prevents:

  • introducing a new trait and implementing it for existing types, without adding dependencies for those types to all trait users
    • more generally, refactoring to break dependency chains
  • refactoring code to increase build parallelism
  • adding trait implementations for types in crates whose source is generated (eg protobuf)
  • splitting libstd/libcore
  • multiple conflicting implementations to make different implementation tradeoffs (eg size vs performance), or bindings to incompatible native libraries (python 2 vs python 3)

This RFC proposes an extension to the orphan rule which retains the coherence invariant, while loosening the "locality" requirement for implementation. This considerably increases implementation flexibility, at the cost of no longer being able to enforce the invariant purely locally.

At the rustc and language level, this mechanism is very general, and allows almost arbitrary implementation relations between crates. However in practice unconstrained use of this feature (ie implementing traits for types from different crates from unrelated origins) would have large impacts on the general Rust / ecosystem if not carefully considered.

As a result, this RFC also proposes a fairly small Cargo extension which allows the feature to be used within a workspace for experimentation, but leaves the implications of publishing to to a future RFC.

More concrete example

Say you've just written a new crate which defines a univeral interface to all types of databases, called DBTrait. You want to make this trait useful from the outset by implementing it for a number of existing DB crates.

Today this means your DBTrait crate would need to take dependencies on every one of those DB crates in order to do impl DBTrait for X. It also means that every downstream user of DBTrait would also transitively gain those dependencies.

Here, MysqlUser ends up depending on all of Mysql, MongoDB and RocksDB even though it only cares about Mysql.

graph TB
MysqlUser(MysqlUser) --> DBTrait --> Mysql & MongoDB & RocksDB

With this RFC, the implementation of DBTrait for each of the database crates would be distributed among multiple implementation crates. Downstream users would only need to take a dependency on the specific implemenetations they need.

In this example, MysqlUser depends only on DBTrait and DBMysql, and is unaffected by the DBMongo and DBRocks implementations.

graph TB
Bin(MysqlUser) --> DBMysql
DBMysql & DBMongo & DBRocks -->|impl| DBTrait
DBMysql --> Mysql
DBMongo --> MongoDB
DBRocks --> RocksDB

Guide-level explanation (cargo)

Within a workspace, you can designate an "impl" relationship between two crates. For example, in your my_impls/Cargo.toml you can put:

my_definitions = { version = "0.1", path = "../my_definitions", impl = True }

This means that your my_impls crate can add trait implementations using types or traits defined in my_definitions, almost as if they were defined in my_definitions. If you want to use those implementations in other crates, however, you must also add a dependency to both my_impls and my_definitions (or you could re-export the definitions in my_impls).

You may only implement for types/traits actually defined in my_definitions itself. Re-exports don't count.

The dependency must be a path dependency to another crate defined in the same workspace. Cargo will not allow you specify impl = True for other crates.

Publishing packages with any impl = True dependencies to is not allowed.

Guide-level explanation (rustc)

In current Rust, when you specify in your build system that a crate depends on another, this is a "use" dependency - the dependee can use definitions in the dependant.

This RFC defines a new dependency relationship: the "impl" dependency. The dependee can provide implementations for types and traits defined in the dependant.

We extend the rustc --extern flag with an additional impl flag: --extern impl:dbtrait=dbtrait.rlib. This means that the crate currently being compiled with this option, is allowed to implement traits and methods for types defined in the dbtrait crate (the defining crate).

For example:

//! Defining crate
trait DBTrait {}
//! Implementation crate, also depends on the `mysql` crate.
use mysql::MySql;

// Allowed because we're depending on `dbtrait` with `impl`
impl dbtrait::DBTrait for MySql {}

In other words, when the overlap check is considering what definitions are "local", both the implementing crate and the defining crate both count. Note that you may only implement traits and types for crates directly defined in the defining crate — you cannot implement re-exported types.

The defining and implementing crates are not the same in other respects. They still have distinct crate names, defining their own crate-level namespaces. For example, if they both defined a type Foo, it would be two definitions defining::Foo and implementing::Foo.

The terms "implementing" and "defining" describe a property of the dependency relationship between two crates, not an intrinsic property of the crates themselves. There are no other constraints on the defining and implementing crates - they can freely define new traits, types and other items, and implementations for those types and traits. An implementing crate can be a defining crate for another crate.

Regardless, the definitions within the defining crate, the implementing crate, and between the implementing crate and defining crate must meet the current coherence requirements. Also if there are multiple implementation crates in scope in the dependency graph, they must also be coherent.

Reference-level explanation

The idea of trait coherence is that, given a trait and some set of types for its type parameters, there should be exactly one impl that applies.

A key part of this are overlap checks, which check that not only are there currently no conflicting implementations, but adding new implementations won't invalidate or change the meaning of existing code.

These overlap checks can only be performed if all the relevant implementation sites are known so they can be checked. This is the role of the orphan rule, which has the consequence that there's only one possible crate in which contain a given implementation. This is the restriction this RFC proposes to loosen.

We introduce what could be called the adoption rule. This is an extension of the orphan rule, in which implementations can be in more than one crate, but some other crate adopts those implementation crates in order to apply the overlap check across them in order to guarantee coherence.

The actual details of the overlap check logic are unchanged; the only change is a wider definition of what's considered a "local definition".

Changes to coherence checking

The key problem we need to solve is how to reconcile the Rust language-level details (types and traits) with the build system view (dependency relationship between crates). Coherence is defined in terms of type/trait definitions and implementations, which forms its own graph. This graph is embedded in the crate dependency graph — that is there are no edges in the type/trait implementation graph which are not also present in the crate dependency graph.

Note that a blanket implementations - impl<T> Foo for T - are a universal quantifier over all types T, whether they're in scope or not. However if we're interested in applying it to specific concrete types, we need only consider those types which are in scope, which are therefore constrained by the dependency graph.

graph TB
  CrateC -->|dep| CrateA & CrateB
  subgraph CrateA
    A["Trait A"]
    D["Type D"]
    E["Impl A for D"] -..->|impl| A & D
  subgraph CrateB
    B["Type B"]
  subgraph CrateC
    C["Impl A for B"] -..->|impl| A & B

For the discussion below, crate B is visible to crate A if it falls within its transitive dependencies; a crate is visible to itself.

graph TB
  subgraph A sees only A
    c1["A"] --> c2["..."]
  subgraph A sees A&B
    b1["A"] --> b2["..."] --> b3["B"]
  subgraph A sees A&B
    a1["A"] --> a2["B"]

The general rule is when compiling a crate, rustc must check the coherence of a set of implementations for a type if:

  • all those implementations are visible
  • no other visible crate has checked them

This means the compilation of a crate must check for coherence when:

  • all the definitions and implementations are within one crate
  • if a crate A has an impl dependency (ie, a direct dependency with the impl option) on crate B, it must check coherency between A and B
  • if a crate has two or more crates with implementations for a given definition within its view via distinct direct dependencies

This last point is the most complex. For example:

graph TB
  T -->|view| A & B -->|impl| D
  A & B --> E

Here, T must check A and B's implementations are coherent with respect to each other and definitions in D and E. It can rely that A and B are each individually coherent with respect to D and E because that would have been checked when A and B were compiled.

Note that while A and B both depend on D and E, they need only have a impl dependency on one of them; the impl dependency simply means that D's definitions are considered local to A and B when seen in terms of the current orphan rule.

This is OK even if A and B have different impl dependencies:

graph TB
  T -->|view| A & B
  A -->|impl| D
  A --> E
  B --> D
  B -->|impl| E

Since the groups (A, D E) and (B, D E) must be internally coherent, and T still needs to check the coherence of (A and B).

In this case:

graph TB
  T --> A -->|view| B & C -->|impl| D

A must check the coherence of B & C's implementations with respect to D. T, however, can rely on A having already checked B and C's coherence because both are visible through it's A dependency.

A more complex example:

graph TB
  T --> A -->|view| B & C -->|impl| D
  B & C --> E
  T --> C

T can rely on A to check the coherence of B and C, even though T has its own direct dependency on C, because C is also visible through A.

But in this case:

graph TB
  T --> A -->|view| B & C -->|impl| E
  B & C --> F
  T -->|view| D -->|impl| E

T can rely on A for the coherency of B and C, but it must check the coherence of B, C and D with respect to E.

Note that this can mean that the same crates' coherency can be checked redundantly. For example:

graph TB
  Binary --> X & Y & Z -->|view| A & B -->|impl| C

X, Y and Z are all the first to see the implementations of A and B with respect to C, so must each do their own coherency checks, even though Binary only needs for this to be performed once. Fortunately these redundant checks can be done in parallel, but it's still a waste of CPU. See below for some discussion about optimizing this.


This adds a fair amount of complexity to a delecate part of the language semantics and to the compiler's implementation of it. This is opt-in, but one would need to understand these semantics when using other people's packages which use this feature.

If implemented as described here, and enabled in Cargo in an unconstrainted way, it would enable full third-party implementations. That is, anyone could publish a package implementing any type or trait in any other package. This would be fine at small scalle, but at large scales it would mean that if there were two crates with conflicting implementations, then could never appear in the same dependency graph. That is a change to private dependencies, which wouldn't usually be considered compatibility breaking, would cause downstream build breakage. This would lead to very undesireable ecosystem-wide dynamics. As such how this feature is used must be very carefully considered.

Rationale and alternatives


In principle you could use Cargo "features" to achieve similar outcomes to the motivating DBTrait example above - you'd define a feature for each DB implementation, and the consumer would only enable the specific implementations they want.

For relatively small Cargo-defined projects, this would probably work fine. You would lose some of the benefits (like type-only crates for use in declarations), but it would solve the fundamental "don't want to depend on every DB" problem.

However, because features are additive, as the dependency graphs get larger it will tend towards having every feature enabled, so that every subgraph of the overall dependency graph will end up depending on what everyone else depends on. As a result, trait-defining crates like DBTrait become dependency bottlenecks which end up single-threading the build.

(This is particularly acute in cases where Cargo is primarily used as a dependency management tool, and builds are done with another tool like Buck.)

Sometimes features are used in a non-additive way, which is technically not supported, but there's no mechanism to prevent it (or even warn about it). In contrast, the mechanism described here does allow for separate implementation crates with conflicting implementations, perhaps to allow for different implementation tradeoffs, or bindings to different non-Rust implementations.

Extensive use of features make code navigation difficult. For example, IDE integration (VS Code + Rust Analyzer) often won't know which features are enabled, and so will tend to dim feature-controlled code which should be enabled, or vice versa.

It's also hard to know which features should be enabled when generating documentation with rustdoc. Not enabling features which are actually used means that crate functionality goes undocumented, where as enabling too many unused features can obscure the API the user actually wants to see.

Prior art

Generally weak coherence

Other languages have a very weak notion of coherence. C++ doesn't enforce it at all, and simply defines conflicting implementations as UB. Haskell allows for ecosystem wide conflicts, which may or may not be a problem in practice.

Rust is unique(?) in separately-compiled languages in taking such a strong stand on this, and it's been mostly beneficial. But it would be nice to have a mechanism to loosen the constraints on this without admitting unsoundness.

Interface/implementation split

In C and C++, there's a clear separation between "header files" containing a specification of an interface, and "source files" which contain actual implementations. Typically a compilation unit which has a dependency on another compilation unit will include the header files containing the interface definitions, and can be compiled with that information alone; it does not requre the implementation of the dependant to be compiled.

Ideally (and often in practice) this means that the entire program can be compiled in parallel, with only the final linking step dependent on all the compilation units.

The primary disadvantage of this scheme is that the header file definitions must be manually kept in sync with the implementations, and failing to do so can cause numerous poor outcomes from linker errors to undefined behaviour.

Today, Rust approximates this interface/implementation split with pipelined builds, where rustc will generate a metadata object containing a crates definitions, followed by actual code generation. The dependent compilation can start as soon as the metadata is available without having to wait for the generated code. But this still requires metadata for the entire dependency chain

  • and for many crates the metadata generation is the expensive part of compilation.

With this RFC the split can be made more explicit by having actual separate crates for definitions and implementations.

Unresolved questions

Intended for close coupled crates from same origin, but could be used for generic third-party impls.

The big question is what this looks like from a perspective. If we could guarantee that cargo publish published an entire workspace atomically, then

Future possibilities

Support intrinsic implementations

This RFC focuses on implementing traits for types, since this is the common pain point. In principle everything described above will also work for intrinsic implementations, but there's some awkward secondary questions. For example, intrinsic implementations tend to access the private fields of structs; does that mean we need add or redefine visibility rules?

"Global" third-party implementations

If this mechanism were broadly enabled for the ecosystem, it could cause undesireably ecosystem splits. For example if you have type-defining package some_type and trait defining package some_trait, you could have two separate crates A & B implementing some_trait for some_type. If your package my_package contains just one of A or B in its dependencies, then all is OK. But at any point, with only a minor patch update, any package could add the other to its dependencies, preventing your package from compiling. This kind of brittleness is highly undesireable.

So is there some way to enable third-party these kinds of third-party implementation crates in a more general way without introducing this kind of ecosystem brittleness?

The namespacing RFC ([PR)(rust-lang#3243)]) is also looking at questions relating the the overall ecosystem. One could imagine a proposal, for example, that packages within the same namespace could have this impl relationship. But whether that makes sense really depends on the intended semantics of namespaces.

Cached coherence checks

There are cases where the same coherence properties may be checked multiple times, if the same implementing crates are dependencies of multiple unrelated crates. Perhaps these checks could be memoized with the incremental machinery to avoid the redundancy.

Auto-split crates

Modules within crates may have cyclic dependencies, but the crate dependency graph must be acyclic. But only in extremely pathological cases will a crate's internal dependency graph consist of a single strongly connected component.

This opens the possibility of using the mechanism described in this RFC to automatically partition a crate into sub-crates in order to expose more built-time parallelism. This could either be performed inline during the build or some tooling to perform pre-build processing on the crates.

Appendix - Alloy spec (WIP)

title: Alloy spec for Rust implementation coherency

Note: this is a literate Alloy spec. Download the most recent version of Alloy from, and see for documentation.

Alloy spec for Rust implementation coherency

(TODO: make this fully consistent with the description above.)

This is a simplified spec of Rust coherency checking. Rust requires that there are no overlapping or conflicting implementations with a complete Rust program, as that would allow for ambiguity about which one to use.

(This applies to all implementations, but here we're only going to consider the subset of simple trait implementations for types, with no generic type parameters.)

Alloy Spec

First we define signatures for types and traits. Both are defined in a crate:

sig Trait {
    trait_def: one Crate

sig Type {
    type_def: one Crate

And crates themselves. Crates can depend on a set of other crates, but the overall crate dependency graph must be acyclic. Each crate also has a relation of which trait implementations for which types it contains.

sig Crate {
    deps: set Crate,
    impls: Trait -> Type,
} {
    no this & this.^@deps -- acyclic

A Binary is the unique "top-level" crate which depends on all the other crates transitively. Or to put it another way, no other crate depends on Binary.

one sig Binary extends Crate {} {
    no @deps.this -- nothing depends on Binary
    all c: Crate - Binary | c in this.^@deps -- Binary depends on everything else

Let's define the safety invariant we need to enforce, that every implementation is unique. Or more precisely, for every trait/type pair, there's at most one crate implementing it. (It's fine if nothing implements it.)

pred coherent_impls[crates: Crate] {
    all tr: Trait, ty: Type | lone crates &

This is the basic orphan rule, with a tight definition of "local": either the type or the trait must be defined in the crate:

pred local_orphan_rule[crates: Crate] {
    all crate: crates |
        crate.impls in
            (crate[trait_def] -> (crate + crate.deps)[type_def]) +
            ((crate + crate.deps)[trait_def] -> crate[type_def])

We can check that if local_orphan_rule is true for all crates, then we have coherence for all crates. This has no counter-examples.

check local_coherent {
    -- ie, checking local_orphan_rule on each crate implies that all crates are globally coherent
    local_orphan_rule[Crate] => coherent_impls[Crate]

impl dependencies

Let's extend the orphan constraint so that the definition of "local" is extended to immediate dependencies as well. In a way this is simpler than local_orphan_rule because we no longer have to constrain either the type or trait to be in crate.

pred dep_orphan_rule[crates: Crate] {
    all crate: crates |
        crate.impls in
            (crate + crate.deps)[trait_def] -> (crate + crate.deps)[type_def]

However, this is not sufficient to maintain the invariant. This will quickly find a counter-example with two crates with a duplicate implementation.

check dep_coherent_bad {
    dep_orphan_rule[Crate] => coherent_impls[Crate]

We need to add additional constraints to maintain the invariant. First, let's define a function which, for a given crate which defines types and/or traits, all the crates with implementations for those definitions:

fun impl_crates[c: Crate]: set Crate {
    c[trait_def][impls.univ] + c[type_def][impls].univ

We can then apply the constraint in the most general way: for all dependencies of Binary, all the crates implementing anything must be coherent. We'll ignore that this is a tautology for now, as we'll tighten this up later.

check dep_coherent_impl_crates {
        dep_orphan_rule[Crate] -- redundant
        all dep: Binary.*deps |
            coherent_impls[impl_crates[dep]] -- tautology
    } => coherent_impls[Crate]
} for 10 -- make sure there's enough objects to be interesting

Unfortunately, this doesn't correspond to how the build is actually performed in practice. When we're compiling a crate which has definitions, we don't know which crates will have implementations. And when we're compiling the crates with implementations, we don't know which other crate to cross-check with for coherence.

The key insight is that there must be some crate which has both the implementing crates in its transitive dependencies (even if it's the top-level Binary), which means it can check for coherence when compiling that crate.

For example, here Use is responsible for checking the coherence of ImplA and ImplB in its dependencies, but ImplC someone else's problem, and Other is not relevant.

graph TD
  Use --> ImplA & ImplB
  ImplA & ImplB & ImplC --> Defn
  Use --> Other
-- TODO check constraint for common deps