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h1. Vim installation


sudo apt-get install python-software-properties -y
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fcwu-tw/ppa
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install vim -y


brew install macvim

h1. Dependencies

You will need these dependencies figured out:

In Ubuntu, for example, you will have to do:

apt-get install exuberant-ctags

In OS X, you can install ctags with homebrew

brew install ctags-exuberant

On Windows you have to download Ctags and add ctags.exe in your PATH.

Mac OS X and most Linux distros come with Ruby already. If you're in Windows look for Luis Lavena's latest Ruby Installer (

h1. Vimfiles installation

git clone ~/.vim

Now you should create a new .vimrc file in your home directory that loads the pre-configured one that comes bundled in this package. You can do it on Linux/Mac like this:

echo "source ~/.vim/vimrc" > ~/.vimrc

On Windows you should create a _vimrc (underline instead of dot) and add the following line inside:

source ~/vimfiles/vimrc

This way you can override the default configuration by adding your own inside this file.

You should also create a new .gvimrc file in your home directory. You can do it on Linux/Mac like this:

echo "source ~/.vim/gvimrc" > ~/.gvimrc

h1. YouCompleteMe support

The YouCompleteMe plugin has a bunch of requirements to build it.

In Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev cmake -y

h1. Bundle installation

In order to install all the required plugins, you'll need to use Vundle. First, clone its repo into your bundle folder:

$ git clone bundle/vundle

Install the bundles with the following:

$ vim +BundleInstall

h1. Compile YouCompleteMe

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe


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