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Identifying changes in proximty across the study period


As part of our analysis, we identify tracts where proximity to SNAP authorized retailers changed during our study period. To do so, we smooth the yearly data using OLS regression to identify trends over time.

Reading data

First, we read in previously identified tract clusters based on demographics and our model data. We join the tract IDs to our model data. We then select just the D3 variable (distance to 3rd closest store) and change the cluster number format from character to vector.

storedist_modeldata<-read_csv("Data/storedist_modeldata_2018_03_10.csv") %>%
modeldata_demog<-left_join(storedist_modeldata,tractdata_means_cluster[,c(1,30)]) %>%
store year tract_id D3 st_name STTYPE sttype2 gisjn_tct totpop_pov povpop_pct povpop185_pct hh100k_pct hh150k_pct afam_pct asn_pct hisp_pct under18_pct over64_pct snap_enroll pop1k snap1k area_sqkm popden1k snap_pct cluster
aldi Y2008 13015960801 22.56937 Aldi Supermarket Large retailer G13015960801 3130 11.341853 20.89457 17.491166 3.091873 12.610340 0.3783102 2.522068 19.79823 8.890290 216.4419 3.130 0.2164419 23.81528 0.1314282 6.915078 1
aldi Y2008 13015960802 23.47469 Aldi Supermarket Large retailer G13015960802 2891 21.722587 53.96057 5.000000 1.886793 1.833276 0.0000000 12.798340 18.40194 16.395711 217.2537 2.891 0.2172537 18.11431 0.1595976 7.514828 5
aldi Y2008 13015960803 27.32393 Aldi Supermarket Large retailer G13015960803 5159 15.313045 30.54856 14.712269 6.188925 2.615385 0.0000000 10.230769 18.69231 9.807692 544.7538 5.159 0.5447538 82.45413 0.0625681 10.559291 1
aldi Y2008 13035150100 41.77607 Aldi Supermarket Large retailer G13035150100 7557 8.918883 24.22919 11.676973 1.091306 19.838689 0.0000000 1.535059 18.09549 14.296865 1167.1509 7.557 1.1671509 232.45675 0.0325093 15.444632 1
aldi Y2008 13045910101 41.70067 Aldi Supermarket Large retailer G13045910101 5972 22.689216 44.00536 4.649123 1.052632 31.339554 3.9986671 5.231590 18.59380 11.696101 933.7671 5.972 0.9337671 16.56105 0.3606051 15.635751 2
aldi Y2008 13045910103 46.36072 Aldi Supermarket Large retailer G13045910103 4618 10.025985 19.55392 18.531468 6.526807 11.802575 0.0000000 7.231760 14.29185 9.206009 557.8731 4.618 0.5578731 56.30526 0.0820172 12.080406 1

Calculating rate of change

Next, we count the total number of tracts in each cluster, which will be our denominator in calculating the rate of change.

modeldata_tctcnt<-modeldata_demog %>%
  group_by(gisjn_tct,cluster) %>%
  summarise() %>%
  group_by(cluster) %>%

Next, we use standard deviation to flag tracts with changing proximity over time, stratified by store name. We create a dummy variable that indicates a change.

modeldata_demog_sd<-modeldata_demog %>%
  group_by(gisjn_tct,cluster,st_name) %>%


We then join the change dummy variable back to our main dataset. We use the nest function from the tidyverse to collect all tracts within each cluster for each store. We also convert the year variable from character to numeric in order to use it in our models.

modeldata_demog$year_num<-as.numeric(substr(modeldata_demog$year,2,5)) #create numeric year variable

cluster_counts<-modeldata_demog %>%
  filter(chg==1) %>%
  group_by(st_name,gisjn_tct,cluster) %>%

We then create a function with a simple linear model using years and distance to retailer. We convert the output to columns in our data frame using fit and tidy from the broom package.


#Run models and extract coefficient
cluster_counts<-cluster_counts %>%
         tidy=map(fit, broom::tidy)) %>%
st_name gisjn_tct cluster term estimate std.error statistic p.value
Aldi G13015960801 1 (Intercept) 1658.6458473 554.2167105 2.992775 0.0402277
Aldi G13015960801 1 year_num -0.8143567 0.2756610 -2.954196 0.0417947
Aldi G13015960802 5 (Intercept) 1169.8073357 388.3172456 3.012504 0.0394530
Aldi G13015960802 5 year_num -0.5705868 0.1931445 -2.954196 0.0417947
Aldi G13015960803 1 (Intercept) 1277.5970060 423.5267996 3.016567 0.0392956
Aldi G13015960803 1 year_num -0.6223231 0.2106574 -2.954196 0.0417947

Based on the output of these models, we then create a categorical variable for change across the study period using the coefficient (the "estimate" variable) from our models. We then count the number of tracts with increases and decreases in store proximity, create columns for each, and join in the total tract count for each cluster.

#Create dummy variable for increase/decrease
cluster_counts1<-cluster_counts %>%
  filter(term=="year_num") %>% 
  group_by(st_name,cluster,sign) %>%
  summarise(count=n()) %>%
  ungroup() %>%

st_name cluster Decrease Increase tct_cnt
Aldi 1 165 0 218
Aldi 2 120 0 173
Aldi 3 87 0 100
Aldi 4 40 0 112
Aldi 5 61 0 138
Aldi 6 14 0 114

Lastly, we calculate the percentage of tracts in each cluster that have increased or decreased distances to stores across the study period. We also filter the store list to remove broad categories (e.g., convenience store).

#Calculate % of tracts with increase/decrease and plot
storelist<-read_csv("Data/atl_stlist_30more_2018_03_03.csv") %>%
  arrange(desc(sttype2)) %>%
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   store = col_character(),
##   st_name = col_character(),
##   STTYPE = col_character(),
##   sttype2 = col_character()
## )
cluster_counts2<-cluster_counts1 %>%
  gather(Decrease:Increase,key="Change",value="value") %>%
  mutate(pct=round(value/tct_cnt*100,2)) %>%
  left_join(storelist) %>%
  filter(sttype2!="Category") %>%
  dplyr::select(-value) %>%
## Joining, by = "st_name"

## Warning: Column `st_name` joining character vector and factor, coercing
## into character vector
st_name cluster tct_cnt store STTYPE sttype2 Decrease Increase
Aldi 1 218 aldi Supermarket Large retailer -75.69 0
Aldi 2 173 aldi Supermarket Large retailer -69.36 0
Aldi 3 100 aldi Supermarket Large retailer -87.00 0
Aldi 4 112 aldi Supermarket Large retailer -35.71 0
Aldi 5 138 aldi Supermarket Large retailer -44.20 0
Aldi 6 114 aldi Supermarket Large retailer -12.28 0