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A modal logic for reasoning about step-indexed logical relations

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Step-Indexed Logic

The Step-Indexed Logic (SIL) is a modal logic for reasoning about step-indexed logical relations that is embedded in Agda. SIL includes first-order logic (i.e., a logic with "and", "or", "implies", "for all", etc.). To distinguish its connectives from Agda's, we add a superscript "o". So "and" is written ×ᵒ, "implies" is written →ᵒ, and so on. SIL also includes a notion of time in which there is a clock counting down. The logic is designed in such a way that if a formula P is true at some time then P stays true in the future (at lower counts). So formulas are downward closed. When the clock reaches zero, every formula becomes true. Furthermore, the logic includes a "later" operator, written ▷ᵒ P, meaning that P is true one clock tick in the future. When we use SIL to reason about the cast calculus, one clock tick will correspond to one reduction step.

Just as Set is the type of true/false formulas in Agda, Setᵒ is the type of true/false formulas in SIL. It is a record that bundles the formula itself, represented with a function of type ℕ → Set, with proofs that the formula is downward closed and true at zero.

record Setᵒ : Set₁ where
    # : ℕ → Set
    down : downClosed #
    tz : # 0                -- tz short for true at zero
open Setᵒ public

For example, the "false" proposition is false at every time except zero.

⊥ᵒ : Setᵒ
⊥ᵒ = record { # = λ { zero → ⊤ ; (suc k) → ⊥ }
            ; down = ... ; tz = ... }

The "and" proposition P ×ᵒ Q is true at a given time k if both P and Q are true at time k.

_×ᵒ_ : Setᵒ → Setᵒ → Setᵒ
P ×ᵒ Q = record { # = λ k → # P k × # Q k
                ; down = ... ; tz = ... }

The "for all" proposition ∀ᵒ[ a ] P is true at a given time k if the predicate P is true for all a at time k.

∀ᵒ : ∀{A : Set} → (A → Setᵒ) → Setᵒ
∀ᵒ{A} P = record { # = λ k → ∀ (a : A) → # (P a) k
                 ; down = ... ; tz = ... }

The "exists" proposition ∃ᵒ[ a ] P is true at a given time k if the predicate P is true for some a at time k. However, we must require that the type A is inhabited so that this proposition is true at time zero.

∃ᵒ : ∀{A : Set}{{_ : Inhabited A}} → (A → Setᵒ) → Setᵒ
∃ᵒ{A} P = record { # = λ k → Σ[ a ∈ A ] # (P a) k
                     ; down = ... ; tz = ... }

We embed arbitrary Agda formulas into the step-indexed logic with the following constant operator, written S ᵒ, which is true if and only if S is true, except at time zero, when S ᵒ has to be true.

_ᵒ  : Set → Setᵒ
S ᵒ = record { # = λ { zero → ⊤ ; (suc k) → S }
             ; down = ... ; tz = ... }

Next we discuss the most important and interesting of the propositions, the one for defining a recursive predicate. The following is a first attempt at writing down the type of this proposition. The idea is that this constructor of recursive predicates works like the Y-combinator in that it turns a non-recursive predicate into a recursive one.

μᵒ : ∀{A}
   → (A → (A → Setᵒ) → Setᵒ)
   → A → Setᵒ

The non-recursive predicate has type A → (A → Setᵒ) → Setᵒ. It has an extra parameter (A → Setᵒ) that will be bound to the recursive predicate itself. To clarify, lets look at an example. Suppose we want to define multi-step reduction according to the following rules:

            M —→ L    L —→* N
-------     ------------------
M —→* M     M —→* N

We would first define a non-recursive predicate that has an extra parameter, let us name it R for recursion. Inside the definition of mreduce, we use R is the place where we would recursively use mreduce, as follows.

mreduce : Term × Term → (Term × Term → Setᵒ) → Setᵒ
mreduce (M , N) R = (M ≡ N)ᵒ ⊎ᵒ (∃ᵒ[ L ] (M —→ L)ᵒ ×ᵒ R (L , N))

Because we use ∃ᵒ with a Term, we need to prove that Term is inhabited.

  TermInhabited : Inhabited Term
  TermInhabited = record { elt = ` 0 }

We then apply the μᵒ proposition to mreduce to obtain the desired recursive predicate —→*.

_—→*_ : Term → Term → Setᵒ
M —→* N = μᵒ mreduce (M , N)

The problem with the above story is that it's not possible in Agda (to my knowledge) to construct a recursive predicate from an arbitrary function of type A → (A → Setᵒ) → Setᵒ. Instead, we need to place restrictions on the function. In particular, if we make sure that the recursion never happens "now", but only "later", then it becomes possible to construct μᵒ. We define the Setˢ type in Agda to capture this restriction. (The superscript "s" stands for step indexed.) Furthermore, to allow the nesting of recursive definitions, we must generalize from a single predicate parameter to an environment of predicates. The type of the environment is given by a Context:

Context : Set₁
Context = List Set

We represent an environment of recursive predicates with a tuple of the following type.

RecEnv : Context → Set₁
RecEnv [] = topᵖ 
RecEnv (A ∷ Γ) = (A → Setᵒ) × RecEnv Γ

We use de Bruijn indices to represent the variables that refer to the recursive predicates, which we define as follows.

data _∋_ : Context → Set → Set₁ where
  zeroˢ : ∀{Γ}{A} → (A ∷ Γ) ∋ A
  sucˢ : ∀{Γ}{A}{B} → Γ ∋ B → (A ∷ Γ) ∋ B

For each variable, we track whether it has been used "now" or not. So we define Time as follows. The Later constructor does double duty to mean a predicate has either been used "later" or not at all.

data Time : Set where
  Now : Time
  Later : Time

The following defines a list of times, one for each variable in Γ.

data Times : Context → Set₁ where
  ∅ : Times []
  cons : ∀{Γ}{A} → Time → Times Γ → Times (A ∷ Γ)

The Setˢ type is a record indexed by the type of the environment and by the time for each variable. The representation of Setˢ (the # field) is a function that maps an environment of predicates (one predicate for each in-scope μ) to a Setᵒ.

record Setˢ (Γ : Context) (ts : Times Γ) : Set₁ where
    # : RecEnv Γ → Setᵒ 
open Setˢ public

We define variants of all the propositional connectives to work on Setˢ.

The "later" operator ▷ˢ asserts that P is true in the future, so the predicate ▷ˢ P can safely say that any use of recursive predicate in P happens Later.

laters : ∀ (Γ : Context) → Times Γ
laters [] = ∅
laters (A ∷ Γ) = cons Later (laters Γ)

▷ˢ : ∀{Γ}{ts : Times Γ}
   → Setˢ Γ ts
   → Setˢ Γ (laters Γ)

The "and" operator, P ×ˢ Q is categorized as Later for a variable only if both P and Q are Later for that variable. Otherwise it is Now. We use the following function to make this choice:

choose : Kind → Kind → Kind
choose Now Now = Now
choose Now Later = Now
choose Later Now = Now
choose Later Later = Later

We define combine to apply choose to a list of times.

combine : ∀{Γ} (ts₁ ts₂ : Times Γ) → Times Γ
combine {[]} ts₁ ts₂ = ∅
combine {A ∷ Γ} (cons x ts₁) (cons y ts₂) =
    cons (choose x y) (combine ts₁ ts₂)

Here's the type of the "and" operator:

_×ˢ_ : ∀{Γ}{ts₁ ts₂ : Times Γ} → Setˢ Γ ts₁ → Setˢ Γ ts₂
   → Setˢ Γ (combine ts₁ ts₂)

The other propositions follow a similar pattern.

The membership formula a ∈ x is true when a is in the predicate bound to variable x in the environment. The time for x is required to be Now.

var-now : ∀ (Γ : Context) → ∀{A} → (x : Γ ∋ A) → Times Γ
var-now (B ∷ Γ) zeroˢ = cons Now (laters Γ)
var-now (B ∷ Γ) (sucˢ x) = cons Later (var-now Γ x)

_∈_ : ∀{Γ}{A}
   → A
   → (x : Γ ∋ A)
   → Setˢ Γ (var-now Γ x)
a ∈ x =
  record { # = λ δ → (lookup x δ) a
         ; ... }

The μˢ formula defines a (possibly nested) recursive predicate.

μˢ : ∀{Γ}{ts : Times Γ}{A}
   → (A → Setˢ (A ∷ Γ) (cons Later ts))
   → (A → Setˢ Γ ts)

It takes a non-recursive predicate from A to Setˢ and produces a recursive predicate in A. Note that the variable zeroˢ, the one introduced by this μˢ, is required to have time Later.

If the recursive predicate is not nested inside other recursive predicates, then you can directly use the following μᵒ operator.

μᵒ : ∀{A}
   → (A → Setˢ (A ∷ []) (cons Later ∅))
   → (A → Setᵒ)

Let's revisit the example of defining multi-step reduction. The non-recursive mreduce predicate is defined as follows.

mreduce : Term × Term → Setˢ ((Term × Term) ∷ []) (cons Later ∅)
mreduce (M , N) = (M ≡ N)ˢ ⊎ˢ (∃ˢ[ L ] (M —→ L)ˢ ×ˢ ▷ˢ (((L , N) ∈ zeroˢ)))

Note that the R parameter has become implicit; it has moved into the environment. Also the application R (L , N) is replaced by ▷ˢ ((L , N) ∈ zeroˢ), where the de Bruijn index zeroˢ refers to the predicate R in the environment.

We define the recursive predicate M —→* N by applying μᵒ to mreduce.

infix 2 _—→*_
_—→*_ : Term → Term → Setᵒ
M —→* N = μᵒ mreduce (M , N)

Here are a couple uses of the multi-step reduction relation.

X₀ : #($ (Num 0) —→* $ (Num 0)) 1
X₀ = inj₁ refl

X₁ : #((ƛ ($ (Num 1))) · $ (Num 0) —→* $ (Num 1)) 2
X₁ = inj₂ (_ , (β ($̬ _) , inj₁ refl))

Proofs in Step-Indexed Logic

Just like first-order logic, SIL comes with rules of deduction for carrying out proofs. The judgment form is 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P, where 𝒫 is a list of assumptions and P is a formula. The judgment 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P is true iff for every time k, all of 𝒫 are true at k implies that P is true at k. So in Agda we have the following definition.

Πᵒ : List Setᵒ → Setᵒ
Πᵒ [] = ⊤ᵒ
Πᵒ (P ∷ 𝒫) = P ×ᵒ Πᵒ 𝒫 

_⊢ᵒ_ : List Setᵒ → Setᵒ → Set
𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P = ∀ k → # (Πᵒ 𝒫) k → # P k

Many of the deduction rules are the same as in first order logic. For example, here are the introduction and elimination rules for conjunction. We use the same notation as Agda, but with a superscript "o".

_,ᵒ_ : ∀{𝒫 : List Setᵒ }{P Q : Setᵒ}
  → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P
  → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ Q
  → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P ×ᵒ Q

proj₁ᵒ : ∀{𝒫 : List Setᵒ }{P Q : Setᵒ}
  → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P ×ᵒ Q
  → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P

proj₂ᵒ : ∀{𝒫 : List Setᵒ }{P Q : Setᵒ}
  → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P ×ᵒ Q
  → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ Q

The introduction rule for a constant formula S ᵒ is straightforward. A proof of S in regular Agda is sufficient to build a proof of S ᵒ in SIL.

constᵒI : ∀{𝒫}{S : Set}
   → S
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ S ᵒ

On the other hand, given a proof of S ᵒ in SIL, one cannot obtain a proof of S directly in Agda. That is, the following rule is invalid because 𝒫 could be false at every index.

bogus-constᵒE : ∀ {𝒫}{S : Set}{R : Setᵒ}
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ S ᵒ
   → S

Instead, we have an elimination rule in continuation-passing style. That is, if we have a proof of S ᵒ and need to prove some arbitrary goal R, then it suffices to prove R under the assumption that S is true.

constᵒE : ∀ {𝒫}{S : Set}{R : Setᵒ}
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ S ᵒ
   → (S → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ R)
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ R

Analogous to subst in Agda's standard library, SIL has substᵒ which says that if P and Q are equivalent, then a proof of P gives a proof of Q.

substᵒ : ∀{𝒫}{P Q : Setᵒ}
  → P ≡ᵒ Q
  → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P  →  𝒫 ⊢ᵒ Q

The deduction rules also include ones for the "later" operator. As we mentioned earlier, if a proposition is true now it will also be true later.

monoᵒ : ∀ {𝒫}{P}
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ  ▷ᵒ P

One can transport induction on natural numbers into SIL to obtain the following Löb rule, which states that when proving any property P, one is allowed to assume that P is true later.

lobᵒ : ∀ {𝒫}{P}
   → (▷ᵒ P) ∷ 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P

For comparison, here's induction on natural numbers

  P 0
→ (∀ k → P k → P (suc k))
→ ∀ n → P n

In the world of SIL, propositions are always true at zero, so the base case P 0 is not necessary. The induction step (∀ k → P k → P (suc k)) is similar to the premise (▷ᵒ P) ∷ 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P because ▷ᵒ subtracts one.

The following is a handy proof rule that turns a proof of P in SIL into an assumption in Agda that P is true for some positive natural number.

⊢ᵒ-sucP : ∀{𝒫}{P Q : Setᵒ}
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ P
   → (∀{n} → # P (suc n) → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ Q)
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ Q

As usual for temporal logics (or more generally, for modal logics), there are distribution rules that push "later" through the other logical connectives. For example, the following rule distributes "later" through conjunction.

▷× : ∀{𝒫} {P Q : Setᵒ}
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ (▷ᵒ (P ×ᵒ Q))
   → 𝒫 ⊢ᵒ (▷ᵒ P) ×ᵒ (▷ᵒ Q)


A modal logic for reasoning about step-indexed logical relations






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