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Let's build a new Polymer application

Polymer workshop

The goal of this workshop is to create new Polymer application using Polymer starter kit.

Each step is in separate branch of this repository.

Step 1 - Polymer Starter Kit

At first, we should install Polymer Starter Kit which helps us to build new Polymer application very quickly.

Polymer Starter Kit provides us responsive layout with material design elements.

After successful installation we should be able to run the application from our console:

gulp serve

And we should see in our browser the following page:

Notes application

When you save any file, Polymer Starter Kit automatically refreshes your browser, so you don't need to reload your browser manually.

Step 2 - Theming

In this step we're going to change colours of our application and we learn how to style Polymer application.

When you open styles/app-theme.html file you can see basic css styles for your application. You can see there special css variables starting with two dashes, for example: --variable-name.

You can edit colours of your application just by editing these css variables.

When you visit you can choose colours for your application from material design palette and use these values.

/* styles/app-theme.html */
:root {
    --dark-primary-color: #7B1FA2;
    --default-primary-color: #9C27B0;
    --light-primary-color: #E1BEE7;
    --text-primary-color: #ffffff; /*text/icons*/
    --accent-color: #FF5722;
    --primary-background-color: #c5cae9;

Step 2 changes:

Step 3 - Add new page

Adding new pages is really easy. At first we need to update app/routing.html file and add new route:

// app/routing.html
      app.route = 'user-info';
      app.params = data.params;

    page('/devfest', scrollToTop, function() {
      app.route = 'devfest';

    page('/contact', scrollToTop, function() {

Now we can add our new section to index.html file:

<!-- index.html -->

            <section data-route="devfest">
              <paper-material elevation="1">
                <h2 class="page-title">Devfest</h2>


And we also need to add our page to left menu. We're going to use new icon image.

Visit Iron Icons element on element catalog page, where you can choose any image from SVG icon sets.

Let's choose social:school icon. Because this image is in the social icons set icons, we need to import social-icons element.

We add new element imports to app/elements.html file, where we put all imported elements:

<!-- app/elements.html -->
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/iron-icons/iron-icons.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/iron-icons/social-icons.html">
<link rel="import" href="../bower_components/iron-pages/iron-pages.html">

And we can add link to our page with the chosen icon:

<!-- index.html -->

          <a data-route="devfest" href="/devfest" on-click="onDataRouteClick">
            <iron-icon icon="social:school"></iron-icon>

Step 3 changes:

Step 4 - New Polymer element

In this step we're going to create a new Polymer element

We add a list of speakers to our devfest page using our own devfest-speakers element.

Create a new directory devfest in app/elements folder. In this directory we create a new file devfest-speakers.html with the following content:

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">

<dom-module id="devfest-speakers">
    <h2>Devfest speakers</h2>

    (function() {
      'use strict';

        is: 'devfest-speakers'

This is the simplest possible Polymer element. We need to specify name of the element in id attribute and also in is property in Polymer object.

Custom elements should have prefix separated by dash (-) and should be placed in file with the same name as element.

When we want to use our element, we need to import it in elements.html file:

<!-- app/elements.html -->
<link rel="import" href="my-list/my-list.html">

<link rel="import" href="devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html">

We can use custom element on our page:

<!-- index.html -->
              <paper-material elevation="1">
                <h2 class="page-title">Devfest</h2>

Step 4 changes:

Step 5 - Improve our element

We're going to add list of speakers to our element. At first we add JavaScript collection to our element:

//  app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html
        is: 'devfest-speakers',
        ready: function() {
          this.speakers = [
            {name: 'Jakub', title: 'Polymer developer'},
            {name: 'Jana', title: 'Dart developer'}

We use <template> element to print this collections. Don't forget to use your template bindings {{variable}} in html elements or attributes, otherwise it won't work.

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->
    <h2>Devfest speakers</h2>

    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{speakers}}">

We can use <paper-card> element to list our speakers in better way. You can see paper-card element examples on demo page in elemets catalog:

At first we need to import the element in our devfest-speakers element:

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/paper-card/paper-card.html">

<dom-module id="devfest-speakers">

We can use the paper-card element:

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->

    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{speakers}}">
      <paper-card heading="{{}}">
        <div class="card-content">

Last thing we need to fix is to update css styles for paper-card element. We can include the <style> directly in our devfest-speakers element.

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->

<dom-module id="devfest-speakers">
    paper-card {
      display: block;
      margin-bottom: 2ex;


Step 5 changes:

Step 6 - Use iron-ajax element

We're going to show data from API fetched via AJAX

You can easily fetch data via AJAX using iron-ajax element. We use local json data for this workshop, but you can load the data from any url on the internet.

We add app/api/speakers.json file to our application, with the following structure:

  "name": "Jana Moudrá",
  "title": "Co-Founder"
  "name": "Jakub Škvára",
  "title": "Frontend engineer"

Now we're going to import iron-ajax element in devfest-speakers.html file.

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/paper-card/paper-card.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/iron-ajax/iron-ajax.html">

<dom-module id="devfest-speakers">

And we can use the element:

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->

    <h2>Devfest speakers</h2>

And we also need to specify, we're using speakers property with type of Array.

// app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html
        is: 'devfest-speakers',
        properties: {
          speakers: Array

You should now see the list of speakers from the JSON file rendered on our page.

We can also log the speakers variable to the console adding observer to our speakers property.

// app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html
        properties: {
          speakers: {
            type: Array,
            observer: '_speakersChanged'
        _speakersChanged: function(speakers) {

Step 6 changes:

Step 7 - Add paper-input element

We add new input to easily filter speakers.

At first we add paper-input element to our application.

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/paper-card/paper-card.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/paper-input/paper-input.html">
<link rel="import" href="../../../bower_components/iron-ajax/iron-ajax.html">

And we place this input to our element:

<!-- app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html -->
    <h2>Devfest speakers</h2>

    <paper-input label="Filter" value="{{filter}}"></paper-input>

    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{speakers}}">

We also need to add two new properties: filter for the value of input element and also speakersFiltered property with filtered content of speakers property.

We set the speakersFiltered to be computed from speakers property with function _computeSpeakersFiltered(speakers, filter).

// app/elements/devfest-speakers/devfest-speakers.html
          filter: String,
          speakersFiltered: {
            type: Array,
            computed: '_computeSpeakersFiltered(speakers, filter)'
        _speakersChanged: function(speakers) {

And we define the function. If filter variable from paper-input filed is empty, we return the whole speakers collection. Otherwise we compare the filter value with the objects from original speakers collection and return only the speakers that satisfy the condition.

        _computeSpeakersFiltered: function(speakers, filter) {
          if (filter === '') {
            return speakers;

          return speakers.filter(function (speaker) {
            return, filter.length) === filter;

Finally we need to update our dom-repeat element to use speakersFiltered property instead of speakers.

    <paper-input label="Filter" value="{{filter}}"></paper-input>

    <template is="dom-repeat" items="{{speakersFiltered}}">
      <paper-card heading="{{}}">

Step 7 changes: