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Abstract React forms with JSON Schema support (Ajv) including form generation and server-side validation.

Premilinary docs (examples)

Ajv JSON Schema

// server/schemas/example.js
module.exports = {
    "additionalProperties": false,
    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "checkbox_field": {
            "type": "array",
            "items": { 
                "type": "integer",
        // "checkbox_field_1": {
        //     "type": "boolean"
        // },
        // "checkbox_field_2": {
        //     "type": "boolean"
        // },
        "radio_field": {
            "type": "integer"
        "example_text": {
            "type": "string",
            "maxLength": 300,
        "example_input": {
            "type": "string",
            "pattern": "^123", // Starts with 123...
        "example_select": { 
            "type": "string",
            "enum": ["default", "option1", "option2"] 

Build a form directly from a Json Schema

// @todo Default JSON Schema form generator implementation.
function formFromJsonSchema(schema, state, context) {

    const STRING_TYPES = {
        "string": "text",
        "email": "email",
        // ...

    const TEXT_AREA_LENGTH = 100;

    const fields = {};

    for (let key in schema) {

        const schemaField = schema[key];

        const field = {
            element: 'input',
            props: {},

        if (schemaField.type in STRING_TYPES) {

            if (schemaField.maxLength >= TEXT_AREA_LENGTH) {
                field.element = 'textarea';
            } else {
                field.element = 'input';
                field.props.type = STRING_TYPES[schemaField.type];

        if (key in state) {
            field.props.value = state[key];

        field.label = key.replace('_', '');
        field.label = field.label.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + field.label.slice(1);

        fields[key] = field;


    return fields;


Full power of an abstract form spec with hooks.

// ./schemas/ExampleForm.js
import React from 'react';

const inputHook = ({ props }, context) => {

    // Default value
    if ( in context.state) {
        props.value = context.state[];
    } else if ('value' in props) {
        context.state[] = props.value;

    props.onChange = (event) => {
        context.setState({ []: });


const checkedInputHook = ({ props }, context) => {

    if (props.type === 'radio') {

        props.checked = ( in context.state && context.state[] === props.value);

        props.onChange = (event) => {
            context.setState({ []: });

    } else if (props.type === 'checkbox') {

        let values = ( in context.state && context.state[]) ? context.state[] : [];
        props.checked = (values.includes(props.value));

        props.onChange = (event) => {
            values = ( ? [...values,] : values.filter(value => (value !==;
            context.setState({ []: values });



const selectOptionsHook = ({ props, schema }, context) => {
    props.children = => <option key={key} value={key}>{key}</option>);

const ExampleGroupTemplate = ({ children, spec }) => {
    return (
            <legend>{ || spec.label}</legend>

export default {
    checkbox_field: {
        label: "Les checkboxes",
        templates: {
            group: ExampleGroupTemplate,
        group: [
                label: "Checkbox 1",
                element: 'input',
                props: {
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    value: '1',
                label: "Checkbox 2",
                element: 'input',
                props: {
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    value: '2',
                label: "Checkbox 3",
                element: 'input',
                props: {
                    type: 'checkbox',
                    value: '3',
        hooks: [checkedInputHook]
    radio_field: {
        group: [
                label: "Radio 1",
                element: 'input',
                props: {
                    type: 'radio',
                    value: '1',
                templates: {
                    group: true,  // True (default component) or Component - wrap group elements. (default: false)
                label: "Radio 2",
                element: 'input',
                props: {
                    type: 'radio',
                    value: '2',
                templates: {
                    group: true,
        templates: {
            group: false,  // Disable default wrapping outside group (default: true)
        hooks: [checkedInputHook]
    example_widget: {
        label: "Reducer widget...",
        templates: {
            group: ExampleGroupTemplate,
        group: [
                element: 'button',
                props: {
                    type: 'button',
                    children: 'Decrease',
                hooks: [
                    ({ props }, context) => {
                        props.onClick = (event) => {
                            context.dispatch({ type: 'decrease' })
                element: 'input',
                props: {
                    name: 'example_widget_count',
                    type: 'number',
                    value: 0,
                hooks: [
                    ({ props }, context) => {
                        // Default value
                        if (!( in context.state)) {
                            context.state[] = props.value;
                        } else {
                            props.value = context.state[];
                        props.onChange = (event) => {
                            // handled by reducer...
                element: 'button',
                props: {
                    type: 'button',
                    children: 'Increase',
                hooks: [
                    ({ props }, context) => {
                        props.onClick = (event) => {
                            context.dispatch({ type: 'increase' })
    example_text: {
        label: "Example text",
        element: 'textarea',
        hooks: [
            (spec, context) => {
       = {
                    legend: "Override data hook...",
                spec.append = ({ spec }) => <div>Error...</div>
        data: {
            legend: "Example data...",
        templates: {
            group: ExampleGroupTemplate,
        append: ({ spec }) => <div>Appended...</div>,
    example_markup: {
        html: ({ spec }) => <pre>Example markup...</pre>,
    example_input: {
        label: "Example input",
        element: 'input',
        props: {
            type: 'text',
            placeholder: "Example...",
            // ...
        hooks: [inputHook],
    example_select: {
        label: "Select from SSR schema",
        element: 'select',
        props: {
            value: 'default', // Set default
        hooks: [
            (field, context) => {
                field.props.value = field.schema.enum[0]; // Override default ...
                context.setState({[]: field.props.value});
// Form elements options
interface IFormElementSpec {
    key: string;
    element: TElement;
    factory?: TFormElementFactory;
    templates?: IFormElementTemplates;
    schema?: IFormElementJsonSchema;
    props?: TElementProps;
    hooks?: Array<TFormElementHook>;
    label?: string;
    data?: any;
    prepend?: React.ElementType;
    append?: React.ElementType;
    html?: React.ElementType;

interface IFormElementWithGroupSpec extends IFormElementSpec {
    group?: Array<IFormGroupElementSpec>;
// Form manager context
interface IFormManagerContext {
    state?: React.ComponentState;
    setState?: React.SetStateAction<React.ComponentState>;
    reducer?: React.Reducer<React.ComponentState, React.ReducerAction<any>>;
    dispatch?: React.Dispatch<React.ReducerAction<any>>;

Example form component implementation

// client
import React, { useContext, useState } from 'react';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router';

import DataContext from './DataContext';
import formSpecs from './schemas/ExampleForm';

import { Form, FormManager } from '@jslabs/react-forms';

import axios from 'axios';

class ExampleForm extends React.Component {

    static contextType = DataContext;

    constructor(props, context) {
        this.state = || {};
        this.submitHandler = this.handleSubmit.bind(this);
        this.stateHandler = this.setState.bind(this);
        this.reducer = this.reducer.bind(this);

    reducerAction(state, action) {
        switch (action.type) {
          case 'increase':
            return { ...state, example_widget_count: state.example_widget_count + 1 };
          case 'decrease':
            return { ...state, example_widget_count: state.example_widget_count - 1 };
            return state;

    reducer(action) {
        this.setState(this.reducerAction(this.state, action));

    handleSubmit(event) {
        event.preventDefault();, this.state)
            .then(({ data }) => {
                if (data.errors) {
                    // @todo
                    alert(JSON.stringify(data.errors, null, 2));
                } else {
                    console.log('response body....',;
            .catch(error => {

    render() {
        // Generated form from a JSON Schema.
        // const formSchema = formFromJsonSchema(['properties'], this.state, this.context);

        const dispatch = (action) => {
        return (
            <form method="POST" action={this.props.location.pathname} onSubmit={this.submitHandler}>
                <h3>Profile settings</h3>
                <FormManager.Provider value={{ state: this.state, setState: this.stateHandler, reducer: this.reducer, dispatch }}>
                    <Form specs={formSchema} schema={['properties']} />
                <button type="submit">Submit</button>

export default withRouter(ExampleForm);

Example server side schema serving and form validation

// server
const express = require('express')
const Ajv = require('ajv').default

const router = express.Router()

const errors = require('../handlers/errors')
const exampleSchema = require('../schemas/example')

router.get('/example-form', async (req, res, next) => {

    const data = {
        // ...
    } = {
        data: data,
        schema: exampleSchema,

    return next()
})'/example-form', async (req, res, next) => {

    const body = req.body || {}

    const ajv = new Ajv({ coerceTypes: true })  // Type casting
    const validate = ajv.compile(exampleSchema)
    const valid = validate(body)

    if (valid) {

        // data was validated

    return res.json({
        data: body,
        errors: validate.errors || null,