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This is a php implementation of node-convict, with some additional features and some features yet to be implemented.


composer require jenson/convict


This is far from a completed library yet, even if it works.

The following needs to be done:

  • Unit tests
  • More formats
  • Loading several config files at the same time
  • More unit tests
  • Prettying up the code
  • More examples and documentation.
  • Implement an optional strict check where errors are thrown if configuration is set that is not defined in the scheme.
  • Better exception handling
  • Even more unit tests.


First define a scheme and then get and set values from that scheme:

$scheme = '{
  "about": "Special keyword containing a short description of the program",
  "key": {
    "to": {
      "value": {
        "doc": "A value that we can set and get",
        "format": "*",
        "arg": "value",
        "shortarg": "v",
        "env": "PHP_VALUE",
        "default": "foo bar"

$config = new \Convict\Convict($scheme);


$config->set('', 'a value');

Can be started with

PHP_VALUE=val php demo.php
php demo.php --value=val
php demo.php --value val
php demo.php -vval
php demo.php --help




filename | json-string Scheme The scheme to load, either as a filename or as a JSON string.

Array Options Defaults to an empty array. Valid options:

nohelp => true Turn of the automatic command line help.

####Throws Throws an \Exception if the scheme is invalid.


####Parameters string key Defaults to empty. Use a dot notation to address configuration values.

####Returns null If the key does not exist mixed If the key points to a leaf then that value is returned. If the key points to a part of the configuration tree then that sub-part is returned. An empty key returns the entire config tree.

####Throws Should not throw an exception.


####Parameters string key The key to set the value for. Use a dot notation to address configuration values. If the key doesnt exist then it will be created. mixed value The value to set

####Returns Does not return anything

####Throws Should not throw an exception.

####Note The values set are not persisted in any way. Use Convict->writeFile to save them.

Only the leafs can carry values, and if a new leaf is created then the value on the previous position will be discarded. Example:

$config->set('a', 'x');
$config->get('a'); // => string 'x'

$config->set('a.b', 'y');
$config->get('a'); // => array ('b' => 'y')

$config->set('a.c', 'z');
$config->get('a'); // => array ('b' => 'y', 'c' => 'z')


Set a custom format for the validator to use. Just use the class name in the format field in the scheme. Case insensitive.


Convict\Validator\Validator format An instance of a class implementing the Validator interface.

####Returns Does not return anything

####Throws Should not throw an exception.

####The Validator interface validate ($key, $value) Should throw a Validator\ValidationException for invalid values. coerce ($value) Should return a value that has been formated to fit the application.



No parameters


Does not return any value


Will throw either a Validator\ValidationException or an \Exception depending on the circumstances.


For convenience sake this function will set the uncaught exception handler function to handle the events it throws out. After the validation it will restore the previous exception handler.



Array | filename files Will go through all the filenames in the array and load them in order. Also accepts a single file name.


Does not return any value.


Does not throw any exception.



Array | string jsons Will go through all the JSON strings and load them to the config as if the were loaded from a file. Can also handle single JSON entries.


Does not return anything



##The config file

A config file is loaded with


and a file that matches the scheme above can look like this

* The about block in the scheme will be written here
* as a top comment when generating a config file.
  // Can be nested to an arbitrary depth.
  "key": {
    "to": {
      "value": "Foo bar"

It is not fully json5 compatible, but comments are allowed (and encouraged).

The library can write a config file with


and will use the special about field in the scheme and all the doc fileds as comments.

##Precedence The rules of precedence are:

  1. Command line argument
  2. Environment variable
  3. Configuration file value
  4. Default value
  5. Throw an exception because we dont know what to do.

##The scheme ###Format Validate the value with this format. Does not apply to runtime config::set's.

Supported formats:

  • any | *: No validation and no coercion.
  • boolean: True-ish or false-ish (includes the string true, yes, 1 etc. Coerces to strict true/false.
  • duration: Miliseconds or a duration string such as 5.4d, 3,2h, 100s etc (yes, it takes both . and ,). Coerces to an int representing miliseconds.
  • nat: Natural number. No fractions and above zero. Coerces to int.
  • path: Not implemented yet. Should verify that it is an existing path.
  • Port: Valid port number.
  • Size: Either bytes or a size string such as 50m or 2.3G.

You can add a new format at runtime through config::addFormat(Convict\Validator\Validator).

###Arg Look for this as a long form command argument. Uses getopt in the background, so add :: afterwards to make it optional.

###Shortarg Same as arg, but governs the short form (-X etc).

###Env Load from this environment variable.

###Default Use this value if nothing else comes along. Note that this will also be subjected to the format rules. This is optional, but if it is omitted and not added at runtime then an exception will be thrown when the config is instanciated.

##Autogenerated help Per default the config listens for -h and --help and will print a help message and exit. This can be turned of by passing the option "nohelp" => true.

$config = new \Convict\Convict($scheme, [ 'nohelp' => true ]);


No description, website, or topics provided.







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