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  • Color scale red; only in the district we're focusing on

  • Same as other maps - just NYC as gray ; and then shade in the red

  • At end of the doc, they want to show what happened at the end of the day

What this repo does

First, it interpolates the 2010 Asian population from 2010 block groups to 2020 block groups. The methodology and code for that can be found here. The block-group-to-block-group crosswalk is at crosswalk/crosswalk.csv. The final CSV that compares 2010 demographics data to 2020 demographics data on the same block group geography is at data/data.csv.

Next, it joins it with block group geographies and Letters plan geographies. The resulting GeoJSON is at mapping/output.geojson.

Some exploratory mapping of that data lives on Observable.

The Makefile directs all the data downloading and transformation.