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See data/ for open-source datasets. See Final.pdf for the research writeup.

Code structure

The Makefile (/data/Makefile) handles all data processing. It has the following functions.

  1. Uses mapshaper to create necessary prerequisite files: city-bbox-index.json (maps city to bounding box), city-boundaries.json (maps city to dissolved bounary).

  2. It generates a basemap for each city. scripts/ downloads vector data from OSM via the Overpass API into OSM_DIR. scripts/ converts the data into GeoJSON (OSM_GEO_DIR). GDAL burns the vectors into a web-friendly raster (OSM_BURNED_DIR). scripts/ applies a local Albers projection and converts the raster into a PNG.

  3. It generates a temperature layers for each city. I use the GEE JavaScript API to download a temperature layer for each city's bounding box into TEMP_DIR. I convert it (gdaldem color-relief) into a colored relief (RELIEF_DIR). scripts/ makes a custom color configuration (COLOR_DIR) for each temperature raster that only considers values inside a city's boundary. Alongside that, the script creates a label file for pixel filtering. scripts/ applies an Albers projection and converts the raster into a PNG.

  4. It generates impervious descriptor layers for each city. Must generate $(IMP_DESC_DIR)/$(CITY).tif and $(IMP_PCT_DIR)/$(CITY).tif before generating $(IMP_RELIEF_DIR)/$(CITY)-$(BOUND).tif. Alongside the relief, scripts/ creates a label file for pixel filtering.

  5. It generates city-level HOLC boundary SVGs into HOLC_DIR using the Mapping Inequality shapefile (I downloaded the compressed data from Mapping Inequality, unzipped it, and kept only the shapefile directory, which I renamed to holc-shapefile. I then adjusted the shapefile to simplify/de-duplify some city names.). It uses -split holc_grade to group polygons into <g>'s. It uses mapshaper to project the SVG according to the string produced by scripts/ --proj4.

  6. It extracts the essentials from temperature GEE task exports with ndjson-cli into temperatures-YYYY.json. It does the same for impervious surfaces and tree canopy exports into impervious-YYYY.json.

  7. It takes the GEE temperature task export and uses the R script ./r/runTukey.r to run the Tukey HSD test on all cities. The script also generates Tukey and density plot visualizations for all cities.

Every relief is projected into a local Albers.

Local setup

  • Command line tools: GDAL, jq, mapshaper, ndjson-cli, R
  • Libraries: npm install; osgeo, kmeans1d, rasterio for Python

Large and private files that are ignored:

Reference material