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This is the Mina app for the Ledger Nano S and Nano X hardware wallet.

Building and installing

To build and install the app on your Ledger Nano you must set up the Ledger Nano build environments. Please follow the Getting Started instructions at here.

If you don't want to setup a global environnment, you can also setup one just for this app by sourcing with the right target (s or x).

Install prerequisite and switch to the Nano dev-env:

sudo apt install gcc-multilib g++-multilib
sudo apt install python3-venv python3-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev

# install pyelftools if using emulator
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install pytest pyelftools mnemonic jsonschema construct pyqt5 flask flask-restful

# (x or s, depending on your device)
source s

Clone the source

git clone --recurse-submodules

Compile and load the app onto the device:

make load

Refresh the repo (required after Makefile edits):

make clean

Remove the app from the device:

make delete

Run the app with the emulator:

make run

To engage the emulator use the LEDGER_PROXY_ADDRESS and LEDGER_PROXY_PORT environmental variables.

For example

LEDGER_PROXY_ADDRESS= LEDGER_PROXY_PORT=9999 ./utils/mina_ledger_wallet get-address 0

You can also run the app with emulator automation that will automatically approve each operation. This is done by setting the AUTOMATION environmental variable and can be useful when testing.

Run the app with the emulator and automation:

AUTOMATION=1 make run

Unit tests

There are two types of unit tests: those that run off-device as part of the build and those that can be run on the Ledger device.

Off-device unit tests

The off-device unit tests run automatically as part of the build, some using the Ledger Speculos emulator. Speculos is included as a submodule of the ledger-app-mina repository (see cloning instructions above).

You can skip running the off-device emulator tests by using the NO_EMULATOR environmental variable.


On-device unit tests

  1. Initialize your Ledger test hardware with the following secret phrase
course grief vintage slim tell hospital car maze model style elegant kitchen state purpose matrix gas grid enable frown road goddess glove canyon key
  1. Build and install the Mina unit tests app
make clean
  1. Start the unit tests app on your Ledger device

This app replaces the normal Mina app and will show

unit tests

once loaded.

  1. Run the unit tests

Command-line wallet

This package provides a simple command-line wallet that interfaces with your Ledger device and Mina blockchain to allow you to generate addresses, sign transaction and submit them to the Mina network.

$ ./utils/ -h
usage: [-h] [--verbose]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --verbose             Verbose mode

There is additional help available for each subcommand.

Get address

$ ./utils/ get-address 1
Get address for account 1 (path 44'/12586'/1'/0/0)
Continue? (y/N) y
Generating address (please confirm on Ledger device)... done
Received address: B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt

This generates the keypair corresponding to hardware wallet account 1 (BIP44 account 44'/12586'/1'/0/0) and returns the corresponding Mina address.

Get balance

$ ./utils/ get-balance B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt
Getting network identifier... debug
Getting account balance... done

Address: B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt
Balance: 9792.0

This queries the Mina blockchain for the balance of address B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt.

Send payment

$ ./utils/ send-payment 1 B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt B62qrPN5Y5yq8kGE3FbVKbGTdTAJNdtNtB5sNVpxyRwWGcDEhpMzc8g 2.71821

This sends a payment of 2.71821 Mina from hardware wallet account 1 (B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt) to recipient B62qrPN5Y5yq8kGE3FbVKbGTdTAJNdtNtB5sNVpxyRwWGcDEhpMzc8g.


$ ./utils/ delegate 1 B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt B62qrPN5Y5yq8kGE3FbVKbGTdTAJNdtNtB5sNVpxyRwWGcDEhpMzc8g --memo "Delegation is fun!"

This delegates the entire balance of hardware wallet account 1 (B62qicipYxyEHu7QjUqS7QvBipTs5CzgkYZZZkPoKVYBu6tnDUcE9Zt) to delegate B62qrPN5Y5yq8kGE3FbVKbGTdTAJNdtNtB5sNVpxyRwWGcDEhpMzc8g.


This follows the specification available in the api.asc.