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llange committed Jul 13, 2022
1 parent b5f52a8 commit 2fc488f
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# esp8266-web-interface
Web interface for Huebner inverter

# Table of Contents
<summary>Click to open TOC</summary>
<!-- MarkdownTOC autolink="true" levels="1,2,3,4,5,6" bracket="round" style="unordered" indent=" " autoanchor="false" markdown_preview="github" -->

- [About](#about)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Wifi network](#wifi-network)
- [Reaching the board](#reaching-the-board)
- [Hardware](#hardware)
- [Firmware](#firmware)
- [Flashing / Upgrading](#flashing--upgrading)
- [Wirelessly](#wirelessly)
- [Wired](#wired)
- [Documentations](#documentations)
- [Development](#development)
- [Arduino](#arduino)

<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->

# About
This repository hosts the source code for the Web Interface for the Huebner inverter, and derivated projects:
* [OpenInverter Sine (and FOC) firmware](
* [Vehicle Control Unit for Electric Vehicle Conversion Projects](
* [OpenInverter buck or boost mode charger firmware](
* [OpenInverter non-grid connected inverter](
* [BMS project firmware](
* ...

It is written with the Arduino development environment and libraries.

# Usage
To use the web interface 2 things are needed :
* You need to have a computer on the same WiFi network as the board,
* You need to 'browse' the web interface page.

## Wifi network
There are 2 possibilities:
* Either you connect to an Access Point generated by the board. The default name for this access point is 'ESP-xxxxx' but can be customized. In that case, the board will have a fixed IP address of `` (and will be reachable on
* Or you can configure the board to join your own WiFi network ; and in that case you may need to tweak your network configuration to provide a fixed address to the board (not necessary).

## Reaching the board
The board announces itself to the world using mDNS protocol (aka Bonjour, or Rendezvous, or Zeroconf), so you may be able to reach the board using a local name of `inverter.local`.
So first try to reach it on http://inverter.local/

# Hardware
The web interface has been initially designed to run on ESP8266 boards, such as:
* [Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266](

(Pay attention to the SPI flash chip on your board: some need a special mode `QOUT` instead of `QIO` for programming)

You can buy pre-programmed boards:
* [OpenInverter shop](
* [EVBMW Shop]( (Note : you can choose between OpenInverter or Lexus VCU firmware version )

# Firmware
You can find pre-compiled versions of the firmware on the [OpenInverter forum](, or can compile it yourself
by following the [instructions below](#development).

# Flashing / Upgrading
## Wirelessly
If your board is already programmed with this esp8266-web-interface firmware, or with a firmware that has either ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer or ArduinoOTA components compiled in (it may be the case with the default firmware when you buy a new module), and if you can already reach it (WiFi + network); then you can use one of these approachs:

* Using ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer component
* Either go to http://inverter.local/update and upload the binary firmware file
* Or use this command line `curl -F "image=@firmware.bin" inverter.local/update`
* Using the ArduinoOTA component
* Use the `` tool (available in the Arduino tools) to upload either a binary firmware file, or a binary filesystem file:
* Firmware: `python ..../Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/3.0.2/tools/ -i esp8266-761bb8.local --progress --file firmware.bin`
* Filesystem: `python ..../Arduino15/packages/esp8266/hardware/esp8266/3.0.2/tools/ -i esp8266-761bb8.local --spiffs --progress --file spiffs.bin`
* Using your development environment (see the [instructions below](#development))

## Wired
If your board is new and unprogrammed, or if you want to fully re-program it, you'll need to have a wired connection between your computer and the board.
Assuming you're using the original Olimex board, you'll need :
* A 3.3v capable USB / Serial adapter
* the following connections:

Pin# | ESP8266 Board Function | USB / Serial adapter
----- | ---------------------- | --------------------
1 | +3.3v input | (Some adapters provide a +3.3v output, you can use it)
2 | GND | GND
3 | RXD input | TXD output
4 | TXD output | RXD input

Then you would use any of the the [development tool below](#development) ; or the `` tool to upload either a binary firmware file, or a binary filesystem file.

# Documentations
* [Openinverter Web Interface Protocol](

# Development
You can choose between the following tools:

## Arduino
[Arduino IDE]( is an easy-to-use desktop IDE, which provides a quick and integrated way to develop and update your board.
* [Initial setup](doc/
* [Day to day usage](doc/
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Arduino IDE setup

# Table of Contents
<summary>Click to open TOC</summary>
<!-- MarkdownTOC autolink="true" levels="1,2,3,4,5,6" bracket="round" style="unordered" indent=" " autoanchor="false" markdown_preview="github" -->

- [About Arduino IDE](#about-arduino-ide)
- [Installing Arduino IDE and plugins](#installing-arduino-ide-and-plugins)
- [Configuring Arduino IDE](#configuring-arduino-ide)

<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->

# About Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE is an open-source integrated development environment with support for multiple platforms.

Learn more :

# Installing Arduino IDE and plugins

[Download]( the IDE, and follow the [Getting Started](

Additionally, install (by following the instructions in the following links) the 2 following IDE plugins:

When you start the Arduino IDE, you should now have two additional options in the `Tools` menu:
* ESP8266 LittleFS Data Upload
* ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload

# Configuring Arduino IDE

In the `Preferences` pane for the IDE, look for `Additional Boards Manager URLs`, click on the button on the right, and append the following URL:

In the `Tools` menu, select the `Board` entry, click on the `Boards Manager...` submenu, enter `esp8266` in the search box and press Enter.

You should have one entry named `esp8266 by ESP8266 Community` ; click on `Install` and wait for installation.

Open the project `File` > `Open` and navigate to the `FSBrowser.ino` file, and open it.

Go back to the `Tools` menu, and in the `Board` entry select the `ESP8266 Boards` choose your board (`Olimex MOD-WIFI-ESP8266(-DEV))

Configure the other parameters the following way:

* Upload Speed : 921600
* CPU Frequency : 80MHz
* Flash Size: 2MB (FS:512KB OTA:~768KB)
* Debug port: Disabled
* Debug level: None
* lwIP Variant: v2 Lower Memory
* VTables: Flash
* C++ Exceptions: Disabled (new aborts on oom)
* Stack Protection: Disabled
* Erase Flash: Only Sketch
* SSL Support: All SSL Ciphers (most compatible)
* MMU: 32KB cache + 32KB IRAM (balanced)
* Non-32-bit access: Use pgm_read macros for IRAM/PROGMEM
* Port: (_lookup the port on which your USB/Serial adapter is. You can also choose the board if it's up, connected to your WiFi, for OTA flashing_)

That's it ! Your IDE should now be configured for your day to day operations.
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Arduino IDE usage

# Table of Contents
<summary>Click to open TOC</summary>
<!-- MarkdownTOC autolink="true" levels="1,2,3,4,5,6" bracket="round" style="unordered" indent=" " autoanchor="false" markdown_preview="github" -->

- [Compilation](#compilation)
- [Compile and Flash board](#compile-and-flash-board)
- [Flashing the filesystem](#flashing-the-filesystem)
- [Debugging](#debugging)

<!-- /MarkdownTOC -->

# Compilation
To compile, you need to choose, in the `Sketch` menu, `Verify / Compile`

# Compile and Flash board
Choose, in the `Sketch` menu, `Upload`. It will compile and send to the board with the chosen method (serial / OTA)

# Flashing the filesystem
Choose, in the `Tools` menu, the `ESP8266 Sketch Data Upload` option, which will package, and flash the files in the `data` directory (HTML files for the web interface)

# Debugging
In case you're debugging and have enabled (`Tools` > `Debug port` / `Tools` > `Debug level`) some kind of debugging output, you may use the `Tools` / `Serial monitor` to check the debug messages.

Please note that the serial port is intended to be attached to the inverter (or other application), so do not leave debug messages in normal operation.

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