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Jeff Squyres edited this page Sep 2, 2014 · 3 revisions

Hierachical Topology Framework

The HiTopo framework provides an unified way of getting the geographical location of a process or group of processes.

Source code is available here :


HiTopo defines 8 topology levels. Each MPI process will have an address for each of these levels.

0 : Cluster

This level is currently unused (always equal to 0) but could be used in grids to number different clusters of the same computing center.

1 : Island

Islands are currently used to group nodes connected by a fat-tree. Islands are connected to each other by a lighter (non fat-tree) network. We currently determine the island number by looking at L2 switches.

But this is just one possible usage. Islands can be used as any level 2 network grouping level.

2 : Switch

The switch level is the smallest network grouping level, currently used to reflect the lower level switch (leaf switch).

3 : Node

The node level reflects the node name/number.

4 : L2 NUMA

This level is used for multi board machines. The L2 NUMA address is the number of the NUMA board.

5 : Socket

The socket level indicates on which socket the MPI process is running. On recent AMD/Intel processors, it can also be seen as the L1 NUMA level.

6 : Core

The core level indicates the core number.

7 : Hyperthread

The HT level is not currently detected, but is used to distinguish two MPI processes running on the same core.



Depends on : SLURM resource manager

The SLURM components retrieves the environment variables provided by SLURM (SLURM_TOPOLOGY_ADDR and SLURM_TOPOLOGY_ADDR_PATTERN) to fill level 3 (node) and potentially level 2 and 1 (switch and island).

cpuid (x86 only)

''' Depends on :''' x86 processors

Fills levels 5 and 6 (sockets and cores) if the process is bound to a socket/core.


''' Depends on :''' linux

Fills level 3 (node name).


''' Depends on :''' Open Fabrics Networks

Fills level 4 (L1 IB switch) and may also fill level 5 (island).


After each process has determined its own physical address (through the above components), an Allgather operation will be performed. Addresses will be recomputed to number each value from 0 to n.

Example :

For a job running on cluster0, island2, switch2 to switch 5, one process may have the following raw address : cluster0.island2.switch3.node4.0.3.2 (l2numa 0, socket 3, core 2) which may be renumbered this way : (only one cluster ; one island ; switch2 is 0, so switch3 is 1 ; node4 has index 4 ; and the rest of the address is unchanged, given that all nodes are fully used)


hitopo_int_t* ompi_hitopo_getaddr(ompi_communicator_t* comm, int process_rank) will return the hitopo address for a given process in a given comm. Note that hitopo addresses may be different depending on the communicator (renumbering will renumber address fields starting at 0).

hitopo_int_t** ompi_hitopo_getaddrs(ompi_communicator_t* comm) will return the full table of the given communicator.

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