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JSS Blazor

JSS Blazor

JSS Blazor is a client SDK for Sitecore JavaScript Services that enables you to build client web apps entirely in C# with Blazor WebAssembly.

🚨 Disclaimer

At the moment, JSS Blazor is a proof of concept to demonstrate the capabilities of Sitecore JavaScript Services beyond JavaScript frameworks and to also give a preview of what .NET Core component development could look like with Sitecore. It is not yet ready for production use.

JSS Blazor is not an official Sitecore module and is in no way, shape, form, or fashion supported by Sitecore.

🚀 Getting Started

This repository consists of the JSS Blazor SDK, which can be found in the /src folder, and a Styleguide sample site found in the /samples folder.

If you want to see JSS Blazor in action or get a feel for how it works, the 🎨 Styleguide is the best place to start.

💼 Prerequisites

You need the following installed to work with Blazor:

  1. Visual Studio 2019 16.4.0 Preview 5 or greater.
  2. The latest Blazor WebAssembly project template.

To install the Blazor WebAssembly project template:

dotnet new -i Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Templates::3.1.0-preview3.19555.2


The JSS Blazor SDK allows you to build new websites with JSS Blazor. To get started working with the JSS Blazor SDK, follow along with its README.

🎨 Styleguide

The Styleguide sample site is built using all of the same components and content found in the boilerplate app for new JSS Angular, React, and Vue.js projects.

To get started with the Styleguide, follow along with its README.


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