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Quantum Transport Clustering

The package quantum_transport_clustering (written in python-3.6) contains three major class objects:

  • GraphMethods: construct undirected graphs, and compute and encapsulate their graph Laplacians
  • SpectralClustering: perform correct spectral clustering on undirected graph Laplacians
  • QuantumTransportClustering: perform quantum transport clustering on undirected graph Laplacians

Usage example

import quantum_transport_clustering as qtc
graph_ = qtc.GraphMethods(data)
spec = qtc.SpectralClustering(n_clusters=3, norm_method='row')
shot = qtc.QuantumTransportClustering(n_clusters=3, Hamiltonian=Lap_)

Graph Methods

quantum_transport_clustering.GraphMethods(data_, graph_embedded=True, edt_tau=None, eps_quant=None, normed=True, compute_lap=True)

The Class GraphMethods is able to

  • Generate Gaussian RBF adjacency matrix using Euclidean distances of the data distribution
  • Compute Graph Lapalcian (symmetrically normalized by default)
  • Store the raw data as well as adjacency matrix and graph Laplacian
data_ If graph_embedded = True, data_ is a numpy array of shape (n_feature, m_sample), or m_sample points in R^n^. If graph_embedded = False, data_ is a numpy array of shape ( m_sample, m_sample) representing the adjacency of a graph with m_sample nodes.
graph_embedded bool, optional. If True, assume the graph is embedded in a Euclidean space. If False , assume the input data set is an adjacency matrix not a priori embedded in a Euclidean space.
edt_tau int, edt_tau > 0, optional. If specified, it is the number of iterations of effective dissimilarity transformation (EDT). Neglected if graph_embedded = False.
eps_quant float, in range 0<eps_quant<100, optional. The the quantile of distance distribution. If not specified, eps_equant = 1. Neglected if graph_embedded = False.
normed bool, optional. If False, graph Laplacian is L = D - A where D is degree diagonal matrix, and A the adjacency matrix. If True, graph Laplacian will be normalized H = sqrt(D) L sqrt(D).
compute_lap bool, optional. If True, graph Laplacian will be computed upon initialization.
Lap_ numpy array of shape ( m_sample, m_sample). The graph Laplacian matrix L or H.


graph_ = qtc.GraphMethods(data)
laplacian_matrix_ = graph_.Lap_

Spectral Clustering

quantum_transport_clustering.SpectralClustering(n_clusters, norm_method='row', is_exact=True)

Perform correct spectral clustering on undirected graph Laplacians.

n_clusters int, n_clusters > 0 , the number of clusters.
norm_method None, "row", or "deg". If None, the spectral embedding is not normalized. If "row", the spectral embedding is L^2^-normalized by row where each row represent a node. If "deg", the spectral embedding is normalized by degree vector.
is_exact bool. If True, exact eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be computed. If False, first (small) n_clusters eigenvalues and eigenvectors will be computed.
fit(Lap_) Lap_ is the symmetric graph Laplacian. First, the eigenvalues and eigenstates are computed. Next, perform spectral embedding and k-means.
labels_ An integer-valued numpy array of shape (m_sample). The class labels associated with each node.


spec = qtc.SpectralClustering(n_clusters=3, norm_method='row')
spec_labels_ = spec.labels_

Quantum Transport Clustering

quantum_transport_clustering.QuantumTransportClustering(n_clusters, Hamiltonian, s=1.0, is_exact=True, n_eigs=None)

Perform quantum transport clustering on undirected graph Laplacians. Requires numpy >= 1.13.

n_clusters int , n_clusters > 0 , the number of clusters.
Hamiltonian numpy array of shape (m_sample, m_sample). The symmetric graph Laplacian matrix H.
s float, s>0 , optional. The actual s-parameter of Laplace transform will be s_actual = s * (E[n_clusters - 1] - E[0]) / (n_clusters - 1), where E[n] are eigenvalues of H.
is_exact bool, optional. If True, exact eigenvalues and eigenvectors of H will be computed. If False, first n_eigs low energy states will be computed approximated.
n_eigs int, n_eigs > 0, optional. If n_eigs not specified and is_exact = False, n_eigs = 10 * n_clusters. If n_eigs is specified and is_exact = True, then first n_eigs low exact energy state will be used to perform quantum transport clustering. The latter case can be used to speed up the clustering processes.
Grind() Grind(s=None, grind='medium', method='diff', init_nodes_=None) Option grind can be "coarse", "medium", "fine", "micro", or "custom". Option method can be "diff" or "kmeans" corresponding to direct difference and k-means methods. If grind="custom", then init_nodes_ is the custom python list of initialization nodes. Method Grind() produces the array Omega_ or the Omega-matrix which contains the raw class labels.
Espresso() Perform "direct extraction method" on Omega. This method creates attribute labels_ as the predicted class labels.
Coldbrew() Compute "consensus matrix" C based on Omega. This method creates attribute consensus_matrix_.
Omega_ An integer-valued numpy array of shape (m_sample, m_initialization). The raw class labels of m_samples from quantum transport from m_initialization nodes.
labels_ An integer-valued numpy array of shape (m_sample). The final prediction by Espresso().
consensus_matrix_ A float-valued numpy array of shape (m_sample, m_sample). The consensus matrix computed by Coldbrew().


shot = qtc.QuantumTransportClustering(n_clusters=3, Hamiltonian=Lap_) # initialization
Omg_ = shot.Grind() # generate raw class label
# One may extract the eigevalues by attribute shot.Heigval
shot.Espresso() # direct extraction method
class_labels_ = shot.labels_
shot.Coldbrew() # generate consensus matrix
C_matrix_ = shot.consensus_matrix_

More in-depth discussions about the spectral clustering and QTC algorithms, including the interpretations of the parameters and variables, can be found at Quantum Transport Senses Community Structure in Networks.


Quantum Transport Clustering






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