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File metadata and controls

219 lines (136 loc) · 5.63 KB

Core Functionality

Core functionality include methods that generate and analyse vectors or matrices.


The jStat object can function in several capacities, as demonstrated below. In all cases, jStat will always return an instance of itself.

jStat( array[, fn] )

Create a new jStat object from either an existing array or jStat object. For example, create a new jStat matrix by doing the following:

var matrix = jStat([[ 1, 2, 3 ],[ 4, 5, 6 ],[ 7, 8, 9 ]]);

If an existing jStat object is passed as an argument then it will be cloned into a new object:

var stat1 = jStat([[ 1, 2 ],[ 3, 4 ]]),
    stat2 = jStat( stat1 );

To transform the data on creation, pass a function as the final argument:

jStat([[ 1, 2 ],[ 3, 4 ]], function( x ) {
    return x * 2;

jStat( start, stop, count[, fn ])

To create a sequence then pass numeric values in the same form jStat.seq() would be used:

var vector = jStat( 0, 1, 5 );
// vector === [[ 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 ]]

By passing a function the sequence value can be manipulated:

var vector = jStat( 0, 1, 5, function( x ) {
    return x * 2;
// vector === [[ 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 ]];

The second argument passed to the function is the count (starting from 0). Using this we can create a multidimensional array (useful for plotting data):

var betaGraph = jStat( 0, 1, 11, function( x, cnt ) {
    return [ jStat.beta.pdf( x, alpha, beta ), cnt ];


A chainable shortcut in the API exists to allow for filling in the data after object creation. So creating jStat objects from methods like rand() can be accomplished in one of the following ways:

// pass the generated random 3x3 matrix to jStat
jStat( jStat.rand( 3 ));
// or create an empty instance that is filled in afterwards
jStat().rand( 3 );


Returns the count of rows in a matrix.

rows( array )

var matrix = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]];
jStat.rows( matrix ) === 2;

fn.rows( [callback] )

jStat( matrix ).rows() === 2;

Or pass a callback to run the calculation asynchronously and pass on the calculation. This allows for continued chaining of methods to the jStat object. Also note this within the callback refers to the calling jStat object.

jStat( matrix ).rows(function( d ) {
    // d === 2


Returns the number of columns in a matrix.

cols( array )

var matrix = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]];
jStat.cols( matrix ) === 3;

fn.cols( [callback] )

jStat( matrix ).cols() === 3;

Or pass a callback to run the calculation asynchronously and pass on the calculation. This allows for continued chaining of methods to the jStat object. Also note this within the callback refers to the calling jStat object.

jStat( matrix ).cols(function( d ) {
    // d === 3


Returns and object with the dimensions of a matrix.

dimensions( array )

var matrix = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]];
jStat.dimensions( matrix ) === { cols: 3, rows: 2 };

fn.dimensions( [callback] )

jStat( matrix ).dimensions() === { cols: 3, rows: 2 };

Or pass a callback to run the calculation asynchronously and pass on the calculation. This allows for continued chaining of methods to the jStat object. Also note this within the callback refers to the calling jStat object.

jStat( matrix ).dimensions(function( d ) {
    // d === { cols: 3, rows: 2 }


Returns a specified row of a matrix.

row( array, index )

var matrix = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]];
jStat.row( matrix, 0 ) === [1,2,3];

fn.row( index[, callback] )

jStat( matrix ).row( 0 ) === jStat([1,2,3]);

Or pass a callback to run the calculation asynchronously and pass on the calculation. This allows for continued chaining of methods to the jStat object. Also note this within the callback refers to the calling jStat object.

jStat( matrix ).row( 0, function( d ) {
    // d === jStat([1,2,3])


Returns the specified column as a column vector.

col( index )

var matrix = [[1,2],[3,4]];
jStat.col( matrix, 0 ) === [[1],[3]];

fn.col( index[, callback] )

jStat( matrix ).col( 0 ) === jStat([[1],[3]]);

Or pass a callback to run the calculation asynchronously and pass on the calculation. This allows for continued chaining of methods to the jStat object. Also note this within the callback refers to the calling jStat object.

jStat( matrix ).col( 0, function( d ) {
    // d === jStat([[1],[3]])


Returns the diagonal of the matrix.

var matrix = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];
jStat( matrix ).diag() === jStat([[1],[5],[9]]);
jStat.diag( matrix ) === [[1],[5],[9]];


Returns the anti-diagonal of the matrix.

var matrix = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]];
jStat( matrix ).antidiag() === jStat([[3],[5],[7]]);
jStat.antidiag( matrix ) === [[3],[5],[7]];

transpose( [callback] )

Transpose a matrix.

jStat([[1,2],[3,4]]).transpose() === [[1,3],[2,4]];

map( func )

Map a function to all values and return a new object.

var matrix = jStat([[1,2],[3,4]]),
    mapped = function( x ) {
        return x * 2;
// matrix === [[1,2],[3,4]]
// mapped === [[2,4],[6,8]]

alter( func )

Destructively alter an object.

var matrix = jStat([[1,2],[3,4]]);
matrix.alter( function( x ) {
    return x * 2;
// matrix === [[2,4],[6,8]]

jStat Utility Methods

Utilities that are used throughout the jStat library

utils.calcRdx( num0, num1 )

Calculate the decimal shift for the IEEE calculation correction.

utils.isArray( arg )

utils.isFunction( arg )