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GroupMe bot to render LaTeX equations and send them as images

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GroupMe LaTeX Rendering Bot

Math is a common topic of many of my group chats, but the lack of inline LaTeX rendering makes certain discussions difficult. This bot detects any messages which are LaTeX equations (those beginning and ending with $, or starting with [; and ending with ;]), and subsequently renders them, sending the output to the group chat as an image. The bot can also render short snippets of text, in addition to tikz plots.

The bot runs using Python 3 and is designed to run using cgi-bin. It has only been tested with apache2.

Discussed in /r/math.

Demo & Examples

Examples to try

  • help

  • $ a^2 + b^2 = c^2 $

  • $$ \mathrm{Borwein} (n) := \int_0^\infty \prod_{i = 0}^n \frac{\sin (x)}{x} dx $$

  • [; Keep it $\mathbb{R}$ ;]

  • A Venn diagram

      \begin{scope}[blend group = soft light]
      \fill[red!30!white] ( 90:1.2) circle (2);
      \fill[green!30!white] (210:1.2) circle (2);
      \fill[blue!30!white] (330:1.2) circle (2);
      \node at ( 90:2) {Typography};
      \node at ( 210:2) {Design};
      \node at ( 330:2) {Coding};
      \node [font=\Large] {\LaTeX};
  • A Penrose Triangle

      \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1, line join=bevel]
      apply style/.code = {\tikzset{#1}},
      triangle_edges/.style = {thick,draw=black}
      \foreach \theta/\facestyle in {
      0/{triangle_edges, fill = gray!50},
      120/{triangle_edges, fill = gray!25},
      240/{triangle_edges, fill = gray!90}
      \draw[apply style/.expand once=\facestyle]
      ({-sqrt(3)/2*\a},{-0.5*\a}) --
      ++(-\b,0) --
      ({0.5*\b},{\a+3*sqrt(3)/2*\b}) --
      ({sqrt(3)/2*\a+2.5*\b},{-.5*\a-sqrt(3)/2*\b}) --
      ++({-.5*\b},-{sqrt(3)/2*\b}) --
      ({0.5*\b},{\a+sqrt(3)/2*\b}) --

Quick Start

  1. Change to the cgi-bin directory of your web server. For example:

     cd /usr/lib/cgi-bin
  2. Clone the repository (may need to use sudo)

     git clone
  3. Make sure the main latex file is marked as executable

     sudo chmod +x groupme-latex/latex
  4. Get your "bot ID" and "API key" from GroupMe by creating a bot, which can be done by following this tutorial. For the callback URL, use something like the following

     http://<server URL>/cgi-bin/groupme-latex/latex
  5. Edit the main latex file to use the correct BOT_ID, API_ACCESS_TOKEN, and SERVER_BASE_URL where the base URL is the location where the tex files will be output and compiled.

  6. Create the folder where the tex files will be output and compiled. By default, this is /var/www/html/latex. Also give it writable permissions.

     mkdir -p /var/www/html/latex && chmod 777 /var/www/html/latex
  7. Upgrade all packages on the system. On Ubuntu, this will look something like the following

     sudo apt update && sudo apt -y upgrade
  8. Install necessary dependencies. On Ubuntu, this will look something like the following

     sudo apt install texlive texlive-extra-utils texlive-latex-extra texlive-pictures poppler-utils
  9. Use the bot! Any messages that start and end with $ or start with [; and end with ;] will be rendered with LaTeX and sent back as images.


This bot writes approximately 1000 bytes of arbitrary data to a file on its server. That means anyone in a group with this bot can effectively write files to the server the bot runs on. Moreover, the bot does not do any verification that the POST request it responds to actually comes from GroupMe and/or the correct group. That means anyone who sees this bot running can write data to the server it runs on.

Additionally, the default instructions include setting the file permissions on the /var/www/html/latex directory to 777, which is probably overkill.

Moreover, they run pdflatex on arbitrary code, which can allow an attacker to read/write arbitrary files using \input and run abitrary commands with \immediate\write18. Do not set this up if you do not want to risk the security of your server.

Combined, these represent a HUGE security vulnerability! Do not run this without accepting the risks.


GroupMe bot to render LaTeX equations and send them as images



