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Growling Tests

An sbt 0.10.* plugin that growls/notifies test results.


On Mac

To install, create a build.sbt file under project/plugins/ in your sbt project

resolvers += "less is" at ""

libraryDependencies <+= sbtVersion(v => "me.lessis" %% "sbt-growl-plugin" % "0.1.1-%s".format(v))

Then run your tests with the test task. If you have growl installed you should get test feedback as growl notifications

Test failures will stick until all tests pass.

On Ubuntu

To install, first ensure that libnotify-bin is installed.

sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin

Then create a Build.scala file under ~/.sbt/plugins/project directory

import sbt._
object PluginDef extends Build {
  override def projects = Seq(root)
  lazy val root = Project("plugins", file(".")) dependsOn(growl)
  lazy val growl = uri("git://")

Now all your projects will be outfitted with libnotify abilities. Just run the test task and you'll see the magikz.

Configuring Icons

By default the growl plugin looks for icons in ~/.sbt/growl/icons/. Specifically, it looks for:

  • pass.png - used when tests pass
  • fail.png - used when tests fail
  • error.png - used for catastrophic failures

If an icon is not found for Growl, the plugin extracts a Scala logo and places it in ~/.sbt/growl/icons/scala-logo.png to use for notifications.

The directory in which Growl looks for icons can be configured by adding this to your build.sbt file:

defaultImagePath in Growl := "/my/better/path"

You can configure images individually by reconfiguring the GrowlTestImages class. e.g.

images in Growl <<= (images in Growl) map (i => i.copy(fail = Some("/better/fail/icon.png")))


  • support like notifiers on other OS's

2010-2011 Doug Tangren (softprops) + Josh Suereth (jsuereth)


Growling sbt test results so you don't have to







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  • Scala 100.0%