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First experiment with new event-based logging framework.
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Step sbt#1 - All loggers fire events.  Registered Appender is
used to write to disk when it can.

Places a new logging package in sbt.internals with the
gunky details of logging using disruptors for
efficient eventing between threads.
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jsuereth committed May 8, 2014
1 parent d198ea4 commit cfd0b1e
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Showing 10 changed files with 351 additions and 73 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project/Sbt.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ object Sbt extends Build {
// Command line-related utilities.
lazy val completeSub = testedBaseProject(utilPath / "complete", "Completion") dependsOn (collectionSub, controlSub, ioSub) settings (jline)
// logging
lazy val logSub = testedBaseProject(utilPath / "log", "Logging") dependsOn (interfaceSub, processSub) settings (jline)
lazy val logSub = testedBaseProject(utilPath / "log", "Logging") dependsOn (interfaceSub, processSub) settings (jline, disruptor)
// Relation
lazy val relationSub = testedBaseProject(utilPath / "relation", "Relation") dependsOn (interfaceSub, processSub)
// class file reader and analyzer
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions project/Util.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ object Common {
def lib(m: ModuleID) = libraryDependencies += m
lazy val jlineDep = "jline" % "jline" % "2.11"
lazy val jline = lib(jlineDep)
lazy val disruptor = lib("com.lmax" % "disruptor" % "3.2.1")
lazy val ivy = lib("org.scala-sbt.ivy" % "ivy" % "2.4.0-sbt-d6fca11d63402c92e4167cdf2da91a660d043392")
lazy val httpclient = lib("commons-httpclient" % "commons-httpclient" % "3.1")
lazy val jsch = lib("com.jcraft" % "jsch" % "0.1.46" intransitive ())
Expand Down
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions util/log/src/main/scala/sbt/EventPassingLogger.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
package sbt

* Represents a logger that turns all calls into
* events and sends them down the internal logger.
* This wraps a pure "LogEvent" API and provides
* sbt's "AbstractLogger".
final class EventPassingLogger(
delegate: sbt.internals.logging.EventLogger,
override val ansiCodesSupported: Boolean = false) extends AbstractLogger {
override def setLevel(newLevel: Level.Value): Unit =
delegate fire new SetLevel(newLevel)

override def setSuccessEnabled(flag: Boolean): Unit =
delegate fire new SetSuccess(flag)

override def setTrace(level: Int): Unit =
delegate fire new SetTrace(level)

override def trace(t: => Throwable): Unit =
delegate fire new Trace(t)
override def success(message: => String): Unit =
delegate fire new Success(message)
override def log(level: Level.Value, message: => String): Unit =
delegate fire new Log(level, message)
// TODO - this should send the sequence directly to the other API for performance reasons.
override def logAll(events: Seq[LogEvent]): Unit =
events foreach
override def control(event: ControlEvent.Value, message: => String): Unit =
delegate fire new ControlEvent(event, message)

// Note: We do not support this aspect of the API.
// Here we just try to keep everything as open as possible, as configuration
// will be in the log-appender downstream.
override def getLevel: sbt.Level.Value = Level.Debug
override def getTrace: Int = 0
override def successEnabled: Boolean = true
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions util/log/src/main/scala/sbt/LogEvent.scala
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,11 @@
package sbt

* Represents an event fired from a logger.
* This is used to in both log buffering and in async-based loggers.
sealed trait LogEvent extends NotNull
final class Success(val msg: String) extends LogEvent
final class Log(val level: Level.Value, val msg: String) extends LogEvent
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113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions util/log/src/main/scala/sbt/internals/logging/DisruptiveLogger.scala
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@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
package sbt
package internals
package logging

import com.lmax.disruptor.{
import com.lmax.disruptor.dsl.{
import java.util.concurrent.{
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory

* Represents a log event cell in a ring buffer.
* Here we insert/remove data.
private[logging] class LogEventCell[LogTarget] {

private var eventOpt: Option[FullLogEvent[LogTarget]] = None

// Here we assume there is an event in a cell.
def get: FullLogEvent[LogTarget] = eventOpt.get
def set(e: FullLogEvent[LogTarget]): Unit = {
eventOpt = Some(e)

/** Represents the full logging information we send over our event queues. */
private[logging] case class FullLogEvent[LogTarget](source: LogTarget, event: LogEvent)

* Internal implementation of loggers as simple event producers.
* TODO - Better log event, possibly including the "source"
private[logging] class DisruptiveLogger[LogTarget](source: LogTarget, buffer: RingBuffer[LogEventCell[LogTarget]])
extends EventLogger {
/** Fires the given log event. */
def fire(event: LogEvent): Unit =
pushEvent(FullLogEvent(source, event))

private def pushEvent(event: FullLogEvent[LogTarget]): Boolean = {
// Note: we push any back-off strategy onto the disruptor lib
val idx =
try buffer.get(idx).set(event)
finally buffer.publish(idx)

* A manager for creating loggers which feed their events through a disruptor into
* a single appender thread, in control of all back-end files.
private[logging] final class DisruptiveLogManager[LogTarget](name: String, appender: LogAppender[LogTarget]) extends LogManager[LogTarget] {

// TODO - All this setup should be configurable...
private val waitStrategy =
new PhasedBackoffWaitStrategy(
10, // spin timeout
100, // yield timeout
new BlockingWaitStrategy() // Block when done.
private object cellFactory extends EventFactory[LogEventCell[LogTarget]] {
def newInstance: LogEventCell[LogTarget] = new LogEventCell
private val ringSize = 2048
private object namedThreadFactory extends ThreadFactory {
override def newThread(r: Runnable): Thread =
new Thread(r, s"log-appender-${name}")
private val executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(namedThreadFactory)
// Construct a disruptor (pattern) which will allow us to concurrently fire log events
// and handle them in a central location.
private val disruptor = new Disruptor(
disruptor.handleEventsWith(new EventHandler[LogEventCell[LogTarget]] {
def onEvent(event: LogEventCell[LogTarget], sequence: Long, endOfBatch: Boolean): Unit = {
appender.handleNext(event.get, endOfBatch)
// TODO - do this here?

// The buffer used to publish logs.
private[internals] val buffer = disruptor.getRingBuffer

// Public API which allows users to create loggers.
final def createLogger(target: LogTarget): EventLogger =
new DisruptiveLogger(target, buffer)

/** Closes all the resources we hold open*/
final def close(): Unit = {

12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions util/log/src/main/scala/sbt/internals/logging/EventLogger.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
package sbt
package internals
package logging

* Internal implementation of loggers as simple
* event producers.
trait EventLogger {
/** Fires the given log event. */
def fire(event: LogEvent): Unit
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions util/log/src/main/scala/sbt/internals/logging/LogManager.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package sbt
package internals
package logging

* This represents a factory for generating
* logger instances that target some kind of backend.
trait LogManager[LogTarget] extends {
* Construct a new thread-safe logger which will log its events into
* the desired target.
def createLogger(target: LogTarget): EventLogger
object LogManager {
/** Factory function to create the default log manager for sbt projects. */
def apply[LogTarget](name: String, appender: LogAppender[LogTarget]): LogManager[LogTarget] =
disruptor(name, appender)

//TODO - disruptor specific config options
def disruptor[LogTarget](name: String, appender: LogAppender[LogTarget]): LogManager[LogTarget] =
new DisruptiveLogManager(name, appender)

* A strategy for how to append logs to streams.
* This will be used in a single-threaded context.
private[sbt] trait LogAppender[LogTarget] extends {
* Consume and do something useful with the next log event.
* @param e The log event *and* the target for the log, i.e. which stream/file the info needs to go out.
* @param endOfBatch Represents whether this is the last log event from the current batch of blasted events.
def handleNext(e: FullLogEvent[LogTarget], endOfBatch: Boolean): Unit
82 changes: 82 additions & 0 deletions util/log/src/test/scala/LogGen.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package sbt

import org.scalacheck._
import Arbitrary.{ arbitrary => arb, _ }
import Gen.{ listOfN, oneOf }
import Prop._

object LogGen {
final val MaxLines = 100
final val MaxSegments = 10
/* The following are implicit generators to build up a write sequence.
* ToLog represents a written segment. NewLine represents one of the possible
* newline separators. A List[ToLog] represents a full line and always includes a
* final ToLog with a trailing '\n'. Newline characters are otherwise not present in
* the `content` of a ToLog instance.*/

implicit lazy val arbOut: Arbitrary[Output] = Arbitrary(genOutput)
implicit lazy val arbLog: Arbitrary[ToLog] = Arbitrary(genLog)
implicit lazy val arbLine: Arbitrary[List[ToLog]] = Arbitrary(genLine)
implicit lazy val arbNewLine: Arbitrary[NewLine] = Arbitrary(genNewLine)
implicit lazy val arbLevel: Arbitrary[Level.Value] = Arbitrary(genLevel)

implicit def genLine(implicit logG: Gen[ToLog]): Gen[List[ToLog]] =
for (l <- listOf[ToLog](MaxSegments); last <- logG) yield (addNewline(last) :: l.filter(!_.content.isEmpty)).reverse

implicit def genLog(implicit content: Arbitrary[String], byChar: Arbitrary[Boolean]): Gen[ToLog] =
for (c <- content.arbitrary; by <- byChar.arbitrary) yield {
assert(c != null)
new ToLog(removeNewlines(c), by)

implicit lazy val genNewLine: Gen[NewLine] =
for (str <- oneOf("\n", "\r", "\r\n")) yield new NewLine(str)

implicit lazy val genLevel: Gen[Level.Value] =

implicit lazy val genOutput: Gen[Output] =
for (ls <- listOf[List[ToLog]](MaxLines); lv <- genLevel) yield new Output(ls, lv)

def removeNewlines(s: String) = s.replaceAll("""[\n\r]+""", "")
def addNewline(l: ToLog): ToLog =
new ToLog(l.content + "\n", l.byCharacter) // \n will be replaced by a random line terminator for all lines

def listOf[T](max: Int)(implicit content: Arbitrary[T]): Gen[List[T]] =
Gen.choose(0, max) flatMap { sz => listOfN(sz, content.arbitrary) }

/* Helper classes*/

final class Output(val lines: List[List[ToLog]], val level: Level.Value) extends NotNull {
override def toString =
"Level: " + level + "\n" +"\n")
final class NewLine(val str: String) extends NotNull {
override def toString = Escape(str)
final class ToLog(val content: String, val byCharacter: Boolean) extends NotNull {
def contentOnly = Escape.newline(content, "")
override def toString = if (content.isEmpty) "" else "ToLog('" + Escape(contentOnly) + "', " + byCharacter + ")"
/** Defines some utility methods for escaping unprintable characters.*/
object Escape {
/** Escapes characters with code less than 20 by printing them as unicode escapes.*/
def apply(s: String): String =
val builder = new StringBuilder(s.length)
for (c <- s) {
def escaped = pad(c.toInt.toHexString.toUpperCase, 4, '0')
if (c < 20) builder.append("\\u").append(escaped) else builder.append(c)
def pad(s: String, minLength: Int, extra: Char) =
val diff = minLength - s.length
if (diff <= 0) s else List.make(diff, extra).mkString("", "", s)
/** Replaces a \n character at the end of a string `s` with `nl`.*/
def newline(s: String, nl: String): String =
if (s.endsWith("\n")) s.substring(0, s.length - 1) + nl else s

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