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pentacular edited this page Sep 3, 2019 · 9 revisions

Open #shelves

const width = 285;
const depth = 220;
const height = 390;

Set up the basic shelf and beam shapes.

const shelf = Square(width, depth)

const beam = Square(10, height)

We need the beams to be in two parts:

  • The supports which should be cut by the shelves.
  • The beams which should cut the shelves.
const supports = assemble(
  beam.left().move(width / 2 - 10, 30),
  beam.right().move(width / -2 + 10, 30),
  beam.left().move(width / 2 - 10, depth - 30).as('beam', 'reference beam'),
  beam.right().move(width / -2 + 10, depth - 30));
const beams = assemble(
  beam.left().move(width / 2, 30),
  beam.right().move(width / - 2, 30),
  beam.left().move(width / 2, depth - 30).as('beam', 'reference beam'),
  beam.right().move(width / - 2, depth - 30));

Put some stuff on a shelf to see how it looks.

const stuff = assemble(Cube(50).rotateZ(12)
                       Cylinder(10, 60)
const shelves = assemble(
  shelf.move(0, 0, height / 6)
       .as('shelf', 'reference shelf'),
       .move(0, 100)
       .above(shelf.move(0, 0, -height / 6)));

Put the whole thing together.

const design = assemble(
  Cube(width + 20, depth + 20, height + 20)
  Cube(width, depth, height).back().drop(),

Generate a pdf for laser cutting the beams.

Note the use of fuse() to merge the beam elements into a single solid for outlining.

design.keep('reference beam').rotateX(90).center().fuse().section().outline()

Generate a pdf for laser cutting the shelves.

design.keep('reference shelf').center().section().outline()

And return the full assembly to see how it should fit together.

This view can be downloaded as view only html page.
          path: 'shelves.html',
          view: {
            position: [0, -1200, 0],
            target: [0, 0, 0]