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Getting Started

  1. Download.
  2. Inside Maven surfire plugin.
  3. Standalone in JUnit test class.
  4. Configuration options.
  5. Velocity variables.

1. Download.



jt-report jar file

[Download]( )

2. Inside Maven surfire plugin.



@TestClassReport(description = "Put here the description for this test Class.")
public class SimpleExamplesTest {

	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...")
	public void simpleTest1() {

	@Ignore("Put here why this test is skipped")
	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...")
	public void simpleTest2() {

3. Standalone in JUnit test class.

If you want to use it in a standalone you need to extends JtreportRunner class and use the ReportTestRunner to run the test. This mode is not incompatible with the previous Surfire mode.

@TestClassReport(description = "Put here the description for this test Class.")
public class SimpleExamplesTest extends JtreportRunner {

	public ReportSummary initalizeReport() {
		return new ReportSummary("/tmp/jtreportDir",
				new ArrayList&lt;ReportTypePrinterEnum&gt;() {

					private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;


	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...")
	public void simpleTest1() {

	@Ignore("Put here why this test is skipped")
	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...")
	public void simpleTest2() {

	@Ignore("This comment was override in the report")
	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", ignored = "Put here why this test is skipped. This comment go in the test report", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...")
	public void simpleTest3() {

	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...")
	public void simpleTest4() {
		Assert.assertEquals("Are the same", 0, 1);

	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...", failed = "This ovverride the failed massage.")
	public void simpleTest5() {
		Assert.assertEquals("Are the same", 0, 1);

	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...")
	public void simpleTest6() {
		final Integer x = null;

	@TestSingleReport(description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...", error = "This ovverride the error massage.")
	public void simpleTest7() {
		final Integer x = null;

4. Configuration options.

jtreportDir=Report destination directory
veolocityTemplatePath= path of velocity template, if needed
customPrinterClass=Custom printer class implements IPrinterStrategy, if needed
templateWithKey=[true|false], true if you want use template key variable, if needed
printerType=[DEFAULT|CUSTOM|VELOCITY] DEFAULT for default printer, CUSTOM if you want to use a personal printer defined in customPrinterClass, VELOCITY if you want to use a personal Velocity template defined in veolocityTemplatePath
reportPrinterFormat=[PDF,ODT,ODS,CSV,HTML,XHTML,XML,PNG,JRXML], one or more separated by comma
margeReport=[true|false] true if you want to merge the report in one single file.

5. Velocity variables.

with you templateWithKey=false


look the example

		Test report result: $StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml($testClassName)
		<duration>$totalDuration ms</duration>
	#foreach( $test in $testList )

with you templateWithKey=true are the additional variables

testKey + "_descriptionComment"
testKey + "_descriptionResult"
testKey + "_testClassName"
testKey + "_testMethodName"
testKey + "_testDisplayName"
testKey + "_testState"
testKey + "_formattdDate"

where testKey are defined by keyCustomReport variable in TestClassReport annotation, and must be primary key for the report

look the example

@TestClassReport(description = "Put here the description for this test Class.")
public class SimpleExamplesTest {
	@TestSingleReport(keyCustomReport = "keyExampleTest1", description = "Put here the description for this test...", expectations = "Put here the expectations test of the test...")
	public void simpleTest1() {

Velocity template file

		Test report result: $StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml($testClassName)
		<duration>$totalDuration ms</duration>