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Repository files navigation


This is a proof of concept that you can grind a common lisp and web interface directly from a database table.

  • CLOS Class interface using the postmodern dau-class interface
  • HTML Table listing the records in a table
  • HTML Form for entering and editing table entries

Basically CRUD without the cruft..



Before You can use this library you need to install postgresql. On Ubuntu that would be:

  • sudo apt install postgresql.
  • sudo -u postgres psql template1
  • ALTER USER postgres with encrypted password ‘your_password’;
  • CREATE USER your_name with encrypted password ‘your_password’;
  • CREATED DATABASE your_name with owner=your_name;
  • ALTER USER your-name with superuser;

From the command line you can now write plain psql. This will log you inn as your username into the database with your name. Then you need to setup the program.

  • Open file <install-dir>/src/test-postmodern.lisp From REPL:
    • (asdf:system-source-directory (asdf:find-system :table-grinder))

    Returns the directory where the source is installed.

  • Start Slime/Sly.
  • Change the entries default-database and default-user to your user.
  • Open file main.lisp and press C-c ~
  • From sly:
    • # (pw:start-testing)
  • In the browser open localhost:4242

When you are finished type (pw:stop-testing)


Nav bar is on the left and clickable. If all is gone well you should Login Database in the Nav bar. Click it and enter you username and password.

Nav bar now shows IBM_SAMPLE. The sample database should be automatically created. Click to see the list of tables.

Tables are also clickable. Pick one ‘say EMPLOYEE’ and take a look at the table listing.

Table entries are clickable anywhere on the line will do. To go back use the Nav bar on the left. If you click the table entry You enter the form page.

All entries in the form are editable and you commit the changes by pressing to submit button. To go back use the Nav bar us usual.

WARNING! This is a IBM training database originally for DB2. It is by design of bad quality. You can probably learn a lot by cleaning up the design, but that is not part of this demo.

Program design

Directory layout:

├── data
│   ├── emp_photo
│   ├── emp_resyme
│   └── xml
├── src
├── tests
└── www
    ├── errors
    └── img

Data is auxiliary data used by the database. www contains error templates and images. CSS is generated and stored under www. The lisp code is under src.

Key files:

test-postmodern.list - the entry point of the application Contains the veneer of the web pages.

postmodern-web.lisp - This does the heavy lifting of the application. It generates the CSS, enables parenscript and augments table navigation, Generates tables and forms based on the content found in the database tables.

postmodern-utils.lisp it started as code from It contains numerous utilities to improve introspection into the PostgreSQL databases. It also contains my code for store-table which stores updates from the form to the database.

sample-database.lisp - The code that generates the database. The code is indepotent so to recreate the database just drop the database and run (make-sample-database). It will just recreate the parts that have changed so if you just drop a table only that will be created when run. Based on

Thanks to joshrr from #commonlisp at for much help long the way.


Database CRUD without the cruft







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