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File metadata and controls

133 lines (107 loc) · 7.95 KB
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JTransc uses Minitemplates in several places.

Minitemplates is an embedded simple template engine created for JTransc based on twig, my project atpl.js, liquid among others.

Use cases:

  • When embedding external code in anotations
  • When including target language files
  • When specifying a custom command line for building
  • When defining a target custom bootstrap main
  • When generating project files requiring for build tools

What can I do with Minitemplates?

Inside Minitemplates you have access to parameters/configuration variables for that build. Also you can get actual target generated names for: classes, methods and fields. Generated names could not match ones from the original source in some targets. Also minimizing/obfuscating names could lead to totally different names.


Minitemplates allow you to use tags and expressions.

Basic syntax: {% highlight django %}{% raw %} {% tag ... %} - A self-closed tag {% tag ... %}...{% end %} - A tag that opens and then ends (and can contain other meaningful tags inside) {{ expression }} - A expression that evaluates {% endraw %}{% endhighlight %}


Expressions are like other's language expressions. In there you can use normal unary and binary operators, access fields/elements with . or [] just like in ecmascript based languages. And there is an addition called filters. Filters are in postfix positions and are similar to extension methods, and are denoted with pipe | symbol. So for example the upper filter could be used like this {{ "mystring"|upper }}. You can have literals: strings, numbers and arrays. Also you can reference variables available in its current context. Inside the for tag you can access the iteration variable.

Available Standard Tags:

{% raw %}
{% if expression %}...{% end %}                 - Just evaluates fragment inside tag in the case expression evaluates as truthful
{% if expression %}...{% else %}...{% end %}    - Evaluates if or else blocks depending on the expression result
{% for var in expression %}...{% end %}         - Loops over an iterable expression and holds each value in the specified var
{% assign var = expression %}                   - Assigns the result of an expression to a variable
{% debug expression %}                          - Outputs debug information
{% endraw %}

Tags to statically reference classes, fields and methods

{% raw %}
{% SINIT %}                   - Replaces with a complete statement with a static initializer for a class. You must call this before calling or accessing static methods and fields.
{% CONSTRUCTOR %}  - Replaces with a class instantiation code for a specific constructor, requires appending brackets later.
{% CLASS %}                   - Replaces with the fully qualified name of the class.
{% METHOD %}  - Replaces with the method name.
{% FIELD %}   - Replaces with the field name.
{% IMETHOD %}  - Replaces with '.' plus the method name (in the case of javascript can be replaced with 'name' too).
{% IFIELD %}   - Replaces with '.' plus the field name (in the case of javascript can be replaced with 'name' too).
{% SMETHOD %} - It is a shortcut for CLASS + METHOD tags for calling static methods.
{% SFIELD %}  - It is a shortcut for CLASS + FIELD tags for accessing static fields.
{% endraw %}

Note: On METHOD and SMETHOD descriptor is optional when there is just one single method overloading. Otherwise a method descriptor looks like: (II)Ljava/lang/String; and you can find more about Method Descriptors in the java specification.

An example using this for Haxe generated code could be:

{% raw %}
static public function init() {
    {% SINIT %}

private function mouseInfo() return {% SFIELD %};

override public function onMouseUp(window:Window, x:Float, y:Float, button:Int):Void {
	mouseInfo(){% IMETHOD$MouseInfo:setScreenXY %}(,;
	mouseInfo(){% IFIELD$MouseInfo:buttons %} &= ~(1 << button);
	inputImpl(){% IMETHOD$Handler:onMouseUp %}(mouseInfo());
{% endraw %}

Available filters

{% raw %}
|length              - Evaluates to the length of a list or string
|upper               - Uppercases the whole string
|lower               - Lowercases the whole string
|capitalize          - Uppercases the first character of the string and lowercases the rest
|trim                - Strips starting and ending whitespace characters
|join('separator')   - Joins something iterable with the specified separator
|file_exists('file') - Evaluates to true in the case the specified file exists
|quote               - Quotes a string "like \"this\""
|escape              - Escapes a string (like quotes but without wrapping within "") like \"this\"
{% endraw %}

Available identifiers in templates

  • srcFolder- Operating system full path where target sources (haxe for example) are generated. Example: target/jtransc-haxe/src
  • buildFolder - Operating system full path with the jtransc target folder. Example: target/jtransc-haxe
  • haxeExtraFlags - A List<Pair<String, String>> with flags FLAG=VALUE. Example: listOf("-lib" to "haxe-ws:0.0.6")
  • haxeExtraDefines - A List with additional defines. Example: listOf("analyzer=1")
  • actualSubtarget - An object representing the actual subtarget (that object contains name, alias)
  • outputFile - Absolute Path to the expected output file Example: target/program.js
  • release - Boolean indicating wether this is a release build or not. Example: true
  • debug - Boolean indicating wether this is a debug build or not. Example: false
  • releasetype - String indicating kind of release. Possible values: "release" or "debug". Example: debug
  • settings - A AstBuildSettings object with the whole settings
  • title - Specified title in maven configuration
  • name - Specified name in maven configuration
  • package - Specified package in maven configuration
  • version - Specified version in maven configuration
  • company - Specified company in maven configuration
  • initialWidth - Specified initialWidth in maven configuration
  • initialHeight - Specified initialHeightin maven configuration
  • orientation - Specified orientation maven configuration. Possible values: (auto, portrait, landscape)
  • tempAssetsDir - (Deprecated use mergedAssetsdir)
  • mergedAssetsDir - Path to the temporal directory that contains all the assets merged together
  • embedResources - Boolean indicating wether to embed resources or not
  • assets - Folder containing assets
  • hasIcon - Boolean indicating if there was specified an icon or not
  • icon - Path to icon file
  • libraries - List of target libraries to include
  • extra - Map<String, String> containing all the extra defined configurations
  • JTRANSC_VERSION - Version of JTransc eg. 0.6.0

After building sources, inside for example HaxeCustomMain:

  • entryPointFile - File that holds the entrypoint
  • entryPointClass - Fully qualified name for the entry point class

Specific targets can define custom template variables. To prevent them being outdated, please locate CommonGenerator.params field and find references: