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ADNE Final Project: TikTok Virality Predictor

Deep learning in Tik Tok by Juan López Segura and Ignacio Urretavizcaya Tato

Dataset Link

This project focuses on applying deep learning techniques to TikTok videos to predict their virality, using video, text, and audio data.


💥 Important:

In this project, we define virality as a weighted combination of views, likes, comments, and shares, adjusted by their correlations. The formula to calculate virality is:

Virality = views + (1 - corr_views_likes) * likes + (1 - corr_views_comments) * comments + (1 - corr_views_shares) * shares

Previous requirements 📋

  1. Clone the repository
git clone
  1. Create a venv & install the necessary libraries
python -m venv tiktok
pip install .\mltools-0.1.42\
tiktok\Scripts\python.exe -m pip install --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver -r requirements.txt
  1. If necessary, update .gitignore with your own sensitive files


If you want to train the models with the GPU, you'll have to install CUDA and the respectiove versions of Torch and torchivision manually, as the versions from the requirements.txt are for CPU training

Folder Structure 📂

  • requirements.txt: Libraries needed for the project

  • This file

  • .gitignore: Files to ignore in the repository

  • config: Config files

    • ffmpeg-master-latest-win64-gpl: Neccesary files for audio treatment
    • Variables for the project, divided by sections
  • data: Contains the dataset used in the project

    • inputs:
      • Manual Scrapping: Folder containing manually extracted data (large in size)
      • Raw: Folder containing kaggle downloaded data (large in size)
      • videos: Videos used
      • audios: Audios used, extracted by us
      • wav: Audios used, extracted by us in wav format
      • texts: Text transcriptions of each video, extracted by us
      • tiktok_info.json with information about metrics, audio, creator, etc.
      • virality_info.csv with calculated response metric information
    • outputs: Contains trained models (many not included due to size:
      • audio: Audio models
      • texts: Text models
      • image: Image models
  • mltools-0.1.42: Custom library for the project, used normally in ICAI

  • src: Contains the main code of the project

    • text: Text models

      • text_study.ipynb: Complete text analysis, preprocessing, models and results
      • Text utility functions
      • embeddings.csv: Embeddings used for most text models
    • audio: Audio models

      • audio_study.ipynb: Complete audio analysis, preprocessing, models and results
      • Audio utility functions
      • audio_features.csv: Features used for most audio models
    • image: Image models

      • image_study.ipynb: Complete image analysis, preprocessing, models and results
      • Image utility functions
    • utils: Main utility functions, separate from specific utilities:

      • Audio extraction functions
      • Streamlit utility functions
      • TikTok manual scrapper functions
      • JSON formatting functions for the Kaggle RAW JSON
      • IDs counter for the Kaggle RAW JSON
    • streamlit: Streamlit app

      • Streamlit app for the project
    • project.ipynb: Main file explaining the project, its steps and results.

What can be done with the repository 🚀

This repository offers a powerful tool for analyzing the components that contribute to the virality of TikTok videos. With this repository, you can:

  • Test New TikTok Videos: Use our Streamlit web page to upload a TikTok video and receive an immediate prediction on its potential for virality. This feature allows content creators to tweak their content based on the attributes of videos that have previously gone viral.

  • Explore Viral Trends: Dive into the analytics of what makes a TikTok video successful. Our repository provides tools to dissect and analyze the key features of viral videos, such as visual appeal, audio engagement, and textual content, giving you insights into current trends in viral content.

  • Expand our study: With a fork of this project you can try to explore the features that we have taken a look into and try to extract a bit more performance than we did!

Whether you are a social media marketer, a content creator, or a data enthusiast, this repository gives you the tools to understand and predict the dynamics of viral TikTok videos. Start exploring today and enhance your content strategy with data-driven insights!

Future Improvement Work 🔧

As our project continues to evolve, there are several areas where future work can greatly enhance the robustness and accuracy of our virality prediction model. Here are the key areas for improvement:

  • Re-evaluating Virality Metrics: Our dataset includes a range of viral videos, with some outliers that are significantly more viral than others. These outliers can skew the predictive accuracy of our model. Future work could involve refining the virality metric to either adjust for these outliers or redefine what virality means in the context of our analysis. This will help achieve more balanced and representative predictions. Few ideas:

    • Logarithmic scale: Apply a logarithmic scale to the virality metric to reduce the impact of outliers and provide a more balanced representation of video performance.
    • Normalization: Normalize the virality metric using the current followers of the creator to account for differences in audience size and engagement rates.
    • Weighted Metrics: Assign different weights to views, likes, comments, and shares based on their relative importance in predicting virality. This could involve using machine learning techniques to determine the optimal weights for each metric.
  • Enhancing Image Analysis Models: The current image analysis component of our model has shown limitations, as evidenced by a consistently low validation loss of 0.01 across different models. This suggests that the model might not be capturing all relevant visual features effectively. Improving this aspect could involve exploring more sophisticated image processing algorithms or neural network architectures that are better suited for capturing the nuances of visual content that contribute to virality.

  • Weight Adjustments in Model Integration: In our Streamlit app, the image analysis model currently holds less weight in the overall prediction due to its lower performance. Future improvements could focus:

    • Dynamic Weighting: Implement a dynamic weighting system that adjusts the contribution of each model based on its performance. This would allow the model to adapt to changes in the predictive power of each component over time.
    • Balanced Contribution: Achieve a more balanced contribution from each model (image, audio, text) by enhancing the weaker models. This would provide a more holistic and accurate assessment of virality factors.
    • Stacking Models: Explore ensemble learning techniques, such as stacking, to combine the predictions of multiple models and improve the overall predictive accuracy. This could involve training a meta-model that learns to weigh the predictions of each component model based on their individual performance.
    • Multi-Modal Investigation: Investigate the use of multti-modal models that can effectively combine information from oour three sources (image, audio, text) to make more accurate predictions (we are currently using two).
  • Data Augmentation and Preprocessing: Our current data preprocessing and augmentation techniques have shown limitations in capturing the full range of features present in TikTok videos. Future work could involve:

    • Advanced Augmentation: Implement more advanced data augmentation techniques, such as rotation, scaling, and cropping, to increase the diversity of the training data and improve the generalization of our models.
    • Feature Engineering: Explore additional features that could be extracted from the video, audio, and text data to enhance the predictive power of our models. This could involve using techniques such as TF-IDF, word embeddings, and audio signal processing to extract more relevant information from the data, appart from the ones we have already used.
    • Audio Study: Appart from the audio features we have already extracted, we could try to use also the name of the audio, the creator of the audio, the number of times the audio has been used, etc. to improve the models (this reflection can be easily extrapolated to the other sources of data).
  • Hyperparameter Tuning: Due to time and resource constraints, we were unable to perform an exhaustive hyperparameter search for each model. Future work could involve conducting a more comprehensive hyperparameter tuning process to optimize the performance of each model.

  • Model Interpretability: Enhancing the interpretability of our models will be crucial for understanding the factors that contribute to virality. This could involve using techniques such as SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) values to explain the predictions of our models and identify the key features that drive virality.

  • Actual Videos: By using our manual scrapper, we could extract more videos and use them to train our models, as the current dataset is limited in size and outdated.

  • User Interaction: Implementing a feedback loop in our Streamlit app that allows users to provide feedback on the accuracy of the predictions. This feedback could be used to retrain the models and improve their performance over time.

  • Views, likes, shares & comments/virality ratio: We could try to extract the ratio of views, likes, shares and comments to the virality of the video, in order to deliver the user the prediction of its video views, likes, shares and comments based on the virality of the video.

By addressing these areas, we aim to refine our approach and provide a more precise tool for predicting the virality of TikTok videos. This continuous improvement will not only enhance the utility of our repository but also contribute to the broader understanding of social media dynamics.