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Dapr examples

Some experiments around Dapr to learn. More detail about this examples and how they work on my blog.

1. Service Invocation and Service To Service Demostrate call from service (proxy) to another named as "backend"
2. State Management Demostrates use of state stores and secrets using Azure Redis and also Azure Storage Table
3. Publish/Subscribe Demostrates how pub & subs work using Azure Service Bus
4. Bindings Demostrates how input and ouput bingins work using Azure Storage Queue
5. All Together App Demostrates how two services and one web site work together. Using docker-compose and also in Kubernetes
6. Actor Demostrates creating virtual actors that encapsulate code andstate.
7. ASP.NET Core Demostrates ASP.NET Core integration with Dapr by creating Controllers, Routes and other samples

Dapr for .NET Developers is a great book to deep dive.

This repository contains a samples that highlight the Dapr .NET SDK capabilities from: DotNet SDK samples