A modern Podio API client compatible with Laravel.
composer require juanparati/podium
This library can is compatible with Laravel. The following command will deploy the configuration file:
artisan vendor:publish --provider="Juanparati\Podium\Providers\PodiumProvider"
$client = new \Juanparati\Podium\Podium(
session: '12346',
clientId: 'myClientId',
clientSecret: 'myClientSecret'
new \Juanparati\Podium\Auths\AppAuth(
appId: '987654',
appToken: 'myAppToken'
$item = (new \Juanparati\Podium\Requests\ItemRequest($client))->get(itemId: 11111111);
$models = (new \Juanparati\Podium\Requests\ItemRequest($client))->filter(appId: 987654);
or alternatively with custom options:
$models = (new \Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFilterModel([], $client))
Read all the items. Note that items() method is a generator, and it will automatically request the additional pages.
$itemNum = 0;
foreach ($models->items() as $item) {
// The setLimit options indicate the limit of items per page to the request,
// but the generator will automatically request the next page.
// In order to limit the number of results we should manually limit the results.
if ($itemNum === 10)
This library provides to ways to read the values of the items.
- Obtain the original values using the
- Obtain the simplified values using the
Both values will transverse all the values tree, however you can reference to an specific value.
// Accessing to the fields
// Accessing to specific values
It's possible to save/update items.
// Accessing to specific values
$item->fields->title = "My new title";
$item->save(silent: false, hook: true); // Will perform silent update calling the bounded hooks
$attr = [
'title' => 'My new title'
'revenue' => ['currency' => 'DKK', 'value' => 123.34];
(new \Juanparati\Podium\Requests\ItemRequest($client))->create(
appId: 987654,
attr: $attr,
silent: false,
hook: false
It's possible to retrieve the field keys using the following formats:
- external_id (Default).
- external_id in snake case format.
- field_id.
For example sometime is very suitable to retrieve the field keys in snake case so it's easiest to manipulate.
$item = (new \Juanparati\Podium\Requests\ItemRequest($client))->get(itemId: 11111111);
echo $item->fields->{'my-long-named-field'};
\Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFieldModel::class => [
\Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFieldModel::OPTION_KEY_AS => \Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFieldModel::KEY_AS_SNAKECASE,
echo $item->fields->my_long_named_field;
\Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFieldModel::class => [
\Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFieldModel::OPTION_KEY_AS => \Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFieldModel::KEY_AS_FIELD_ID,
echo $item->fields->{'12345567'};
$item = (new \Juanparati\Podium\Requests\ItemRequest($client))->get(itemId: 11111111);
\Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFieldModel::class => [
\Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFields\DateItemField::class => [
\Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFields\DateItemField::OPTION_TIMEZONE => 'Europe/Copenhagen',
\Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFields\DateItemField::OPTION_FORMAT => \Juanparati\Podium\Models\ItemFields\DateItemField::FORMAT_TIMESTAMP