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brew install tmux

install download fira code retina patched witn nerd fonts

git clone --depth 1 && cd nerd-fonts && ./ FiraCode

Preferences->Profiles->text in the non-ACCII font select hack nerd font TODO: patch comic code using fontforge

comic code font with ligatures


fonts/comic code with ligatures

install all the fonts and go to the iterm

in iTerm go to

Preferences->Profiles->text in Font select Fira Code Regular set Font size to 14 check set ligatures on an image tell more than a thousand worlds iterm text settings

Iterm 2 one dark color scheme

Installation Instructions

  • Clone or download this repo
 git clone && cd atom-one-dark-terminal
  • Go to schemes/ folder

  • Double click on selected *.itermcolors file. It will open a new Terminal window with that color scheme.

  • Set the scheme as the default one with Preferences -> Profiles -> Colors -> Load Presets


useful links

neovim plugins neovim instalation and configuration

allow terminal to access the clipboard

$brew install pbcopy

coc vim

:CocInstall coc-json coc-css coc-tsserver coc-snippets coc-eslint coc-prettier 

## compile YCM using typescript engine


$ youcompleteme/ --ts-completer

create a ~/.jsconfig.json file with

  "compilerOptions": {
    "module": "commonjs",
    "target": "ES6",
    "allowJs": true,
    "checkJs": true,
    "jsx": "react",
    "outDir": "./build",
    "removeComments": true,
    "noEmit": true,
    "pretty": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "strict": true,
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "esModuleInterop": true
  "include": ["src/**/*"],
  "exclude": ["node_modules", "**/node_modules/*"]

more info about TS semantic autocompletion

ag the silver searcher

ackvim support ag the silver searcher as a command so we need to install it

$brew install the_silver_searcher

universal ctags needed by gutentags

install ctags and use it as default local bin OSX has its own ctags package and sucks brew install ctags Afterwards, you may need to set the alias to the new version by running:

alias ctags="`brew --prefix`/bin/ctags"
alias ctags >> ~/.zshrc

clone this .ctags file under ~/.ctags

git clone

echo "set tags=tags" >> ~/.vimrc ignore tags in local git repository using

$ echo "tags" >> .git/info/exclude

build neovim from source :O :O

install build dependencies

brew install ninja libtool automake cmake pkg-config gettext

clone the repository

git clone
cd neovim

then build it into the OSX bins folder this builds the release version if you built previously removebuildfolder with

rm -rf build

then run

$ make CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local install

run:checkhealth for more info ;)

python3 support is needed for some plugins to work 😏

$pip3 install --user neovim

nodejs neovim plugins support ;)

$ npm install -g neovim

vim custom text objects

entire buffer objects more info

  • ae targets the entire content of the current buffer.
  • ie is similar to ae, but ie does not include leading and trailing empty lines. ie is handy for some situations. For example,
    1. Paste some text into a new buffer (<C-w>n"*P) -- note that the initial empty line is left as the last line.
    2. Edit the text (:%s/foo/bar/g etc)
    3. Then copy the resulting text to another application ("*yie)

indent custom objects more info

Key bindings Description
<count>ai An Indentation level and line above.
<count>ii Inner Indentation level (no line above).
<count>aI An Indentation level and lines above/below.
<count>iI Inner Indentation level (no lines above/below).

line custom objects more info

Modes {lhs} {rhs}

vo al |(textobj-line-a)| vo il |(textobj-line-i)|

matching pairs custom objects more info

(b.1) full set of text objects

  • i% the inside of an any block

  • 1i% the inside of an open-to-close block

  • {count}i% If count is greater than 1, the inside of the {count}th surrounding open-to-close block

  • a% an any block.

  • 1a% an open-to-close block. Includes mids but does not include open and close words.

  • {count}a% if {count} is greater than 1, the {count}th surrounding open-to-close block.

See here for some examples and important special cases.

function custom text objects more info

  • daf to Delete A Function, and
  • vif to Visually select the code Inside a Function.
  • yaF to Yank A Function with leading or trailing blank lines, and
  • viF to visually select a function without leading or trailing blank lines.