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Mycelium is a library for converting a Clojure representation of a graph data structure to Graphviz's 'dot' input language.

Mycelium borrows heavily from Zach Tellman's wonderful Rhizome library. Rhizome has a few limitations though which I wanted to tackle in this library. Mycelium:

  • Works in both Clojurescript as well as Clojure.
  • Handles graphs that have multiple edges between (the same) nodes sensibly. Although Rhizome can be made to support multiple edges, it wasn't documented or terribly natural.
  • Allows for graphs to have complex cluster hierarchies.
  • The main graph->dot function is more simply written (less recursion).
  • The dot output is properly indented and therefore more readable.


To include in your project:

;; deps.edn

{net.clojars.jude/mycelium {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}}

The project only has one namespace mycelium.core and one public function graph->dot which takes a collection of nodes and a collection of edges. Both can be of any type.

These can be followed by zero or more of the following keyword arguments.

name description
:directed? whether the graph should be rendered as a directed graph, defaults to true
:options a map of Graphviz attributes which apply to the whole graph. You can optionally specify under the :node and :edge keys sub-maps of Graphviz attributes to be applied to all nodes and edges that are overridden on a per node or edge basis by...
:node->descriptor takes a node, and returns a map of Graphviz attributes onto values describing how the node should be rendered
:edge->descriptor takes an edge, and returns a map of Graphviz attributes onto values describing how the edge should be rendered.
:edge->src and :edge->dest functions that return the source and destination node for the edge, defaulted to first and second.
:node->cluster takes a node and returns the cluster that the node is in
:cluster->parent takes a cluster and returns which cluster, if any, it is contained within
:cluster->descriptor takes a cluster and returns a map of Graphviz attributes onto values describing how the cluster should be rendered
:cluster->ranks takes a cluster and returns a seq of seqs of nodes, the nodes in each seq of nodes will be assigned rank=same

The rendering attributes described by :node->descriptor, :edge->descriptor, :cluster->descriptor, and :options are described in detail here. String and keyword values are interchangeable.

You'll have to feed the dot string output of this library into Graphviz yourself.


(visualizations provided by the online Graphviz viewer viz-js)

> (use 'mycelium.core)
> (println (graph->dot [:a :b :c :d]   ; the set of nodes in the graph
                       [[:a :b] [:a :c] [:b :c] [:c :a]]    ; and the edges
                       :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:label n})))

;; the 'dot' output

digraph {
    graph[dpi=62, fontname="Monospace"]


    node10589 -> node10587[label=""]
    node10589 -> node10585[label=""]
    node10587 -> node10585[label=""]
    node10585 -> node10589[label=""]


Adding in an edge->descriptor with conditional logic:

> (println (graph->dot [:a :b :c :d]
                       [[:a :b] [:a :c] [:b :c] [:c :a]]
                       :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:label n :shape "box"})
                       :edge->descriptor (fn [e] (if (= :a (first e)) {:color "red"}))))

Adding in clusters and more logic into the descriptors:

> (println (graph->dot [:a :b :c :d]
                       [[:a :b] [:a :c] [:b :c] [:c :a]]
                       :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:color (when (= n :b) "red")
                                                  :label (if (= n :d) "delta" n)})
                       :cluster->descriptor (fn [c] (if (= c :a)
                                                   {:label "leader" :color "blue"}
                                                   {:label c}))
                       :node->cluster {:a :a :b :b :c :c :d :y}
                       :edge->descriptor (fn [e] (if (= :a (first e)) {:color "red"}))))

Adding cluster->parent to express clusters hierarchies:

> (println (graph->dot [:a :b :c :d]
                       [[:a :b] [:a :c] [:b :c] [:c :a]]
                       :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:color (when (= n :b) "red")
                                                  :label (if (= n :d) "delta" n)})
                       :cluster->descriptor (fn [c] (if (= c :a)
                                                 {:label "leader" :color "blue"}
                                                 {:label c}))
                       :node->cluster {:a :a :b :b :c :c :d :y}
                       :cluster->parent {:a :c :b :c :c :z}                                         
                       :edge->descriptor (fn [e] (if (= :a (first e)) {:color "red"}))))

Using a map to describe the edges so that an id key can be added to differentiate between multiple edges. The id key can then be picked up by the supplied edge->descriptor function:

> (println (graph->dot [:a :b :c :d]
                       [{:src :a :dest :b}
                        {:src :a :dest :c :id 1}
                        {:src :a :dest :c :id 2}
                        {:src :a :dest :c :id 3}
                        {:src :b :dest :c}
                        {:src :c :dest :a}]
                       :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:color (when (= n :b) "red")
                                                  :label (if (= n :d) "delta" n)})
                       :cluster->descriptor (fn [c] (if (= c :a)
                                                 {:label "leader" :color "blue"}
                                                 {:label c}))
                       :node->cluster {:a :a :b :b :c :c :d :y}
                       :cluster->parent {:a :c :b :c :c :z}
                       :edge->src :src
                       :edge->dest :dest
                       :edge->descriptor (fn [e] (case (:id e)
                                                   1 {:color "red"}
                                                   2 {:color "green"}
                                                   3 {:color "yellow"}
                                                   {:color "black"}))))

Some graphviz attributes in nodes or edges have values refer to other nodes or clusters. For example, when compound=true is set for the graph, the ltail and lhead attributes can be used to produce edges between clusters rather than nodes. Use the special form [:cluster <the-cluster>] or [:node <the-node>] to produce these effects:

> (println (graph->dot [:a :b :c :d]
                       [{:src :a :dest :b}
                        {:src :a :dest :c}
                        {:src :b :dest :c}
                        {:src :c :dest :a}
                        {:src :a :dest :d :ltail [:cluster :a] :lhead [:cluster :y]}]
                       :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:color (when (= n :b) "red")
                                                  :label (if (= n :d) "delta" n)})
                       :cluster->descriptor (fn [c] (if (= c :a)
                                                 {:label "leader" :color "blue"}
                                                 {:label c}))
                       :node->cluster {:a :a :b :b :c :c :d :y}
                       :cluster->parent {:a :c :b :c :c :z}
                       :edge->src :src
                       :edge->dest :dest
                       :edge->descriptor (fn [e] (dissoc e :src :dest :id))
                       :options {:compound true}))

cluster->ranks can be used for fine control of Graphviz's dot layout algorithm (dot is the default. All examples so far have been dot).

For example, without cluster->ranks:

> (println (graph->dot [:a :b :c :d :e :f]
                       [[:a :b] [:b :c]
                        [:d :e] [:e :f]]
                       :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:label n})
                       :node->cluster {:a :z :b :z :c :z}))

With cluster->ranks:

> (println (graph->dot [:a :b :c :d :e :f]
                       [[:a :b] [:b :c]
                        [:d :e] [:e :f]]
                       :node->descriptor (fn [n] {:label n})
                       :node->cluster {:a :z :b :z :c :z}
                       :cluster->ranks {nil [[:e :f]] :z [[:a :b]]}))


Copyright © 2021 Jude Payne

Distributed under the MIT License


A Clojure library for converting a graph into Graphviz dot format







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