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This repository has been archived by the owner on May 5, 2020. It is now read-only.


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Note: this was for the old HCL-based GitHub Actions. See instructions for the YML syntax actions.

This package allows you to have a GitHub action that authorizes/logs you in to allow downloading releases from This matches Authenticating Nova in Continuous Integration (CI) Environments from the docs.


Add a action to your workflow that uses this repository, with the secrets NOVA_USERNAME and NOVA_PASSWORD set. NOVA_PASSWORD can be either your login password or your API token.

action "composer-auth" {
  uses = "judge2020/actions-laravel-nova-composer-login@master"

Then, you should have an action (that "needs" the first action) that runs the actual composer install. For example:

action "composer-install" {
  uses = "judge2020/php-docker-build@b810ae30f8d999c5c5391ca20521a952ac922f7a"
  args = "install --no-interaction --no-progress --no-ansi --no-dev"
  runs = "composer"
  needs = ["composer-auth"]

Composer should have no problem pulling from to get the "laravel/nova" package.

Note: the "uses" here is just an example. You can use this target which has gettext + everything from chialab/php, docker://chialab/php:7.2 without gettext, your existing php dockerfile (with all the extensions you need), or docker://composer.