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01 Use Labkit to prepare instance masks

Manan Lalit edited this page Dec 26, 2021 · 1 revision

Labkit is a Fiji-plugin which allows one to prepare instance masks for your images.

Download Labkit

  • Start Fiji
  • Select Help>Update
  • Select Labkit after clicking on Manage Update Sites
  • Select Close, Apply changes and Ok
  • Restart Fiji
  • Open an image which you would like to annotate
  • Search for Labkit in the Fiji search bar

Prepare annotations

  • Ensure that override is selected
  • Select + Add label
  • Use the Draw button (pencil icon) to mark the contour around any one object instance
  • Use the Flood Fill button (bucket icon) to fill inside this contour
  • When all objects have been labeled in the manner above, select Labeling>Show Labeling in ImageJ (this pops an instance mask where each object is labeled with a unique id)
  • Use File > Save As > Tiff in the Fiji menu bar to save your instance mask