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Vehicle Detection Project

Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree Language

The goals / steps of this project are the following:

  • Perform a Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) feature extraction on a labeled training set of images and train a classifier Linear SVM classifier
  • Optionally, you can also apply a color transform and append binned color features, as well as histograms of color, to your HOG feature vector.
  • Note: for those first two steps don't forget to normalize your features and randomize a selection for training and testing.
  • Implement a sliding-window technique and use your trained classifier to search for vehicles in images.
  • Run your pipeline on a video stream (start with the test_video.mp4 and later implement on full project_video.mp4) and create a heat map of recurring detections frame by frame to reject outliers and follow detected vehicles.
  • Estimate a bounding box for vehicles detected.

Rubric Points

Here I will consider the rubric points and describe how I addressed each point in my implementation.

Writeup / README

1. Provide a Writeup / README that includes all the rubric points and how you addressed each one. You can submit your writeup as markdown or pdf. Here is a template writeup for this project you can use as a guide and a starting point.

You're reading it!

1. Explain how (and identify where in your code) you extracted HOG features from the training images.

I started by loading the the labeled data for vehicle and non-vehicle examples provided on the class instructions in cells [3] through [5] of the Ipython notebook. These images are collected into a numpy array X and and splitted into training and test data along with the label vector y.

I followed class instructions and created several functions in DataProcessing/ The function names and their usage are listed in the following table:

Function Name Usage
convert_color() convert image color space from BGR to another space
bin_spatial() convert image to specified size and vectorize it
color_hist() a vector of histogram counts of pixel values in all three channels
get_hog_features() histogram of gradient (HOG) features
extract_features() load images from a list of file paths, call all four functions above and return a matrix of features where rows are image files and columns are features
class Extract A class inherited from BaseEstimator and TransformerMixin. It transforms list/array of images to matrix of features

During data processing, extract_features() or an instance of Extract is called to extract the spatial, histogram of pixel-value, and histogram of gradient features.

2. Explain how you settled on your final choice of HOG parameters.

I did three-fold cross validation to search the parameters. I used RandomizedSearchCV to uniformly search over the following parameter sets:

param_grid = {'ext__color_space': ['HLS', 'YUV', 'YCrCb'], 'ext__spatial_size': [(24, 24), (32, 32), (40, 40)],
              'ext__hist_bins': [16, 32, 48], 'ext__orient': [6, 9, 12], 'ext__pix_per_cell': [6, 8, 10], 
              'ext__hog_channel': [0, 1, 2, 'ALL'], 'ext__cell_per_block': [2, 3],
              'svc__C': np.logspace(-4, 4, 9)}

ext here represents an instance of the Extract class I defined in DataProcessing/ svc is an instance of LinearSVC, imported from sklearn.svm. As is indicated in the documentation of scikit learn, LinearSVC is a more efficient implementation of support vector machine (SVM) classifier with linear kernel. In my other experimental trials, I did cross validation using SVM with radial basis function (RBF) kernel and random forest classifier. None of these classifiers outperform linear SVM, so here I am only using linear SVM.

The scoring criteria I used is accuracy. I also tried using f1 and roc_auc. From my eye ball inspection, the former seems to be a more conservative approach, while roc_auc might be prone to overfitting. I think accuracy strikes a balance in this particular case.

I randomly sampled and searched over 30 parameter sets and perform three-fold cross validation over the training data X_train and y_train. Below is the best set of parameters among the 30 samples:

{'ext__cell_per_block': 2,
 'ext__color_space': 'YUV',
 'ext__hist_bins': 48,
 'ext__hog_channel': 'ALL',
 'ext__orient': 9,
 'ext__pix_per_cell': 8,
 'ext__spatial_size': (24, 24),
 'svc__C': 100.0}

Moving forward, I will use the above set of parameters to train my classifier.

3. Describe how (and identify where in your code) you trained a classifier using your selected HOG features (and color features if you used them).

The model training procedure can be find in cell `[26]`. Basically I create a pipeline that extracts features, standardize the features, then fit a Linear SVM classifier to the features:

pipeline = Pipeline([('ext', Extract()), ('imp', Imputer()), ('scl', StandardScaler()), ('svc', LinearSVC())]), y)

Sliding Window Search

1. Describe how (and identify where in your code) you implemented a sliding window search. How did you decide what scales to search and how much to overlap windows?

I followed the approach demonstrated in the section of Hog Sub-sampling Window Search on the class website to implement the sliding window searching procedure. This approach only compute HOG for the whole slice of image for each scaling factor. My implementation of the scanning approach is defined in DataProcessing/ and the main function called by the pipeline is find_cars(). The actual scanning is done in the function car_scan() and the function draw_create_boxes() draws and creates the bounding boxes for detected regions.

Basically I only searched cars within the (vertical) bottom half of the image. I scanned vertical slices of the image with different scaling factors sequentially. Below is the code for the search slices and their scaling factors:

search_range = [(h//2, h//2 + slice_height) for slice_height in range(50, h//2, 50)] + [(h//2, h)]
search_scaling = [(end - start) / 250 * 1.5 for start, end in search_range] 

I started from searching over a 50-pixel slice, then over 100-pixel slice, and so forth till h/2-pixel slice where h is the height of the image. As for the scaling factor, the scaling factor is proportional to the height of the slice and I followed the class example to set the scaling factor be 1.5 for the 250-pixel slice (in class it was 256-pixel slice).

As for the overlapping between windows, I didn't tune the overlapping size and I would step 2 cells forward right/down for every iteration, which is 6 overlapping cells between the windows next to each other (horizontally/vertically).

Below is the result of sliding window searching result over test1.jpg.

2. Show some examples of test images to demonstrate how your pipeline is working. What did you do to optimize the performance of your classifier?

Below is the result of the pipeline over the six test images. I did several experiment to tune the classifier. First of all, as mentioned before, I tried tuning the feature extraction approach and SVM parameter with cross validation and different scoring criterion such as accuracy, roc_auc and f1. I found accuracy seem to be a more suitable criteria then the rest two. I also tuned the range of slice heights and the threshold of heat map. But it is more of trial and error in both of these cases. It seems that a threshold of 2 for the heatmap is more robust. This threshold means that a pixel will only be included in the final bounding box if it lies in three or more scanning-detected bounding box.

Video Implementation

1. Provide a link to your final video output. Your pipeline should perform reasonably well on the entire project video (somewhat wobbly or unstable bounding boxes are ok as long as you are identifying the vehicles most of the time with minimal false positives.)

Below is a link to my project video results:

Project Video

you can also find it in this repo.

2. Describe how (and identify where in your code) you implemented some kind of filter for false positives and some method for combining overlapping bounding boxes.

The procedures for rejecting false positives are implemented in DataProcessing/ The basic idea follows the class instructions, first a heatmap is created by counting the number of times individual pixels are found in the bounding boxes found by the scanning approach. This followed by thresholding the heatmap at 2 and using label() imported from scipy.ndimage.measurements to find connected regions. These regions are drawn with draw_labeled_bboxes(), here I also discard bounding boxes that are too small (diagonal distance < 50 pixels), as they are likely to be distant cars (which are less interesting) or false positives.

Below is a demonstration of the pipeline of forming heatmap, thresholding and forming connected regions and drawing final boxes:

During video processing I also smooth the heatmap by forming a weighted average of past heatmaps and present one:

heatmap = alpha*heatmap+ sum((1-alpha)**(l-1-i) * alpha**(i>0) * pipeline.hist[i] for i in range(l-1))

where alpha = 0.5.


1. Briefly discuss any problems / issues you faced in your implementation of this project. Where will your pipeline likely fail? What could you do to make it more robust?

There are situations that my pipeline will detect trees as cars. It seems to be a result of color and HOG being similar to car at times. Another case is that when the car is on the very horizontal boundary of the scene and only part of it is seen. It seems that some kind of time series prediction procedure for tracking the boundary points of the bounding boxes may help. Even some kind of extrapolation might help. Also, when two cars are kind of next to each other in the video clip, it can be difficult to separate them. Finally, my procedure is by far not real time.

I think it might be helpful to use intersection over union to smooth bounding boxes across video frames. With this, we could potentially group bounding boxes that belong to the same car and maybe interpolate or remove misdetections. Another useful procedure is maybe use some kind of tracking procedure to track the boundary point. Finally, it might be more efficient to use modern procedures that utilize deep learning, such as YOLO (you only look once).