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Merge pull request #115 from mjs/deque
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Added a new deque package
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howbazaar committed Mar 11, 2015
2 parents a90aa2e + f7cf9a3 commit cfb905c
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Showing 5 changed files with 446 additions and 0 deletions.
155 changes: 155 additions & 0 deletions deque/deque.go
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
// Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
// Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.

package deque

import "container/list"

// Deque implements an efficient double-ended queue.
// Internally it is composed of a doubly-linked list (list.List) of
// blocks. Each block is a slice that holds 0 to blockLen items. The
// Deque starts with one block. Blocks are added to the front and back
// when the edge blocks fill up as items are pushed onto the
// deque. Edge blocks are removed when blocks become empty as items
// are popped off the Deque.
// Only the front and back blocks may contain less than blockLen items.
// The first element in the Deque is d.blocks.Front().Value[d.frontIdx].
// The last element in the Deque is d.blocks.Back().Value[d.backIdx].
// This approach is more efficient than using a standard doubly-linked
// list for a queue because memory allocation is only required every
// blockLen items, instead of for each pushed item. Conversely, fewer
// memory deallocations are required when popping items. Bookkeeping
// overhead per item is also reduced.
type Deque struct {
blocks list.List
frontIdx, backIdx int
len int

// blockLen can be any value above 1. Raising the blockLen decreases
// the average number of memory allocations per item, but increases
// the amount of memory "wasted". Raising blockLen also doesn't
// necessarily make Deque operations faster. 64 is used by Python's
// deque and seems to be a sweet spot on the author's machine too.
const blockLen = 64
const blockCenter = (blockLen - 1) / 2

type blockT []interface{}

// New returns a new Deque instance.
func New() *Deque {
var d Deque
return &d

func newBlock() blockT {
return make(blockT, blockLen)

func (d *Deque) recenter() {
// The indexes start crossed at the middle of the block so that
// the first push on either side has both indexes pointing at the
// first item.
d.frontIdx = blockCenter + 1
d.backIdx = blockCenter

// Len returns the number of items stored in the queue.
func (d *Deque) Len() int {
return d.len

// PushBack adds an item to the back of the queue.
func (d *Deque) PushBack(item interface{}) {
var block blockT
if d.backIdx == blockLen-1 {
// The current back block is full so add another.
block = newBlock()
d.backIdx = -1
} else {
block = d.blocks.Back().Value.(blockT)

block[d.backIdx] = item

// PushFront adds an item to the front of the queue.
func (d *Deque) PushFront(item interface{}) {
var block blockT
if d.frontIdx == 0 {
// The current front block is full so add another.
block = newBlock()
d.frontIdx = blockLen
} else {
block = d.blocks.Front().Value.(blockT)

block[d.frontIdx] = item

// PopBack removes an item from the back of the queue and returns
// it. The returned flag is true unless there were no items left in
// the queue.
func (d *Deque) PopBack() (interface{}, bool) {
if d.len < 1 {
return nil, false

elem := d.blocks.Back()
block := elem.Value.(blockT)
item := block[d.backIdx]
block[d.backIdx] = nil

if d.backIdx == -1 {
// The back block is now empty.
if d.len == 0 {
d.recenter() // Deque is empty so reset.
} else {
d.backIdx = blockLen - 1

return item, true

// PopFront removes an item from the front of the queue and returns
// it. The returned flag is true unless there were no items left in
// the queue.
func (d *Deque) PopFront() (interface{}, bool) {
if d.len < 1 {
return nil, false

elem := d.blocks.Front()
block := elem.Value.(blockT)
item := block[d.frontIdx]
block[d.frontIdx] = nil

if d.frontIdx == blockLen {
// The front block is now empty.
if d.len == 0 {
d.recenter() // Deque is empty so reset.
} else {
d.frontIdx = 0

return item, true

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