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This role enables to install prometheus-node-exporter as a systemd service.


No requirements.

Role Variables

Name Type Location Description
node_exporter_user string defaults/main.yml Unix user which is created to run the node-exporter service. Defaults to node-exporter.
node_exporter_group string defaults/main.yml Unix group which is created to run the node-exporter service. Defaults to node-exporter.
node_exporter_listen_port number defaults/main.yml The port on which the node-exporter service is listening. Defaults to 9100.
node_exporter_releases_url string defaults/main.yml The base URL from which to download the binaries. Defaults to
node_exporter_version string defaults/main.yml The version to install. Defaults to 1.1.2.
node_exporter_arch string defaults/main.yml The architecture of the binary to install. Defaults to linux-amd64.
node_exporter_listen_port_firewalld_zone string defaults/main.yml If firewalld service is enabled, the zone in which the port should be opened. Defaults to public.
node_exporter_executable string vars/main.yml The location at which to install the binary package. Defaults to /usr/local/sbin/node_exporter.


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: servers
    - { role: julb.prometheus_node_exporter }



Author Information

More to find on my Github.


This project is totally open source and contributors are welcome.

When you submit a PR, please ensure that the syntax has been checked.