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REST Countries API with color theme switcher coding challenge

REST Countries API

Live | Solution | Challenge

Solution for a challenge from

About The Project

Very interesting project to learn how to process API data and mix it with different techniques to get the optimal result for display.

Built with

  • React
  • TailwindCSS
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • Flexbox / Grid

What I learned

I learned to work with React using TypeScript and all the benefits that become with it. First of all, using types and interfaces makes you work data more secure and provides a better comprehension of the code and its content. On the other hand, I found very useful the error messages constantly indicating you what and why problem is occuring. Finally, TypeScript with React results very easygoing and satisfying making an app.


I want to make a special mention to the frontend mentor team who is always willing to provide answers and support to those of us who take the time to solve the challenges.