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Reproduce results from the SIGIR 2016 paper "Toward Estimating the Rank Correlation between the Test Collection Results and the True System Performance"


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This repository contains the data and source code for the following paper:

A single ZIP file can be downloaded as well.

Project Structure

  • bin/ Shell scripts to run the code in Linux.
  • config/ Machine-dependent configuration files.
  • data/ Input data files.
  • output/ Generated output files.
  • src/ Source code in R.
  • scratch/ Temporary files generated in the process.

How to reproduce the results in the paper

It takes several days to run all the code, so it is ready to use an SGE cluster, parallelizing across collections, correlation coefficients and estimators. You can still run everything on a single machine using just one core. It is important that you always run from the base directory.

  1. Edit file config/
    • If you want to use a cluster, set variable SGE=true. Edit file bin/qsub.sub as well to change the notification e-mail and make sure that R is properly loaded in the SGE job.
    • If you don't want to use a cluster, set variable SGE=false and make the variable RSCRIPT point to the correct path in your machine.
  2. Run script bin/ This simulates the new collections and stores them in scratch/01-simulation/.
  3. Run script bin/ This computes all the correlation estimates and stores them in scratch/11-estimation/.
  4. Run script bin/ This compiles all estimates and stores the results in output/estimates/.
  5. Run script bin/ This generates all figures in the paper and stores them in output/paper/.

The code to simulate collections is in src/simulation.R, which adapts the original code in another repository. For more information on how the simulation works, take a look at the original repository.

How to customize and extend the results in the paper

You can easily customize and extend the code to run with your own initial test collections or your own estimators.

If you only want to use certain collections or estimators, edit file config/ and follow the instructions. If you want to analyze different topic set sizes or use a different number of trials, edit file config/params.R.

Note that the script src/99-paper.R is only intended to generate the figures in the paper. If you customize something and want a similar analysis, you will need to extend this script yourself.

Custom test collections

Simply add new CSV files with the topic-by-system effectiveness matrices in directory data/ (no row names). Take a look for instance at the file from the Ad hoc 6 collection. After adding your own files, run all the scripts again as detailed above.

Custom estimators

You can add new estimators by creating a file src/estimators/estimator.<name>.R for each of them. This file must contain three functions:

  • precompute.<name>, which receives the topic-by-system effectiveness matrix X. This function is used to precompute anything relevant, like the probabilities of discordance. The returned object contains this information, and is then passed on to the functions which actually compute the estimated correlations.
  • Etau.<name> and EtauAP.<name>, which receive the same effectiveness matrix X and the object returned by the precomputation. They must return the estimated correlation coefficient.

Take a look for instance at estimators ML and SHw. These functions are called from src/11-estimation.R for each simulated collection. After adding your own files, run script bin/ again to compute all estimates, and bin/ to aggregate results.

How to estimate the correlation of your collection

You can easily estimate the correlation of a new collection given the effectiveness matrix:

  1. Run the source of the estimator you want to use.
  2. Read in your data.
  3. Run the precompute.<name> function.
  4. Run the Etau.<name> or EtauAP.<name>.

For instance, here is how to estimate the correlation with the ad hoc 6 data, and with the MSQD estimator:

> source("src/estimators/estimator.MSQD.R")
> eff <- read.csv("data/adhoc6.csv")
> pre <- precompute.MSQD(eff)
> Etau.MSQD(eff, pre)
[1] 0.8600266
> EtauAP.MSQD(eff, pre)
[1] 0.816099 


When using this archive, please cite the above paper:

  author = {Urbano, Juli\'{a}n and Marrero, M\'{o}nica},
  booktitle = {International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
  pages = {1033--1036},
  title = {{Toward Estimating the Rank Correlation between the Test Collection Results and the True System Performance}},
  year = {2016}

This work was supported by a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship, and grants TIN2015-70816-R and MDM-2015-0502 from the Spanish Government.


Reproduce results from the SIGIR 2016 paper "Toward Estimating the Rank Correlation between the Test Collection Results and the True System Performance"




CC-BY-SA-4.0, GPL-3.0 licenses found

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