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Frequent Asked Questions

This section deals with frequent problems that could happen when experiencing |Supvisors| for the first time.

It is assumed that |Supervisor| is operational without the |Supvisors| plugin.

Cannot be resolved

[bash] > supervisord -n
Error: supvisors.plugin:make_supvisors_rpcinterface cannot be resolved within [rpcinterface:supvisors]
For help, use /usr/local/bin/supervisord -h

This error happens in a early stage of |Supervisor| startup, when the plugin factory is called.

Just in case, make sure that supvisors.plugin:make_supvisors_rpcinterface has been copied correctly. Otherwise, this is the symptom of an improper |Supvisors| installation.


|Supvisors| requires a :program:`Python` version greater than 3.6 and must be available from the :program:`Python` interpreter used by |Supervisor|'s :command:`supervisord` command.

Upon any doubt, check the :program:`Python` version and start the interpreter in a terminal to test the import of |Supvisors|:

[bash] > which supervisord

[bash] > head -1 /usr/local/bin/supervisord

[bash] > /usr/bin/python --version
Python 3.9.6

[bash] > /usr/bin/python
Python 3.9.6 (default, Nov  9 2021, 13:31:27)
[GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-3)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import supvisors

If an ImportError is raised, here follow some possible causes:

Wrong pip program

Issue: |Supvisors| may have been installed with a :command:`pip` command corresponding to another :program:`Python` version.

Solution: Install |Supvisors| using the :command:`pip` command whose version corresponds to the :program:`Python` version used by |Supervisor|.

[bash] > /usr/bin/python --version
Python 3.9.6

[bash] > /usr/bin/pip --version
pip 20.2.4 from /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pip (python 3.9)

Local |Supvisors| not in PYTHONPATH

Issue: In the case where |Supvisors| is not installed in the :program:`Python` packages but used from a local directory, the PYTHONPATH environment variable may not include the |Supvisors| location.

Solution: Set the |Supvisors| location in the PYTHONPATH environment variable before starting |Supervisor|.

[bash] > ls -d ~/python/supvisors/supvisors/
[bash] > export PYTHONPATH=/home/user/python/my_packages:$PYTHONPATH
[bash] > supervisord

Incorrect UNIX permissions

Issue: The user cannot read the |Supvisors| files installed (via :command:`pip` or pointed by PYTHONPATH).

Solution: Update the UNIX permissions of the |Supvisors| package so that its files can be read by the user.

[user bash] > ls -l /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors/
-rw-------. 1 root root 56 Feb 28  2022 /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors/
[user bash] > su -
[root bash] > chmod -R a+r /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors
[root bash] > exit
[user bash] > ls -l /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors/
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 56 Feb 28  2022 /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors/
[bash] > supervisord

Could not make supvisors rpc interface

At this stage, there must be some log traces available. If the startup of |Supervisor| ends with the following lines, there must be an issue with the |Supvisors| configuration, and more particularly with the option supvisors_list.

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-17 17:47:15,101 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
Error: Could not make supvisors rpc interface
For help, use /usr/local/bin/supervisord -h

There are 4 main causes to that.

No inet_http_server

Issue: |Supervisor| is configured without any inet_http_server.

Solution: Configure |Supervisor| with a inet_http_server.

The aim of |Supvisors| is to deal with applications distributed over several hosts so it cannot work with a |Supervisor| configured with an unix_http_server.

Based on the the following |Supvisors| configuration including only an unix_http_server:


supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supvisors.plugin:make_supvisors_rpcinterface

If |Supervisor| is started from the local host, the following log traces will be displayed:

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-18 15:21:20,166 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2022-11-18 15:21:20,184;WARN;Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supervisor-4.2.4-py3.9.egg/supervisor/", line 821, in make_http_servers
    inst = factory(supervisord, **d)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 128, in make_supvisors_rpcinterface
    supervisord.supvisors = Supvisors(supervisord, **config)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 94, in __init__
    self.supervisor_data = SupervisorData(self, supervisor)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 94, in __init__
    raise ValueError(f'Supervisor MUST be configured using inet_http_server: {supervisord.options.configfile}')
ValueError: Supervisor MUST be configured using inet_http_server: etc/supervisord.conf

Error: Could not make supvisors rpc interface
For help, use /usr/local/bin/supervisord -h

Incorrect Host name or IP address

Issue: The option supvisors_list includes a host name or an IP address that is unknown to the network configuration of the local host.

Solution: Either fix the host name / IP address, or update your network configuration or remove the entry.

Based on the the following |Supvisors| configuration including an unknown host name:

supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supvisors.plugin:make_supvisors_rpcinterface
supvisors_list = unknown_host,rocky51,rocky52

If |Supervisor| is started from the hosts rocky51 or rocky52, the following log traces will be displayed:

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-17 17:47:15,120;ERRO;get_node_names: unknown host unknown_host
2022-11-17 18:43:52,834;CRIT;Wrong Supvisors configuration (supvisors_list)
2022-11-17 18:42:24,352;WARN;Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supervisor-4.2.4-py3.9.egg/supervisor/", line 821, in make_http_servers
    inst = factory(supervisord, **d)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 128, in make_supvisors_rpcinterface
    supervisord.supvisors = Supvisors(supervisord, **config)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 98, in __init__
    self.supvisors_mapper.configure(self.options.supvisors_list, self.options.core_identifiers)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 236, in configure
    raise ValueError(message)
ValueError: could not define a Supvisors identification from "unknown_host"

Error: Could not make supvisors rpc interface
For help, use /usr/local/bin/supervisord -h

In the event where the host name or IP address seems legit to the user, here are a few explanations about how |Supvisors| identifies the local |Supervisor| instance among the supvisors_list elements:

  • |Supvisors| extracts the host_name from the <identifier>host_name:http_port:internal_port element and stores the host name and aliases returned by the socket.gethostbyaddr function.
  • |Supvisors| considers that the local |Supervisor| instance is the element whose fully-qualified domain name, as returned by the socket.getfqdn function, belongs to the list of host name and aliases.

From the example below, the values, rocky51 and are valid host_name elements to be used in supvisors_list.

>>> from socket import gethostbyaddr, getfqdn
>>> gethostbyaddr('')
('', ['rocky51'], [''])
>>> gethostbyaddr('rocky51')
('', ['rocky51'], [''])
>>> gethostbyaddr('')
('', ['rocky51'], [''])
>>> getfqdn()

Local Supvisors not found

Issue: The option supvisors_list does not include any host name or IP address corresponding to the local host.

Solution: Either add the local host to the list, or avoid to start |Supervisor| from the local host using this configuration.

Based on the the following |Supvisors| configuration including 2 host names:

supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supvisors.plugin:make_supvisors_rpcinterface
supvisors_list = rocky52,rocky53

if |Supervisor| is started from a host that is not present in this list, the following traces will be displayed:

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-17 18:30:33,863;INFO;SupvisorsMapper.configure: identifiers=['rocky52', 'rocky53']
2022-11-17 18:30:33,863;ERRO;SupvisorsMapper.find_local_identifier: could not find local the local Supvisors in supvisors_list
2022-11-17 18:44:45,571;CRIT;Wrong Supvisors configuration (supvisors_list)
2022-11-17 18:44:45,572;WARN;Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supervisor-4.2.4-py3.9.egg/supervisor/", line 821, in make_http_servers
    inst = factory(supervisord, **d)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 128, in make_supvisors_rpcinterface
    supervisord.supvisors = Supvisors(supervisord, **config)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 98, in __init__
    self.supvisors_mapper.configure(self.options.supvisors_list, self.options.core_identifiers)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 240, in configure
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 269, in find_local_identifier
    raise ValueError(message)
ValueError: could not find the local Supvisors in supvisors_list

Error: Could not make supvisors rpc interface
For help, use /usr/local/bin/supervisord -h

Multiple candidates

Issue: This happens when multiple |Supvisors| instances have to be started on the same host. In that case, the option supvisors_list includes at least 2 host names or IP addresses referring to the same host and that have not been qualified using a |Supervisor| identification.

Solution: Use the |Supervisor| identification option and apply it to the supvisors_list.

Based on the the following |Supvisors| configuration including a host name rocky51 and its IP address

supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supvisors.plugin:make_supvisors_rpcinterface
supvisors_list = rocky51,rocky52,

if |Supervisor| is started from the host rocky51, the following traces will be displayed:

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-18 10:42:25,931;INFO;SupvisorsMapper.configure: identifiers=['rocky51', 'rocky52', '']
2022-11-18 10:42:25,931;ERRO;SupvisorsMapper.find_local_identifier: multiple candidates for the local Supvisors: ['rocky51', '']
2022-11-18 10:42:25,931;CRIT;Wrong Supvisors configuration (supvisors_list)
2022-11-18 10:42:25,940;WARN;Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supervisor-4.2.4-py3.9.egg/supervisor/", line 821, in make_http_servers
    inst = factory(supervisord, **d)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 128, in make_supvisors_rpcinterface
    supervisord.supvisors = Supvisors(supervisord, **config)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 98, in __init__
    self.supvisors_mapper.configure(self.options.supvisors_list, self.options.core_identifiers)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 240, in configure
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/supvisors-0.15-py3.9.egg/supvisors/", line 269, in find_local_identifier
    raise ValueError(message)
ValueError: multiple candidates for the local Supvisors: ['rocky51', '']

Error: Could not make supvisors rpc interface
For help, use /usr/local/bin/supervisord -h

At the moment, a solution in |Supvisors| is to qualify the entry in supvisors_list by adding its |Supervisor| identifier. This is also the name that will be used for the Web UI.

supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supvisors.plugin:make_supvisors_rpcinterface
supvisors_list = <supv-01>rocky51,rocky52,<supv-03>

Then |Supervisor| shall be started by passing this identification to the :program:`supervisord` program.

[bash] > supervisord -ni supv-01

TCP port already bound

Issue: The |Supvisors| state is stuck to the INITIALIZATION state on a host.

Solution: Check that the internal_port set in the |Supvisors| communication is not already used. If confirmed, free the port or update the |Supvisors| configuration with an unused port.

|Supvisors| uses TCP to exchange data between |Supvisors| instances. If the TCP communication fails on the host internal link, this is very likely because the TCP server could not bind on the port specified. In such a case, the following log trace should be displayed:

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-18 12:21:49,026;CRIT;PublisherServer._bind: failed to bind the Supvisors publisher on port 60000

Remote host SILENT

A remote |Supvisors| instance may be declared SILENT, although :program:`supervisord` is running on the remote host.

The first thing to check is the |Supvisors| state on the remote host.

If the remote |Supvisors| instance is stuck in the INITIALIZATION state, it is very likely due to the problem described just above in TCP port already bound.

However, if the remote |Supvisors| instance is in the OPERATIONAL state, then there are 2 main causes.

Firewall configuration

The first cause is a very frequent problem: the firewall of the hosts. By default, a firewall is configured to block almost everything. TCP ports have to be explicitly allowed in the firewall configuration.

Issue: Without the |Supvisors| plugin, accessing the remote |Supervisor| web page using its URL is rejected. For the sake of completeness, a test using the |Supvisors| internal_port as |Supervisor| INET HTTP port should be done as well.

Solution: Use TCP ports that are allowed by the firewall or ask the UNIX administrator to enable the TCP ports used by the |Supervisor| / |Supvisors| configuration.

Inconsistent |Supvisors| configuration

Issue: Accessing the remote |Supvisors| web page using its URL is accepted. Various error messages may be received.

Solution: Make sure that the supvisors_list is consistent for all |Supvisors| instances, in accordance with :ref:`supvisors_section`.

When using a simple |Supervisor| / |Supvisors| configuration as follows:


supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supvisors.plugin:make_supvisors_rpcinterface
supvisors_list = rocky51,rocky52,rocky53
internal_port = 60001

It is assumed that :program:`supervisord` will be started on the 3 hosts with the same configuration, i.e. with a |Supervisor| server available on port 60000 and with |Supvisors| internal publisher available on port 60001.

If the |Supervisor| configuration on rocky52 is different and declares an inet_http_server on port 60100, the XML-RPC from rocky51 and rocky53 towards rocky52 will fail.

A variety of different errors may be experienced depending on how wrong configuration is.

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-18 18:16:20,428;ERRO;Context.on_tick_event: got tick from unknown Supvisors=rocky52
[ERROR] failed to check Supvisors=rocky52

Empty Application menu

The Application Menu in the |Supvisors| Web UI unexpectedly contains only the application template.

In the |Supvisors| Web UI, it may happen that the Application Menu (see :ref:`dashboard`) contains only the application template. In this case, all applications are considered Unmanaged.

Wrong rules_files

Issue: The rules_files option is not set or the targeted files are not reachable.

Solution: Make sure that the rules_files option is set with reachable files.

When the rules_files option is set and |Supvisors| does not find any corresponding file, the following log trace is displayed:

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-18 19:22:53,201;WARN;SupvisorsOptions.to_filepaths: no rules file found

XML file not readable

Issue: The user cannot read the |Supvisors| XML rules file.

Solution: Update the UNIX permissions of the |Supvisors| XML rules file so that it can be read by the user.

When the rules_files option is set with a file that cannot be read, the following log trace is displayed:

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-18 19:33:19,793;INFO;Parser: parsing rules from my_movies.xml
2022-11-18 19:33:19,797;WARN;Supvisors: cannot parse rules files: ['my_movies.xml'] - Error reading file 'my_movies.xml': failed to load external entity "my_movies.xml"

XML file invalid

Issue: The |Supvisors| XML rules file is syntactically incorrect.

Solution: Fix the |Supvisors| XML rules file syntax.

When the rules_files option is set with a file that is syntactically incorrect, the following log trace is displayed:

[bash] > supervisord -n
2022-11-18 19:26:34,713;INFO;Parser: parsing rules from my_movies.xml
2022-11-18 19:26:35,448;WARN;Supvisors: cannot parse rules files: ['my_movies.xml'] - expected '>', line 83, column 13 (my_movies.xml, line 83)


The XSD file :file:`rules.xsd` provided in the |Supvisors| package can be used to validate the XML rules files.

[bash] > xmllint --noout --schema rules.xsd my_movies.xml

No application declared

Issue: The |Supvisors| XML rules file has been parsed correctly but still no application in the menu of the Web UI.

Solution: For the |Supervisor| group name considered, make sure that an application element exists in a |Supvisors| XML rules file.

So considering this group definition in |Supervisor| configuration:


An application element has to be included in a |Supvisors| XML rules file to make it Managed and displayed in the Application menu of the |Supvisors| Web UI.

    <application name="my_movies"/>