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Parameters JS 🔑

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Simply manage url parameters.


npm install parameters-js


var Parameters = require('parameters-js');

var parameters = new Parameters(); = 2;
// => "post=2" = '10/12/1997';
// => "post=2&date=10%2F12%2F1997"

parameters.authors = [
    {name: 'Marie', country: 'England'},
    {name: 'Marc', country: 'France'}
// => "post=2&date=10%2F12%2F1997&authors[][name]=Marie&authors[][country]=England&authors[][name]=Marc&authors[][country]=France"

var otherParameters = new Parameters();
otherParameters.string = "post=2&date=10%2F12%2F1997&authors[][name]=Marie&authors[][country]=England&authors[][name]=Marc&authors[][country]=France";
// => Parameters {
//      post: '2',
//      date: '10/12/1997',
//      authors: [
//        {name: 'Marie', country: 'England'},
//        {name: 'Marc', country: 'France'}
//      ]
//    }


Kind: global class

new Parameters(...parameters)

Create a Parameters object.

Param Type Description
...parameters Object Same value as set's parameters.

parameters.keys : Array.<string>

The parameters keys.

Kind: instance property of Parameters
Read only: true

parameters.flattened : Array.<FlatParameter>

A flat array corresponding to the parameters. When set, the given flattened parameters array will be parsed to replace the current parameters.

Kind: instance property of Parameters

parameters.string : string

A string corresponding to the parameters, ready to be used in a url. When set, the given string will be parsed to replace the current parameters.

Kind: instance property of Parameters

parameters.inputs : FragmentDocument | NodeList | Array

A set of inputs corresponding the parameters. When set, the given inputs will be parsed to replace the current parameters.

Kind: instance property of Parameters

parameters.formData : FormData

A FormData corresponding to the parameters.

Kind: instance property of Parameters
Read only: true

parameters.form : HTMLFormElement | Element

A Form corresponding to the parameters. When set, the given form inputs be parsed to replace the current parameters.

Kind: instance property of Parameters

parameters.json : string

A json string corresponding to the parameters. When set, the given json string will be parsed to replace the current parameters.

Kind: instance property of Parameters

parameters.clone : Parameters

A clone of the current parameters.

Kind: instance property of Parameters
Read only: true

parameters.empty : boolean

true if no value different from null can be found in the parameters, false in the other case.

Kind: instance property of Parameters
Read only: true

parameters.any : boolean

Opposite of empty.

Kind: instance property of Parameters
Read only: true

parameters.toString() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: string - Value of string

parameters.set(...parameters) ⇒ Parameters

Set parameters.

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: Parameters - Itself.

Param Type Description
...parameters string | Object The parameters to set. If string given the assumed value will be null.

parameters.unset(...keys) ⇒ Parameters

Unset parameters.

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: Parameters - Itself.

Param Type Description
...keys Object The parameter keys to unset.

parameters.index(key, [callback]) ⇒ number

Looks for the index of the given key and call callback if it was found.

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: number - The index of the given key if it exists, null in the other case.

Param Type Description
key string The parameter key whose index your looking for
[callback] indexCallback The function to call if an index has been found for this key.

parameters.have(key, [callback]) ⇒ boolean

Checks that the given key exists and call a callback if it exists.

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: boolean - true if the key exists, false in the other case.

Param Type Description
key string The parameter key you want to check the existence.
[callback] haveCallback The function to call if the key exists.

parameters.each(callback) ⇒ Parameters

Iterates through parameters.

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: Parameters - Itself.

Param Type Description
callback eachCallback The function to call for each parameter. ⇒ Parameters

Iterates through parameters and replaces values.

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: Parameters - Itself.

Param Type Description
callback mapCallback The function to call for each parameter.

parameters.reset() ⇒ Parameters

Set all parameter values to null.

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: Parameters - Itself

parameters.clear() ⇒ Parameters

Removes all the parameters.

Kind: instance method of Parameters
Returns: Parameters - Itself

FlatParameter : Object

Kind: global typedef

Name Type Description
key string The flattened key of the parameter.
value string | number | boolean The value of the parameter

indexCallback : function

Kind: global typedef

Param Type Description
index number The index of the key.

haveCallback : function

Kind: global typedef

eachCallback ⇒ boolean

Kind: global typedef
Returns: boolean - If strictly equal to false, will stop iterating.

Param Type Description
key string The current key.
value * The current value.

mapCallback ⇒ *

Kind: global typedef
Returns: * - The value that will replace the current value.

Param Type Description
key string The current key.
value * The current value.




FlatParameter : Object
indexCallback : function
haveCallback : function


Simply manage url parameters.






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