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Task programming module with times or date, run a Task action for C# (.net core)


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Task scheduler

Task programming module with times or date, run a Task action for C# (.net core)

Everything is extensible to implement your own behavior and methods


PM> Install-Package SimplyTaskScheduler

How to use ?

Create a instance of ITaskScheduler, I advise you to create only one instance for the whole application

static ITaskScheduler taskScheduler;

static void Main(string[] args)
  Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
  taskScheduler = TaskSchedulerBuilder.CreateBuilder()

🛠️ Create a simple Task

static void NewTaskSimpleTaskArgs()
      string newTaskId = "";

      newTaskId = taskScheduler.TaskAdder
        .SetHours(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(20).TimeOfDay, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(50).TimeOfDay) //In 24hr format, it's for current Day
        .SetDay(DateTimeOffset.Parse("2020-07-16 16:00:00"), DateTimeOffset.Parse("2020-07-18 12:00:00")) //Or user DateTime for set with specific date. Do not use SetHours and SetDay at the same time !!!
        .SetAction(async (taskArg) =>
            var token = taskArg.CancellationToken.Token;
            int i = 0;
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
              await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), token);
              Console.WriteLine("Hello: " + i);
        .LinkFinishedStatus(taskArg => { Console.WriteLine($"Tâche: {taskArg.TaskId}, finished: {taskArg.Finished}"); })//Optional
        .LinkLaunchedStatus(taskArg => { Console.WriteLine($"Tâche: {taskArg.TaskId}, launched: {taskArg.Launched}"); })//Optional

🛠️ Create a simple Task with custom date (for unit test or other)

static void NewTaskSimpleTaskArgs()
      string newTaskId = "";

      DateTimeOffset dateNow = DateTimeOffset.ParseExact("2020-07-18 05:00:00", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

      newTaskId = taskScheduler.TaskAdder
        .SetHours(dateNow.AddMinutes(20).TimeOfDay, dateNow.AddMinutes(50).TimeOfDay)
        .SetTaskSchedulerDate(dateNow) // <---
        .SetAction(async (taskArg) =>
            var token = taskArg.CancellationToken.Token;
            int i = 0;
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
              await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), token);
              Console.WriteLine("Hello: " + i);
        .LinkFinishedStatus(taskArg => { Console.WriteLine($"Tâche: {taskArg.TaskId}, finished: {taskArg.Finished}"); })//Optional
        .LinkLaunchedStatus(taskArg => { Console.WriteLine($"Tâche: {taskArg.TaskId}, launched: {taskArg.Launched}"); })//Optional

🛠️ Create a simple Task with Payload

static void NewTaskSimpleTaskArgsWithPayload()
      string newTaskId = "";

      newTaskId = taskScheduler.TaskAdder
        .SetHours(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(20).TimeOfDay, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(50).TimeOfDay) //In 24hr format, it's for current Day
        .SetDay(DateTimeOffset.Parse("2020-07-16 16:00:00"), DateTimeOffset.Parse("2020-07-18 12:00:00")) //Or user DateTime for set with specific date. Do not use SetHours and SetDay at the same time !!!
        .SetAction(async (taskArg) =>
            var token = taskArg.CancellationToken.Token;
            int i = 0;
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
              await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), token);
              Console.WriteLine("Hello: " + i);
        .SetPayload(new MyCustomPayload { UserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Username = "Bob" })//Optional
        .LinkFinishedStatus(taskArg => { Console.WriteLine($"Tâche: {taskArg.TaskId}, finished: {taskArg.Finished}"); })//Optional
        .LinkLaunchedStatus(taskArg =>
              var taskArgWithPayload = taskArg.ConvertTaskArg<TaskArgWithPayload<MyCustomPayload>>(); //Convert TaskArg to payload object (MyCustomPayload) because is interface
              Console.WriteLine($"Tâche: {taskArg.TaskId}, launched: {taskArg.Launched}, user: {taskArgWithPayload.Payload.Username}");
  • The payload is just used to add additional information on the task, when you retrieve the task, more precisely the TaskArg you can access this information. You can for example put a name of a user there to know for whom the task was scheduled and launched

🛠️ Create a simple Task with Custom Arg

static void NewTaskWithCustomTaskArg()
      string newTaskId = "";

      newTaskId = taskScheduler.TaskAdder
        .SetHours(DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(20).TimeOfDay, DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(50).TimeOfDay) //In 24hr format, it's for current Day
        .SetDay(DateTimeOffset.Parse("2020-07-16 16:00:00"), DateTimeOffset.Parse("2020-07-18 12:00:00")) //Or user DateTime for set with specific date. Do not use SetHours and SetDay at the same time !!!
        .SetAction(async (taskArg) =>
            var token = taskArg.CancellationToken.Token;
            int i = 0;
            while (!token.IsCancellationRequested)
              await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), token);
              Console.WriteLine("Hello: " + i);
        .SetCustomTaskArg(new CustomTaskArgs { Username = "Bob", UserId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }) //Optional
        .LinkFinishedStatus(taskArg =>
              var taskArgWithPayload = taskArg.ConvertTaskArg<CustomTaskArgs>(); //Convert TaskArg to custom TaskArg object (CustomTaskArgs) because is interface
              Console.WriteLine($"Tâche: {taskArg.TaskId}, finished: {taskArg.Launched}, user: {taskArgWithPayload.Username}");
        .LinkLaunchedStatus(taskArg =>
              var taskArgWithPayload = taskArg.ConvertTaskArg<CustomTaskArgs>(); //Convert TaskArg to custom TaskArg object (CustomTaskArgs) because is interface
              Console.WriteLine($"Tâche: {taskArg.TaskId}, launched: {taskArg.Launched}, user: {taskArgWithPayload.Username}");
  • You can create your own TaskArg by implementing the ITaskArg interface on it.
  • If you want to add behavior related to your personal TaskArg such as for example getting tasks relative to a property in your personal TaskArg (you can also do this for the version with payload) you can create your own TaskScheduler by implementing the interface ITaskScheduler and add your methods

⚠️ Warning

  • Do not use SetHours and SetDay at the same time it is either one or the other
  • Do not use SetCustomTaskArg and SetPayload at the same time it is either one or the other
  • You can manage the timezone with SetTimezone, the create task will be created in relation to this timezone, if no timezone is specified, the timezone will be from the current system
  • SetAction must be a task action, you must put "async" if you put a synchronous action ("async" is required)
  • If you put an asynchronous action or a loop for SetAction, use the taskArg token as in the examples above, this will force the task to stop once the schedule has ended

For proper functioning do not use SetHours or do not put a Date + Add as the example above or best option is SetDay. Especially if you are using the timezone

LinkFinishedStatus and LinkLaunchedStatus

This is optional, you do not have to implement LinkFinishedStatus and LinkLaunchedStatus.

As for the examples below you can link to the change of status of Finished and Launched of the new task, you take action. Like sending a message when the task is finished (Launched = true => Launched = false == Send message).

The Finished status in TaskArg is there to inform if the task has been completed before the end of time (stopTime)

The Launched status in TaskArg is there to inform if the task is currently launched

Example Custom TaskArg AND Custom TaskScheduler

class CustomTaskArgs : ITaskArg
    private bool launched;
    private bool finished;

    public string TaskId { get;  set; }
    public CancellationTokenSource CancellationToken { get;  set; }
    public Func<ITaskArg, Task> Action { get;  set; }
    public TimeSpan? Timezone { get;  set; }
    public DateTimeOffset StartTime { get;  set; }
    public DateTimeOffset StopTime { get;  set; }
    public TaskTimeMode TaskTimeMode { get;  set; }
    public Timer StartTimer { get;  set; }
    public Timer StopTimer { get;  set; }
    public Action<ITaskArg> ActionWhenLaunchedChanged { get;  set; }
    public Action<ITaskArg> ActionWhenFinishedChanged { get;  set; }
    public DateTimeOffset? SchedulerDate {get;set;}

    public bool Launched
      get => launched;
        launched = value;
        if (ActionWhenLaunchedChanged != null)

    public bool Finished
      get => finished;
        finished = value;
        if (ActionWhenFinishedChanged != null)

    //...Your custom prop, field,...
    public string Username { get; set; }
    public string UserId { get; set; }
public class CustomTaskScheduler : ITaskScheduler
    public Dictionary<string, ITaskArg> Timers { get; private set; }

    private Action linkTasksLaunched;
    private Action linkTasksFinished;

    private TaskScheduler.Classes.TaskAdder taskAdder;
    public TaskScheduler.Classes.TaskAdder TaskAdder
          return taskAdder.CleanUp();

    public TaskScheduler.Classes.TimerCreator TimerCreator { get; private set; }
    public Options Options { get; private set; }

    public CustomTaskScheduler(Action linkTasksLaunched, Action linkTasksFinished)
        this.Timers = new Dictionary<string, ITaskArg>();
        this.SchedulerDateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now;
        this.defaultTimezone = DateTimeOffset.Now.Offset;
        this.TimerCreator = new TaskScheduler.Classes.TimerCreator(this);
        this.Options = new Options();
        this.linkTasksLaunched = linkTasksLaunched;
        this.linkTasksFinished = linkTasksFinished;
        this.taskAdder = new TaskScheduler.Classes.TaskAdder(this);

    public ITaskArg GetTasksArgWithId(string taskid)
        if (!VerifyTaskExistWithId(taskid))
            throw new Exception("This tasks with this id not exist in list");

        return this.Timers[taskid];

    // -> Custom implementation for get by Username with my CustomTaskArg
    // -> Use ConvertTaskArg extension methods to easily convert
    public List<ITaskArg> GetTasksArgWithUsername(string username) 
        return this.Timers.Values.Where(taskArg=> taskArg.ConvertTaskArg<CustomTaskArgs>().Username == username).ToList();

    public bool GetTasksLaunchedStatusWithId(string taskid)
        return GetTasksArgWithId(taskid).Launched;

    public bool GetTasksFinishedStatusWithId(string taskid)
        return GetTasksArgWithId(taskid).Finished;

    public bool VerifyTaskExistWithId(string taskid)
        return this.Timers.ContainsKey(taskid);

    public List<ITaskArg> GetAllTasks() => this.Timers.Values.ToList();

    public CancellationToken GetTaskToken(string taskid)
        return GetTasksArgWithId(taskid).CancellationToken.Token;
     public void StopAndDeleteAllTasks()
        if (this.Timers.Count != 0)
        this.Timers.Keys.ToList().ForEach(taskid => this.StopAndDeleteTask(taskid));

      public void StopAndDeleteTask(string taskId)
        if (!VerifyTaskExistWithId(taskId))
        throw new Exception("This tasks with this id not exist in list");

static ITaskScheduler taskScheduler;

static void Main(string[] args)
  Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
  taskScheduler = TaskSchedulerBuilder.CreateBuilder()
                .SetCustomTaskScheduler(new CustomTaskScheduler())

Stop and Delete tasks

Stop and Delete task with taskScheduler.StopAndDeleteTask(taskid) for one task

Stop and Delete tasks with taskScheduler.StopAndDeleteAllTasks() for all tasks in List


Task programming module with times or date, run a Task action for C# (.net core)







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